
Monday, November 28, 2005

Who Is Bill Dunn ?

I didn't want to just leave the question hanging. I asked this after I was told it wasn't the columist Jackson Baker. I think at some point this name will come back up. This whole recall thing reeks of Republican influence. If not Bill Dunn himself, for sure it's someone with Republican ties. This is an article telling who Bill Dunn is :

Bill Dunn, House Republican Leader

Tennessee House Republicans selected Bill Dunn of Knoxville as their new leader. (More from Rep. Stacey Campfield and Adam Groves). This is a very good development for the GOP in general and conservatives in particular. In these times of sorely deficient ethics, Republicans will have a man of sterling character speaking for them on these critical issues. Dunn is one of the most principled and honest people walking the face of the earth. He speaks with authority and even those who vehemently disagree with his political views appreciate his candor and sincerity. Tre' Hargett left some big shoes to fill but Dunn will do it well.
A few things to watch for under Leader Dunn:
Caucus leaders have traditionally been appointed to the Finance, Ways and Means Committee and Bill Dunn is uniquely qualified to serve there. When I worked in the legislature, I would often wander up to Rep. Dunn's office in the midst of a late night's work. He would be there munching on peanut butter sandwiches with a Comptroller's audit of some obscure government agency in hand. He knows where every wasted dollar in state government is and watching him grill administration officials during budget hearings will be a sight to behold.
Many of the RINO's in the caucus have to see the handwriting on the wall with the election of one of the original conservatives as their leader. They'll be forced to change their ways or opt for their state pension. A good thing for sure.
Will Dunn be a leader around whom conservative activists can coalesce and swing key elections? I think so. And if they win enough of those elections we'll have Speaker Dunn. Talk about a sight to behold.
Leader Dunn has never had to raise much money and that will be a primary task in his new capacity. Will he be able to raise the vast sums of cash necessary to win the aforementioned elections? I think that's a skill he can pick up but it remains to be seen.
How will Jimmy Naifeh respond to Leader Dunn? My impression has been that Naifeh had a good deal of respect for Dunn despite their vast political differences. But remember that for many years the only person in the House that refused to vote for Naifeh as the Speaker was Bill Dunn. Naifeh's preferred mode of operation in the face of opposition is to cut a deal or to strong arm. Bill Dunn doesn't make deals and he won't be strong armed. This relationship will be fun to watch and a primer in politics.
Another interesting relationship will be Dunn's with Caucus Chairman Charles Sargent of Williamson County. They have remarkably different styles but they share one common trait -- strong wills. There will doubtless be some friction but they are united in their goal of a Republican majority and any headbutting will be behind closed doors. A unified front is all the public will see.
As the Republican Leader, Dunn will now have a weekly breakfast meeting with Gov. Bredesen and other legislative leaders. I'd love to be a fly on that wall.
Whatever unfolds in the coming session, this much we know -- dull moments are done, er, Dunn. What are your thoughts on the new Republican Leader? The comments section eagerly awaits your opinion.


  1. I put that bait out there, in the other blog. I find it strange that none of the fish have nipped.Maybe they see the hook.
