
Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Memphis Talk Radio

This post is in regards to the deterioration, of fomerly one of the midsouths' most informative talkshows. The Janis Fullilove show. These days intelligent comments usually get attacked by the dogs, or those karate chops. She has the same old tired callers all the time. Those weak impressionable minds. It's become a one dimensional show. You agree with Janis,or you don't call. She has political pondents that never picked a winner. She hasn't given facts since Fullilove unleashed. She now lets her biases, cloud her reasoning. She sticks with her clique no matter what. Everybody in the Tennessee waltz,is a Fullilove friend. Had she had an office,she would've been indicted too.

Black leadership doesn't mean pro-black. I agree with Janis,we don't need a recall. We need to do it at voting time, in the voting booth. If we need to do it at all ? I think some of these people only want a recall. To avoid a loosing campaign at the polls. Fifty thousand signatures don't represent the majority of voters in Memphis. This city boasts nearly 700 thousand people. Except those citizens in disagreement with the mayors policies,fifty thousand signatures is just a drop in the bucket. They know they can't win by choice. They want to do it by force. I like Janis as a talkshow host,but that's about it. A couple of weeks ago, they( Janis & Kenneth Whalum) were vying for the same office. Now they've both lost,they've joined forces. I think we should leave her on the radio,and out of politics.