
Monday, February 13, 2006

Somewhat Silent Partners

Someone who hasn't revealed themselves, is behind this recall petition to remove Mayor Herenton. Political insider Del Gill was instrumental, in the beginning of this drive. He was hiding his identity, and calling himself Bill Dundee. Once he was discovered, it took the shine away. He has been quiet lately,hiding in the background. If in fact, he really is the man behind the scenes. I think he's waiting to see how this thing turns out. In case it blows up, in their face. He won't have his name attached to a failure. He better hurry up though, the spotlight will be taken. His partner is a glory hound. Thaddeus Matthews doesn't have a choice. Whether this thing wins or loses, he's in for the longhaul. Everytime this thing comes up, you hear his name or see his face. If he doesn't have to, he won't share the bounty. Take a look at his track record, we'll see if he's changed his ways. That will probably be the first sign of trouble in the "Operation Fedup" camp. I don't understand why this recall petition is being given , all this unwarranted media attention. If the people are as excited about this thing, as the supporters pretend. There is no need for the added publicity. Word of mouth should be spreading like wildfire. I don't think it's getting the response from the voters, that was expected.

The story in the Commercial Appeal, didn't say anything we haven't already heard. We were aware of Mr. Matthew's felony convictions, and his racy radio career. The only thing different was the spiced up interviews that were added. This time they included Janis Fullilove, former radio talkshow hostess. And County Commisioner John Willingham. A former city mayoral candidate. Janis Fullilove had some very poignant things to say about Mr. Matthews. Though they were once political allies, so to speak. She supports Mayor Herenton, over Thaddeus. It's a career move, on her part. I'm not a supporter of her recent politics, but she's right about this. John Willingham a Republican , didn't say much of anything. He just added fluff to the article. If anything, he just added an air of credibility for the Whites. Notice the majority of those who attended the meeting. I feel like him or someone close to him, is at the bottom of this thing. The Commercial Appeal, is indirectly dumming this community down. By suggesting they read something, even they label as gossip. The people of Memphis have enough misinformation already. By doing so, they are adding fuel to the fire. Somebody not Thaddeus Matthews, just won't let this thing die. Along with his help. Instead of letting the people take this to the next phase. They keep throwing it up in our face. To have this thing keep coming up makes me wonder. Who is this throwing rocks, and hiding their hands?


  1. Anonymous12:09 PM

    I tend to agree with you. I saw some of your post on his blog. I saw how you got banned from the site. He doesn't want you there, because you tell the truth.

  2. Anonymous 10:09,
    I decided to use my radio handle, since it's so familiar. I tried to avoid the negative feedback, I receive from Democratic Blacks. By using another name.I gues you can't disguise the truth.

  3. Anonymous4:22 PM

    The petition is gathering support according to Thaddeus. I see mostly whites on the pictures.

  4. Paul,

    Thaddeus is a liar. The recall is no big deal, just like the park issue. If it meant so much,where were the voters on election day? This is a free country, you can say what you want to. You can't force others to agree though.I'm not scared, and I'm not stupid.I just don't agree with the recall.

  5. For Others,

    What was supposed to connect me to Hard Truth? I used the name 'Common' because evidently it gains attention. It has people blogging about me. Where I don't even visit.

  6. Anonymous4:04 PM

    I don't see what Fat Boy is talking about either. Maybe he needs some new glasses. Those look real thick.

  7. Anonymous7:15 PM

    if the petition is approved by the 'lection commission, it wouldn't be that hard to get 70,000 signatures to throw herenton out on his ear. the only problem is, who will replace him?
    stupid thaddues hasn't thought that far ahead. the recall will not solve anything and could possilby make things worse.
