
Sunday, December 18, 2005

Reginald French, Is A Politician, But Not A Sheriff

I had the opportunity to hear an interview given by Reginald French. I noticed he didn't say anything about running for sheriff. He is presently the chairman of the Alcohol Commission. I would consider that a very political job in itself. You are bound to meet connected individuals, in a business setting like that. I don't really know what to call him, he's had so many jobs. His primary job is being the Mayors sidekick. Not a bad position for a young Black man in Memphis.He is a locally born and bred product. Which is a plus in itself. Considering the brightest star on the political horizon, never resided in the city of Memphis. It gives his political aspirations an aire of credibility. There may really be a desire to serve the people he grew up with. He noted his favorite job, was the "Mayors Action Center". A job that would allow you to intermingle with citizens, and handle their complaints. I think this young man has clearly prepared himself for a career in Memphis politics.

One thing I find refreshing about Mr. French though. He has come up through the local ranks. The job he holds now, plus several other administrative positions he has held. Even though they were all appointed positions. It serves as experience, just the same.I have followed Mr. French since his days of filing a suit for discrimination, against the Bartlett police department. I don't know if that was politically motivated or not.As usual, like anything racial in Memphis. It gained local news coverage. The next thing I know. Every time you saw Mayor Herenton, you saw Reginald French. His association with the mayor has allowed him to build quite an impressive resume.

The job of sheriff is a specialized position. I don't think that's a good place to start a political career. Even if he does read fifteen newspapers a day, that's not like having hands on experience.Personally I am pleased with the job, Sheriff Luttrell has done. I don't think we need to elect a sheriff because we like him. We need someone who can do the job.


  1. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Does he really read fifteen newspapers a day?
