Thursday, March 09, 2006

Disqualified Contestants ( Wk. 3)

Kinnik Sky

Becky O'Donohue

Will Makar

Gedeon McKinney


Blogger Common said...

This is some bull. There is no way Gedeon should have gotten kicked off tonight. I guess Lady D was right, when she said America don't care how much you love the lord.In my opinion his final performance, will only be rivaled by the winner of the contest. Now he will be great.

9:44 PM  
Blogger Common said...

Anti Thaddeus and Bishop,

Click on the archives and go to Feburary. Scroll down I wrote an article on Gedeon check it out. Take the are you a Republican test too. I would like to hear your opinions. I think Bucky should have gone the first week, instead of Patrick.

6:33 PM  
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2:57 AM  

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