
Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Crabs In A Bucket

I don't fall victim to this way of thinking myself. I encounter many people that do though. I have been blessed not to be led by the emotion of jealousy. I saw a prime example of this mindset earlier today. Unfortunately alot of my fellow Memphians, aren't primarily concerned with what's best for the community. They are only concerned with themselves. Which in most cases doesn't usually help the majority. We seem to be split among racial and religious lines mainly. The two tend to merge around here, in all the wrong ways. I understand everyone wanting what they want, but let's be realistic. The entire process is built around give and take. Notice I said give, and not just take. Don't expect the people that have, to always give unselfishly. And expect not to get something in return for what they give. Simply because that would appease those that have less. You can't make demands, and you don't offer anything in exchange. Anything you get is due to the generosity of others. Instead of expecting others to always come to our rescue. Let's level the playing field. Be prepared to get what we pay for. You can't really complain, if you don't pay for anything.

In order for us to be successful in our political endeavors. We have to embrace good ideas, regardless of where they come from. We have to be united about something, in order to be victorious at anything. Otherwise we're just spinning our wheels to no avail. In the city of Memphis, we should all agree on two things. We need to lower our taxes. And get a handle on crime. We really wouldn't be worried about the deficit afterall, if we as taxpayers didn't have to pay the bill. Crime affects all victims the same, regardless where you live. These are things we can all agree with. Let's get the major issues out of the way, then work on the lesser ones. The latest thing is this recall petition. The last thing was the renaming of the parks. We're from one thing to another. Neither one of them doing anything to make a difference or turn this thing around. We're putting band-aids on bullet wounds. We're not even slowing the bleeding down.
I heard someone say the Willie Lynch letter was made up. They said it was an invention of the internet. I don't dispute that claim, but I won't attest to it either. Even if it isn't true, it's pretty evident in some people. Many who don't even use the computer. In a city where 65% of the citizens are Black, and some believe this is true. You have to consider its affect on their way of thinking. They are resistant to new ideas, unless it benefits them directly. Not so much that they disagree based on logical reasons. They just don't want to be part of something they didn't initiate. If they mobilize their own concerns. They'll fall victim to the same way of thinking. Does that make you think of crabs in a bucket?


  1. Anonymous2:35 PM

    It is because African Americans have been subjected to the American way of life. The White power structure have put us against each other. In the African American community, the Willie Lynch Syndrome is alive and well. They have managed to convince some people that they have rose above its effects. Which only further perpetuates its existence.

  2. Well I know that you are Black. That's evident by your post. How did Blacks end up in America, to begin with? I'm sorry to inform you, if you haven't heard already. It was at the hand of other Blacks. Why do you only associate this diaspora with Blacks? What about the Chinese, or the Jews? They were misplaced too. Everyone in America came from somewhere else. This is a learned or accepted behaviour. This is not race specific. The way to avoid this is through God. No one has to be this way it's a matter of choice.

  3. Anonymous12:36 PM

    I think the mentality is bred into the Black race particularly. Everybody is capable, but some people are more prone to exhibit this behavior. Why is this most evident, in the African American community? I agree with your solution to a degree. What about the people who aren't Christian? A growing number of people are Muslims.

  4. Not A Crab,

    I did a study on this using the bible, as a reference. Ham is the progenitor, of the Black race. To understand ourselves. We must understand where we came from. As a Christian, there is no other spiritual solution. The fact that a large number of Blacks are Muslims, is the beginning of their problems. You are more correct than you know. Follow-up on the background of Ham.

  5. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Why do people hate on one another? If you got it I can get the same thing. All you are is motivation.
