
Sunday, February 12, 2006

Nothing Left To Be Said

I expressed my displeasure with Rev. Lowery's comments earlier, much to the dismay of some people. I am pleased to discover, that it seems widespread. The majority appear to agree with my assesment. Some people dislike President Bush so much, they disregard decency. As someone who is considered as a religious leader. Rev. Joseph Lowery should be one to rise above this type behavior. I found it disheartening that he acted the way he did at Mrs. Kings funeral. At first I thought he might have gotten caught up, in the moment. They were in front of a huge crowd. That always seems to happen when people get in front of the camera. I later got information to lead me to believe it was planned. I noticed several notable activist, didn't speak at the funeral service. This didn't just happen, it was by design. The President was asked to be there. Certain people were not. Steps were taken, to make him feel welcome. That type of behavior wasn't expected.

I was glad to hear the family publicly apologize, for the actions of some. They puposely asked certain people not to come. To prevent these type of outbursts from happening. To have someone slip under the ropes, was a shame but it happened. Coretta Scott King wasn't a rebel. To convey her memory as such, is a contradiction to her life. Just like when Martin Luther King Jr. died, they used it as an excuse to riot. Rev. Lowery and people like President Jimmy Carter, made spectacles of themselves. Until calmer heads prevail, we can't turn this thing around. How do you expect the students to learn, when the teachers don't know.