
Friday, February 17, 2006

Islam Is Not A Peaceful Religion

I was reading an article in today's local newspaper. That denounced the activity of Muslims reaction, to the Islamic cartoons. People are being killed daily, and structures destroyed. I was once told that Muslims don't speak against each other regardless. Up until reading this particular story. I hadn't seen them prove that saying wrong. They were saying they abhorred the violent actions of some, but understood their being upset.To the point of them understanding why it was happening. Wait a minute, hold your horses.What kind of reasoning is that? I am a Christian, but I wouldn't condone murder by other Christians under any circumstance.That falls under the category of tacit approval.To not come out against this abhorrent behavior, is just like doing it yourself.If you know someone is committing terrorism in the name of Allah. If you remain quiet, you're as bad as they are.

The doctrine differs depending, on to whom you're talking. One argument is that no one has ever seen the Prophet Muhammad. That's a new one on me, I never heard that before. Some people came to the knowledge via Wallace Farad Muhammad, in the early nineteen thirties. There have been attempts to separate the major factions, from what they call Black Muslims.Then we have the Sunnis and the Shites, which depends largely on where you live. I have read in the Quran, where followers are instructed to destroy the infidel. That's those who don't believe as them. Every true Muslim should know this. During the month of Ramadan, they must read the entire Quran. Those in our society if true, are just going along to get along. Would they behave differently, if given the opportunity for an Islamic state? How do they really feel about stoning someone to death, and cutting off peoples head as punishment? If you're not against them,you're for them. If one follows Islam as written. It is not a peaceful religion.


  1. Anonymous9:58 PM

    That's what got this stuff started in the first place. A year later a Muslim might read this message, and go out and kill somebody.
