
Tuesday, February 07, 2006

I Am Redeemed

I gained a new found respect, for Bill Clinton today. His main point was, he has been redeemed in the eyes of the lord. I have never heard him publicly state his repentance. He has never admitted that he lied. Many didn't seem to get that from his message, I did. Wouldn't you know the majority of Blacks missed that point. The same president that has gone down in history, for his immorality. He let it be known to those who listened, you can't excuse my iniquities. Even if it's in your wishes. Regardless whether we as a people, forgive him or not. It's not in the hands of man, it's left up to God. He is not the same person, he was different man then. I think the former president has realized, there is a higher power to which he has to answer.

I like the way he challenged Black Fulton county residents. It has the highest percentage of Black millionaires in the country. To all the Black millionaires sitting in the audience, and watching on television. The Martin Luther King Center For Social Change" is in financial trouble. Do you think Eddie Longs church will sponsor the center? Based on the way the crowd applauded, when he got up to speak. I would expect to hear more about his speech. Being that it called for people to follow the true King legacy. It won't get much media coverage. I can't remember exactly what the president said. I remember one word distinctly. It's ironic I heard a sermon the next day, that fitted his speech perfectly. It was written in scripture like this:

Isaiah 44:22 I have blotted out, as a thick cloud, thy transgressions, and, as a cloud, thy sins: return unto me; for I have redeemed thee.


  1. Anonymous12:29 PM

    I hear you, I caught that too. I was glad he said it because I liked him.

  2. Anonymous12:31 PM


    It looked like he was playing politics to me. Why was Hillary there?

  3. Fred,
    One of his better speeches has gone largely unnoticed.

  4. Anonymous 10:31

    I don't think America is ready for a woman President. Not even Hillary Clinton.
