
Saturday, January 21, 2006

Caught Up In The Mix

I think this lady ( Ms. Vatricia Mckinney) has gotten caught up, in the middle of something she knows absolutely nothing about. It was business as usual to her, someone else just jumped on a moving train. She dosen't have the power or sophistication to put together something like this. How is it possible that someone, could be on a taxpayer funded retreat. And not think that they had to report the trip. Either the rules had to be slack. Or the offender had to be dense. I can't totally discount the ignorance of people who commit crimes. Sometimes it amazes me how blatant and bold lawbreakers are.

This lady wouldn't have did what she did , if it wasn't common practice. How did the sister (Ms. Mary Mclatcher) come in and just start to work without training. She had done it , or at least seen it done before. Let's be honest here, you don't get the best qualified. When the job is semi-annual at best. We never think about the election commission , until there is a dispute. I have went to the polls and seen the incompetence. I'm not surprised, that stuff like this is happening. We have developed an attitude of entitlement , that premeates public service in this town. One thing I noticed is, this lady is totally dependent on city gratuities. She lives in Public housing, she is a resident official. She works for the election commission, and probably something else.

I'm not defending her,because Ms. Mckinney was wrong. Whatever the penalty for her actions. I think it should be applied liberally. When it comes to the law, ignorance is not an excuse. Though that might be the case, they still have to pay.