
Saturday, December 10, 2005

Shep Close Shop


I just read a very interesting article in the Memphis Flyer, about former Juvenile court clerk Shep Wilbun. After reading a long evasive explanation given by Shep Wilbun himself. It helped me to finally come to a conclusion myself. Mr. Wilbun was guilty in my opinion. Since he has gotten away (charges dismissed), he would serve himself better in my opinion. By just not saying anything about it. With the issue in question. He clearly took matters into his own hands. Which was unethical at best, if not illegal. I think it was probably both. The fact that the charges were dropped, doesn't mean he was innocent. The whole concept of plea bargaining. Which is how 80% of cases, in this city are handled. Has made a travesty of the American justice system.

The problem here is, he may be partially telling the truth. There may very well have been forces working against him from the start. One thing I find strange. After the damage was done, they just left it alone. The problem is, from what I see. He gave them all the ammunition they needed, to hold him over the fire. Whether he was guilty or not ,they created suspicion. With his help I might add. I don't accept this poplar defense, " everyone else is doing it". In this city that isn't necessarily a deal breaker though. He might still get elected to public office. I have never seen so many non-believers, ready to exercise Christian forgiveness. When it comes to criminals of the same race. A blow to the head hurts, regardless who does it. Wrong follows wrong, what goes around comes around.

If I were close to you, I'd say stop while you're ahead. But I'm one of convictions and principles. I say if you can't do it right, don't do it at all. That's not the mark of a good politician unfortunately. If you take a look around at the Memphis political scene. A prospective candidate might just say "what the heck". No one else is running, "I might as well". We have convicted criminals running. Not to mention drug abusers, and alcoholics. I know the pickings look easy. If I were Shep Wilbun. I wouldn't heed that call. Take my advice,"Shep close shop".


  1. Anonymous2:33 PM

    I like Shep, he's the best we have.

    2:45 PM
