Thursday, June 29, 2006

National Guard, Do We Need Them?

I don't think we do. What we need, is for the police. To enforce the laws already on the books. The city of New Orleans, started what has turned into, what amounts to a trend. Everybody with a rising murder rate. Want to attack it, by bringing in the soldiers. The southern city of Jackson Miss., has already brought in the troops. To try and get a handle on crime. One thing we seem to be overlooking here. Is the fact that New Orleans, is no longer a predominately Black city. The National Guard was brought in to prove a point. The city of old will never be again. The first sign of the former atmosphere of crime. Is being stamped out, before it festers. This just further proves my earlier suspicions, regarding the rebuilding of New Orleans. It's definitely going to happen. Just not like everyone thinks.

Here in Memphis we are having a record breaking year. Not in something, that we should be proud of claiming. To date we have eighty-seven murders, in six months. If this doesn't slow down. At this rate, with summer just starting. The city may reach two hundred homicides this year. We have had a rash of innocent victims, many of them children. That's what has the people in a uproar. People still haven't been hardened to that point yet. Where they don't give lipservice to the babies. When something happens to the children, it pulls on Memphians heart strings. Often to the point of going too far. We have a tendency to let things slip under the rope, for the sake of the children. Once it's put into law, the benefits for the children somehow disappear. Hence the lottery and the proposed college scholarships. Now we have to pass legislation, for the children to get them. That's another subject though. Back to the assault on crime.

Some of us, don't want the soldiers to fight in wars. Which is what their duties entail. Why do we want to enact a police state here? I would bet many of these same people, are calling for the troops. If you have never been in a city under siege. You have no idea of what that's like. The closest I can remember was 38 years ago. When Martin Luther King Jr. was killed. When the troops come in, it's a last resort. What do you do after that? All of these shortsighted people, haven't thought about that. I know it can be a bitter pill to swallow, but "the good have to suffer, with the bad".


Blogger Blinders Off said...

Having the National Guard in NOLA is sending the wrong message. It is alarming other states are considering having the NG help patrol their streets. Are we in America? Using the NG in this capacity can turn seriously wrong.

9:28 PM  
Blogger Common said...


I think they are sending a message in New Orleans, that the rest of the predominately Black city's need to get. Decency is being divided down class lines. Trouble isn't going to be able to afford to reside, in certain places. I would like to live in a area like that. All those they don't get with the finances, they'll get with the forces.

12:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We're going backwards. That reminds me of the sixties. Next we'll be seeing the dogs.

2:00 PM  
Blogger Common said...


I don't think it's going to materialize.

2:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only thing that's changed so far. Is the number of deaths we have.

5:34 PM  
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