Saturday, December 02, 2006

Just Doing What They Do

The people kill me with all these double standards. How can voters complain about these two councilmen taking money? When they elected Steve Cohen to congress. The voters knew these guys past, and they still reelected them overwhelmingly. Ricky Peete was convicted of taking bribes. Edmund Ford, supposedly had a drug problem. They both got so many votes. It's like they ran unopposed. Perry Steele campaigned religiously against Edmund Ford, and still didn't get 2000 votes. Edmund Ford visited a couple of churches, hugged some of the sisters. It was a done deal. I don't even remember who ran against Ricky Peete. He won by a landslide. Now voters are crying about corruption. Mr.Ford and Mr. Peete. They're just making it do what it do.

As far as this accusation of taking pennies. If it doesn't cause a problem. I'll gladly take that change. Bill Gates himself would accept $3000, and he's the worlds richest man. With all these bankruptcies and foreclosures in Memphis. If you can't use it, give it away. You're bound to know somebody in need. If you can't use it yourself. Everytime a drug dealer makes a sale, do you suppose he makes $3000? I don't think he does. Not a dealer here in Memphis anyway. If they do, they have been in the game for a while. If we called their name. Some of us would recognize them. At least here in Memphis. If they haven't been around, they won't be out there long. Somebody will pick them off. Out of pure jealousy. Most of us take, or have taken chances for a whole lot less. Some people put their life on the line. Every time they go to work. Policemen, firemen and teachers to name a few. According to some of the complaints I hear. Many citizens work for 40 hrs. a week, for an entire month. And don't make that much money. This isn't the first time for either of them. This time they just got caught.

And as far as anybody that's on the take. There's no honor among thieves. I heard all that about "snitches get stitches". That's just a bunch of crap. The people that buy into that, end up getting stitches anyway. Just those obtained for a less honorable reason. When a crook is faced with time or telling. Which one do you think they're going to choose? I hope your freedom doesn't depend on it, but if it does. I'll see you when you get out.


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