
Sunday, January 01, 2006

Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

The congressional Black Caucus is holding back. It is said that they raised $400,000 for hurricane Katrina relief, but have yet to give any of the money to the evacuees. These are the people in position, who are so critical of the governments response time. While they themselves have offered nothing but lip service. The catastrophe in New Orleans, was the first of it's kind. It's not like we had a blueprint or example to go by, everyone kind of played it by ear. The response time may have not been the best, but we don't have anything with which to compare.

That's like the entertainers who criticize the administration. If they really wanted to do something substantial they could. It would be interesting to note just how much they have given toward relief. A couple of the local New Orleans rappers, own airplanes and helicopters. At least Oprah Winfrey and a few others like her. They got their hands dirty, in addition to financial help. Instead of spending exorbitant amounts of cash, on whimsical things for themselves. Don't leave out groups like the Nation Of Islam, and the NAACP to name a few. Instead of contributing money, to the defense fund of a dead person (Tookie Williams). They should be leading the way to help those that are still alive. Those people they have so vociferousuly labeleled as victims of the government.

It's easy to say what someone else should have done, or even what they should do now. I know the government should be the primary source of relief. Having said that, they're not the only one. That doesn't excuse the rest of us, from looking out for one another. Some people talk such a good game. If they would just "put their money where their mouth is", it would go a long way.