
Thursday, March 23, 2006

Husband And Wife, Personally And Politically

It's kind of hard to talk about one Clinton, without mentioning the other. You can't really completely separate the two. They are undeniably intertwined, they can't even testify against each other in court. It amazes me how the same people that called Hillary Clinton stupid, for remaining with her husband through his bouts of infidelity. Are now supporting her, simply because of her last name. In my opinion, this country is not ready to elect a female President. Let alone one who is a divorcee. To divorce the former President, who still enjoys immense popularity. That would amount to what I think, would be political suicide. If this is all the Democrats have to offer for the 2008 presidential nomination. They need to go back to the drawing board, this strategy won't work. I can't help but wonder how much one partner is constrained for the sake of the other. Is this marriage one of convenience?

The latest example of what I'm talking about is the Dubai issue. Mr. Clinton was busy being a consultant for the deal. While Mrs. Clinton was busy protesting, on the hill. Is this the type of wire crossing that we would experience in the oval office, if Mrs. Clinton were elected? As though she already doesn't have enough working against her, she added to the pile. How the next candidate deals with the protection of our borders. Will determine who is our next President. President Bush is staying clear of this subject. The Republicans are going to use it for the next election. I think she is on the wrong side, of this immigration issue. From what I gather she wants to grandfather in, the illegal aliens into citizenship. Just like a lady she isn't willing to take the hard line. The same things her husband left undone in his tenure. In my opinion, her leadership would only provide more of the same.


  1. Bishop,

    Part of what you say is right. Those who love the Clintons, will always love them. She has overwhelming support from New Yorkers as a Senator. Those same people wouldn't support her, if she ran for President.

  2. Anonymous6:39 PM


    That was not nice to say, "Just like a lady she isn't willing to take the hard line." Your are going to make me start thinking you do not care for the opinion of women.

    This might surprise you, but I am on your side with everything you just said here with the exception of your last sentence.

  3. Antigone,

    Please forgive me, it wasn't meant to be mean. I am a man all the time. Not just when it's to my advantage.I wish I could find a more palatable way, to tell the truth. People don't like to hear it, especially the women. That's just the way things are. Mrs. Clinton's latest stance on the border issue, is farther proof. A woman's nature is to nurture. That's not what we need in office.
