
Thursday, February 23, 2006

Perennial Political Protestors

Our city is being besieged by an onslaught, of what President Bush calls defeatist. There are those who don't honestly seek solutions, to the country's problems. In our case in Memphis, the problems of our city. Instead they find fault in every thing that's done. It sounds a lot like, the Democratic party these days. The ignorance must be contagious. Though they don't make up the majority. There is a significant number of this breed. Enough to create unnecessary problems. And waste useful , valuable time. Not to mention taxpayer dollars. In most cases , if given the uninterrupted opportunity to voice their complaints. Their frustrations with administration, are usually unwarranted. They are biased in their complaints at best. Everytime anything comes up, you already know where they stand. On the opposite side, of whoever is in authority. I appreciate the freedom of assembly and free speech. But where do we draw the line?

When we look around the world, we see there is clearly a place for protest. Unfortunately people refuse to treat other people fairly, without being coerced. It comes as a result of human nature. If you put two people together on an island, one is going to seek to dominate the other. The laws of nature dictate that the strong survive. We are blessed to live in a country, where everyone survives. Not on the same level , but even the weak are given a fighting chance. In America even the poor, are accustomed to a decent standards of living. If a person doesn't eat regularly and have a roof over their head. It's probably a personal thing, or either temporary. Nationally and Locally, if we didn't live in the best place in the world. You wouldn't be allowed to protest or publicly complain. When we abuse our right to challenge the system. After a while, it becomes like the boy who cried wolf. Nobody is listening, because you're saying nothing new. Just complaining as usual, same old soup reheated.


  1. Anonymous10:27 PM

    Now that I am out I don't think I won't to go back in!

    I am going to enjoy coming to your site and give my opinion.

  2. I look forward to it.

  3. Anonymous7:58 PM

    I think they like you on the recall blog.

  4. Anonymous 5:58,

    They don't like me enough, not to delete my post.

  5. Anonymous1:52 PM

    It looks like you were right.

  6. Anonymous4:45 PM

    He has written another post asking the same question again.

  7. Anonymous 2:45,

    I see he still hasn't responded, to the answers yet. At first he accused me of attacking him personally. Then I started making copies of what I wrote. He just keeps packing useless articles, on top of what I said. Trying to avoid the truth.

  8. Anonymous10:32 PM

    What is the recall blog?

  9. Kevin,

    The recall blog, is the Thaddeus Matthews blog.He is the name put out front.

  10. Add Shep Wilbun to the list.
