
Monday, February 27, 2006

Thumbs Down For The Recall

In am surprised at the media attention, this recall petition is getting. I'm not playing the race card, as I'm sure I'll be accused of doing. Just take notice where the campaign is centered. In the settled part ,of White East Memphis. Poplar and Highland, is in City Councilwoman Carol Chumney's district. One of the mayors most vocal opponents, on the city council. She ran on the platform, of making a change in the administration. It soon became evident she couldn't do anything by herself. I think she has aspirations, of being the Mayor of Memphis.

When you ask the average protestor why he dislikes the mayor? They don't have a legitimate complaint. They cry about the high taxes in the city, and the services that have been cut. The city has only had, three tax increases in fifteen years. The county has an increase every year. Why didn't anyone want to investigate the financial books, when Jim Rout was the county mayor. He spent $10,000 of taxpayer money, on his daughters wedding. It didn't come to the public attention, until after he retired from office. Do you think Mayor Herenton, could have gotten away with that? Everything this man does, has been gone over with a fine toothed comb. If he had done anything, it would have been discovered by now. The FBI has been watching this man for several years. They have caught everyone around him, that was dirty. Look at former Mayor Campbell of Atlanta, and the Tennessee waltz scandals respectively. The bait was there in both cases, the mayor just didn't bite. I know the organizers of the recall are chomping at the bit, hoping the FBI finds something. If they hadn't discovered anything yet. I would be willing to bet, they'll just be waiting.

If this was based on valid complaints, I would feel differently. This Recall Petition,Charter Commission and even the Ophelia Ford case, are simply attempts to override the peoples vote. These are plans devised by the minority of voters (White), to circumvent the choices of the majority voters (Black). They are trying to accomplish something in the courts, they can't do in the voting booths. If their position is right, the race doesn't matter to me personally. I spoke with someone earlier today, who is collecting signatures for the recall. He won't meet with White people though. Does that make sense? I'm not so optimistic, that I'm not realistic. I know race oriented issues, when I see them. We live in the only city in America, that has duplicate governments. The city and county administrations do the same thing. The residents of the county pay one, residents of the city pay two. That's the basis of the city's problems. This I see as a last ditch effort, to hold on to the past. Some traditions need to be discontinued, they were always wrong. For that we need a recall, but the citizens of Memphis aren't ready. Recalling Mayor Herenton won't change anything.


  1. Bishop,

    Thaddeus is being used. I heard Mayor Herenton's original speech, to the "People's Convention" in 1990. I don't blame the Whites that remember that speech, for disliking the Mayor. He made some disparaging statements. Thank God, he didn't back up his promises. What has happened is, those statements have come back to haunt him.

  2. Anonymous4:49 PM

    I support the recall. This city is falling apart. Let's start with removing the mayor. Then we can move to the city council.

  3. Anonymous6:18 PM

    The supporters of Wee Willie are running scared.

  4. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Bishop I see you found a home. Stay over here, we don't miss you.

  5. Bishop,

    A lot of them are reading they just aren't posting. They already know the skinny. That rhetoric doesn't go unchecked over here. Have you heard the latest news?

  6. Anonymous7:19 PM

    I am a transplant here in Tennessee and I agree with some of what you said Common. I can only comment on what I have seen since coming here to TN.

    Willie Herenton is arrogant and displayed incompetence when he did not fire Joseph Lee. He displayed his ass getting Joseph Lee the position at MLGW. Joseph Lee was the city Finance Director, he knew the city was fiscally unstable for how long the city was fiscally unstable NONE of us know.

    Willie Herenton lied and made a gentlemen agreement with the council not to expose the true shape of Memphis until after council elections. As for as the recall I agree with (But the wrong messenger is leading it)

    Concerned citizens need to remind politicians who they work for. I do not care if they put him back in, but a message need to be sent.

    If anyone is interested NO I did not sign the petition because I do not live in the city, but if I did I would have signed it.

    Bishop, I respect your opinion and I hope you respect mine, we do not need to have ignorant dialouge like they do on T. Matthews blog. That is the reason I don't post there.

  7. Anonymous12:39 AM

    hey guys......just for a quick visit from "T's" place ..........zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz common no one is here because its BORING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Ladybug,

    Just as I thought, a refugee from Thaddy Dadddy's site. If you like over there, you probably wouldn't like over here. We deal with facts not rumors. You have to know how to read also. I didn't invite you anyway, but since you came. Comment on the subject. If you have an answer. You will have outdone all your other co-horts. Otherwise land back over there, before you're crushed like the bug you are.

  9. Anonymous12:13 PM

    I'm not a supporter of Herenton, let's be real though. This blog runs circles around Thaddeus. In more ways than one. If you want to bash black officials, you know where to go. If you want a decent discussion, you come here. Thinking like that Ladybug keeps people from taking us serious.

  10. Anonymous6:12 AM

    Ladybug you made Samantha's point. I bet you don't see it. Listen to youself for a change, not somebody else.

  11. Anonymous11:31 AM

    sorry for triple posting...but i guess my point needed to be heard.

  12. Anonymous11:44 AM

    question....if we had only one black physican in memphis and he has a record of gross malpractice against his patients, whom most are black. but he was the first black doctor in memphis to have his own practice. would you endanger your mother or better yet, your children's lives? just to patronize him simply because he is the first black? or would you consistently hold him to the standards that all physicans answer's something called a hypocratic oath. well willie took an oath to represent the people and the city of memphis. HE HAS TO BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE. if he felt that things were getting out of control then he should have done the sensible thing....RESIGN AND TAKE HIS CRONIES WITH HIM. all persons voted in office by the constituents who believed in them deserve the truth. and they furthermore deserve to have a shameless, arrogant, ignorant mayor RECALLED!!!!!!!!! willie is finally gonna get the cover of the commercial appal(yeah i meant that) being escorted out of city hall with hand cuffs....holla back.

  13. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Ladybug, I'm for the recall like you. But it has nothing to do with him doing the job. He has done more than anybody else before him. Wyeth Chandler was a alcoholic, and a womanizer. And he was married, and a judge. I just personally don't like the man, for my own reasons. It's not racial in the sense it's being portrayed. If you don't like him just say that, and leave it alone. Real people can respect that.

  14. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Just because you make a lot of noise, don't mean you're saying anything.

  15. Anonymous3:03 PM

    macon....see me, it's all professional. nothing personal. im not ashamed to say i voted for him once or twice, hell i even contributed to his campaign when he came to mississippi blvd when it was on raines and neely. but the dr herenton then is now, someone who has turned ugly. ever heard the saying......we often turn into the person we set out to destroy. well willie has certainly turned into a power hungry monster. holla back

  16. Anonymous3:05 PM

    anon 1158....what the fizzle are u saying? dont u know boy, that an empty wagon makes a lot of noise.....down boy, u dont want none of me.....holla back....but dont come back anonymous cause i wont respond. common wants us to be proper over here. :)

  17. Ladybug,

    If I was a stickler for things being proper, you wouldn't be here.You're about as out-of-line as they come. We only thought you were stupid at first, then you opened your mouth and proved it.If you live in a subdivision where you are the only Black. It's because no one else, wants to live there. Not to say that it's bad. You probably live in a trailer park. I think you're lying about your child, being the only Black child in his school. If you're telling the truth. What difference does it make. All the Branch Davidians were White also.What school does he go to. The only way that's possible you do homeschooling. Don't insult our intelligence. This isn't Thaddeus's site. What Common wants over here, is simply the truth.

  18. Anonymous12:16 PM

    common, my dear
    i am telling the truth. the school is fayette academy. post my apology. the diff that it makes is, if you could only imagine life being this good and peaceful. as long as i breathe i dont want to live in or near the 'hood again. can u honestly blame a sista for that. i also dont want the good folk who keep up their property to move. that is why i dont have company. cause once somebody finds out where you they come. and before you know it ...the birth of another ghetto

  19. Anonymous12:18 PM

    plus, common u know that you like me coming here, creating debate. i respect this is your house, if u want, just say it and i give you my word, i swear 'fo cheese and crackers i wont come back.

  20. Ladybug,

    I have friends that live in Fayette county. It's not all it's cracked up to be. You live in the country. Good you don't work, it would take you an hour to get to the city. Where does your husband work? If you like it that's fine.If you live in Fayette county, you don't have a dog in the fight anyway. Sounds like sour grapes.

  21. Ladybug,

    No please come back. You wish I would tell you to go away. That would give you an excuse to leave.You're getting your clock cleaned over here. Unlike me you don't pose a threat.You see your friends don't respond. They read though, look at their comments.

  22. Ladybug,

    I know you don't like to read, but respond to something else please.

  23. Anonymous2:25 AM

    whats up is the deal....the real husband works in fayette county, i dont have sour grapes with the city, only willie. heres why...i voted for him twice, he betrayed the constituents trust. my entire family resides in memphis, old and young, so that is why i care. he is a liar. he bullied for joseph lee to get that job. there is corruption all around him, that he is narrowly escaping.
    he is the reason that me and many other taxpayers are moving. besides, something just aint right with him. willie, screwed things up majorly, i mean huge!!! and it eventually trickled down, not up but down. u feel me??? he is annexing stuff he cant afford and those communities are declining, those eye sores are only growing in diameter. he should have fixed what he promised to fix first. not the billionare boys club. once the whole city was clean, then annex. schools falling down, teachers need raises, that was his platform when he first ran, remember. he was a former supt and schools were #1 priority.
    those are just a few of my issues with willie. his next mistake with me was he turned into thinking that he was Godly. i aint gonna even touch that. moving yeah, i moved from memphis, that could have been a great city, but he stood by while the powers to be decided what was spent where.
    common....willie to me aint nothing but a flashy jim jones...remember how he brainwashed all of the folk in africa? people need to be led to understand that if you got 3 cars and no car insurance that you are only hood rich. people need to be shown how willie, doesnt have their best interest.
    eventually you will see him for what he is, listen to your gut man.
    his job doesnt require him to make crooks and dishonest business men his bedfellows.
    common, either a person is my best friend or enemy. there is no in between. that is why i post the way i do. either you are for or against me.
    im lucky, that i could afford to get out. but please believe me, i have tons of family that cant. so i fight for them. 'cause they just dont know how or are to ignorant to do better.
    im glad to be gone from the crime, taxes, schools, neighborhoods, parks, shopping, police, gangs.......memphis is gonna implode if immediate changes arent made. the body is a whole, so why not start at the head?

  24. Ladybug,

    You could have saved your speech or posted it somewhere else.We require facts over here. We're not impressed with that mess you're spewing. You sound practiced and rehearsed. You're only repeating the same old recall talking points. I won't address your husband, he isn't the one on here sticking his foot in his mouth. Like Anti-Thaddeus said, I think you're on here putting up a front. He may just have a loudmouth wife. I still think it's sour grapes. Has your husband always worked in Fayette county?

  25. Anonymous8:54 AM know what, you are exactly right....about the fact that im a fish out of water, over here. you refuse to accept the fact that you are wrong in your opinion about willie. nice knowin you and take care. peace out

  26. Ladybug,
    I have never said you were a fish out of water. I appreciate the fact that you are passionate about your position. You are wrong, but you are a warrior. You do have heart, though it's weak.That's more than I can say for any of those idiots that agree with you. Iknow you're looking for a way out. That's the only kind you'll get.

  27. Anonymous1:15 PM

    common....question how do you, honestly think that my heart is weak. you have never been more wrong in your life. just because you dont agree with my stand, i am weak. i think not. i surely hope that you dont use this tactic with your wife. if you do......dont eat her cooking. i do not know or care if you are "weak", but however: big willie is done....stick a fork in him the size if lady liberty.

  28. Ladybug,

    I don't know how I missed this post. You perish from a lack of knowledge. I know you are on a loosing team. You'll just have to see for yourself.

  29. Anonymous7:28 PM

    I know this kind of language isn't used here. I thought this was funny though.

    U....................,/¯ /
    T........(`(...´...´.... ¯~/`...`)
    E..........`\`...\.......... _.•´


  30. Where is Ladybug?

  31. Update on the recall:

    At the midpoint of the 75-day window to collect more than 65,000 signatures, Matthews says the group already has surpassed the number of signatures required by the city charter. The city provision requires about 10,000 signatures, the number equal to 10 percent of the votes cast in the last mayoral election.

    But the group must abide by the guidelines outlined in state law, which requires 65,450 signatures -- 15 percent of registered city voters -- to put a recall question on the ballot. The last day signatures can be turned in is May 10.

    Because the recall is not an issue on the May ballot, Matthews said his group is exempt from the restriction banning campaigning within 100 feet from polling places. "We're a volunteer effort no different than that of political analysts or researchers that do exit polling," Matthews said.

    But Shelby County Election administrator James Johnson said they need permission first. "He hasn't got clearance from us to do anything," Johnson said. "He can't just arbitrarily decide that he wants to do that."

    Johnson said even exit pollers must get authorization from the election coordinator before they show up at polling areas.
