
Wednesday, February 01, 2006

The Judge Has Spoken

Judge Bernice Donalds long awaited decision came down, at 3pm as promised. She rejected the injunction by Ms. Ford, and those voters that joined her. Who claimed their voting rights were violated. The decision now goes back to the state senate. Where it is likely Ms. Ophelia Ford, will be strippeed of her seat. The judge included safeguards though, not allowing the senate to make a partisan decision. Republicans have the majority seats, in the house. If they were left unchecked. They would kick her out, simply for the seat. The Judges order requires, they prove the votes should be disqualified. Right now there are only two votes in question. That's not enough, to turn the election around. In the war itself, the Roland camp has won this battle.


  1. Anonymous5:48 AM

    ONLY 2 VOTES IN QUESTION? Exactly which planet are you on?

    Back to earth . . . the media has been reporting 10 illegal votes for days - predictions of more to come.

    So, Republican senators would throw Ophelia out just to gain control of another seat. Hardly - that's a stretch.

    Do you really think this election exemplifies any hint of fairness?

    This MESS is the result of the disgraceful actions by some dishonest "election officials" who will, hopefully, be prosecuted to the furthest extent of the law. Perhaps a few years behind bars will teach them about honesty.

    You profess to be a Christian on your other blog where you discuss your Sunday School lessons. My Christian church preaches honesty and integrity. Maybe you should come on over . . .

  2. Buddy,

    The illegal votes you're talking about, haven't been proven. The only thing we know for sure, is two dead people voted. You say the senate wouldn't do it, to gain a seat. You obviously aren't a politician, or Christian either. Many of them have already admitted as much. They couldn't wait, to throw Ophelia Ford out. Had it not been for the Judges ruling. If they proved the ten, that still wouldn't be enough. She won by thirteen votes. If you were a Christian man. You would be quicker to listen, and slower to speak. I have never said the election was fair. I just think candidate Terry Roland, is responsible for this mess. I profess to be a Christian, everywhere I go. I'm not offended by what you say though.If you have a problem with my doctrine, address it on that blog. I hope you show more knowledge there, than you have here.

  3. Anonymous3:01 PM

    I think they should have the election over again.

  4. Anonymous12:24 PM

    This buddy guy hits and runs. He never comes back and follows his statements up.
