
Friday, December 02, 2005

Wanda Halbert, Not A Good Choice

As I stated earlier, personally I like Wanda Halbert. I think her heart is in the right place but that doesn't get the job done. I don't think she is a leader though. She is much more effective in a supportive capacity in my opinion. Where she doesn't have the final say. I have watched her handling of various issues on the school board as board president. She is skilled at evading questions, that's for sure. But in Memphis we don't need anymore of that. Something about her demeanor, just doesn't command respect. With the attitudes and work ethic already at Juvenile court. We don't need someone like Ms. Halbert at the head. The former director had a lapse in that department himself. He was to busy politicking and trying to uncover the powers before him, he slacked on the job he was elected for. Shep Wilbun was exonerated, but that doesn't mean he was innocent. That's water under the bridge though, the charges were dropped. I just wanted to point out the troubles that have already plagued the administration.

I think Juvenile court needs to do major work on its image. From the inside out including customer service. First by working on becoming more expeditious. The process is entirely to slow. Juvenile court shouldn't be a negative experience, for everyone that has dealings with them, like it is now. I don't think Wanda Halbert has the personality needed to turn things around. I understand her wanting to move beyond the school board, but this is not the ticket. It's a full-time job, with part-time pay. Anyone serving on that board, is doing the community a favor. If they are on the up and up and not taking bribes. They don't get paid for all they do. We only pay them $5000 per yr., but depend on them to make million dollar decisions.

I have noticed several people express their desire to serve the people. Yet they only seek positions of an administrative nature, where they have little if any effect on day to day policy. If you really want to serve the people, the best place is the city council. The problem with that is, it doesn't pay a whole lot. I guess from her perspective, there couldn't be a better time to run than now. Looking at the mindset of the voters, why not? Based on some of the results of elections lately. Strike while the iron is hot. There seems to be an atmosphere conducive to putting inexperienced, unethical people in office. It would seem your record would be more closely scrutinized than ever. Especially if you have been part of a team often labeled and shown to be incompetent. No one seems to want to start there, but I think she should run for the city council.


  1. Anonymous5:53 PM

    I support Shep Wilbun he found my money.

  2. She ran and she won overwhelmingly.
