
Friday, March 17, 2006

All Is Fair In Love, War And Reelection

Our esteemed President George W. Bush,is enduring some of the lowest satisfaction ratings in history. From the war in Iraq, to hurricane Katrina. There has just been one thing after another. Murphy's law has been in full effect. I have taken several hits, for my support of this present administration. I don't agree with everything, that would be unrealistic. But I agree with a lot, of what is being done. I am objective even when I disagree with what he is doing. A lot of of his actions have been reactive. They have mostly been in response, to what someone else has done already. The only thing this administration has really initiated, is Social Security reform. That move hasn't been successful to this point. I can't say much that President has done, in his tenure on his own. I can say this, he has repeatedly rose to the occasion. His party has remained in his corner throughout, it has always been the best and safest place to hang out.

The latest pariah is the "Dubai" incident, surrounding the operation of the ports. This wasn't even brought to the publics attention, until the last stages of the deal. All of a sudden, everyone is coming to the rescue of the nations security. Even the die-hard Republicans, are galvanizing against the President. He didn't commit himself, one way or the other. He just said it's not that big of a deal. If this was of such major importance to our defense, they should have been on the trail before now. Sen. Hillary Clinton was on the hill protesting, while her husband (Bill Clinton) was one of the major players. Interesting how the issue was settled, to the satisfaction of all parties involved. It's not like "Dubai" needed the money. They decided it wasn't worth the trouble. They're one of the wealthiest zip codes in the whole world. The politicians got to play the rebel, for their voters back home. Any time you buck the system, some people are impressed. President Bush hasn't lost any skin off his nose. He didn't really care, it wasn't his fight. It's not like he was such a popular President anyway. So what he looses a couple of more points in the polls. I think the president is sacrificing himself, for the sake of the party. He has taken unpopular stances on some issues, while seeming to totally ignore others. One indeliable affect of this presidency will be, his supreme court appointments. The law of this land will reflect his influence long after his departure.

I don't want to look at this President, as being a lame duck. He can only put it out there as an idea. It's up to Congress and the people, whether or not it comes to past. In our Represenative Republic, power doesn't go unchecked. Anything this President does, he does it with help. Since his party has stood by him, on major issues in the past. I think he will spend the rest of his term, getting his fellow Republicans talking points. Short of bringing the troops back, and giving every household a $5000 check. He will leave behind a bitter memory to some. Some people aren't going to give this man a break, no matter what he does. This presidency will be defined by terrorism, and the war in Iraq. Both of them are touchy subjects. Six in one hand, a half dozen in the other. I think the voters are seeing the effects of politicians looking ahead. They're out to get our vote.


  1. Anonymous9:07 PM

    I hope he fall all the way before he get us into a fight with Iran.

  2. Antigone,

    You must be reading my mind. I just finished posting. You know you inspired the blog. You probably just read fast like that. Did you get my message in 666?

  3. Anonymous10:27 PM


    Message received and forgive the grammar mistake. I prefer Anti-T for Anti-Thaddeus.

  4. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Common how can you still support the president? We are fighting a war for oil. Foreigners are crossing our borders at unprecedented rates. Now they want to turn our ports over to foreigners. Where does it end?

  5. Bishop,

    I welcome the disagreement that's what makes it interesting. By all means let's talk about it. It makes me work harder. As for the lie, he had the same information that Harold Ford Jr.,and the majority of the house had. And even John Kerry used to vote for the war. The only difference is he has stuck to his guns, in spite of public opinion. He doesn't lead by the polls. When it comes to morality, President Bush didn't write the code. You are a man of God, you follow the bible. Either you are for the word of God, or you're not. The act of homosexuality and the boundaries of marriage, have already been judged for believers. All we have to do is follow what is written. Whe it comes to war. Has there ever been a war where somebody didn't die? As many innocent people died in one hour on 9/11, as soldiers have died in three years in Iraq. That's a job the soldiers signed for. I don't want war anywhere, but I'd rather it be somewhere else. The President doesn't control gas prices. When the price goes up we want to blame somebody. I do know we're going to buy it, if it goes up to $5.00. We depend on oil, i.e. gasoline. As for unemployment, it's only getting crowded at the bottom. Sombody is making and spending money. Look at all the new houses and cars being built. They wouldn't make them, if they weren't selling. In all you said I agree with one thing. We must pray for our President. Whether we like it or not. All power in place, was allowed by God.

  6. Anti-Bush,

    I do agree about the borders. In all fairness though. Where is everybody else? The congressman and senators that is, they have to lead the fight.

  7. Bishop,

    What about the Sarin gas missles?

  8. Anonymous4:23 PM

    There you go with that lame excuse. Sarin missles aren't WMD's. This war was for oil and you know it.

  9. Anon 2:23,

    I don't want one missle dropped in my vicinity. If one missle was dropped in your childs school, or at your job. In a shopping center, or at a big game. I bet you would consider it a WMD then.
