
Sunday, March 26, 2006

She Is Bigger Than That

I don't support Condoleeza Rice for president. I do think she is quite a woman though. I wouldn't support any female for the oval office, but if I did it would be her. The latest smear on her public image, is not even her doing. It is due to a conversation, of which she wasn't even a part. She was the subject of a discussion, in which a racial epithet was used. In all fairness she is open to the same criticisms as other politicians. She is a political figure, subjet to the same scrutiny as everyone else. But let's be honest here, in the year 2006. The term coon is over the edge. In mixed company you know you can't get away with that. But before we nail someone to the cross, for what actions they should or shouldn't take. We should first make sure we're placing the blame, in the right place. In this case the blame doesn't belong on Ms. Rice.

Radio talk show host David Lenihan was fired from KTRS in St. Louis. Because of a statement he made on air, that some consider racist. He apologized immediately, but that didn't seem to help matters much. He was immediately fired from the radio station. He later learned he has been suspended from his teaching job too. At first I thought, this was much about nothing. Then the more I thought about it, I'm not so sure. Let's look at exactly what he said. Then we can form a clearer picture. This is what he said :

"She's been chancellor of Stanford. She's got the patent resume of somebody that has serious skill. She loves football. She's African-American, which would kind of be a big coon. A big coon. Oh my God. I am totally, totally, totally, totally, totally sorry for that.
"I didn't mean that. It was just a slip of the tongue. She's definitely got all the attributes to be commissioner. I'm really sorry about that."

You form your own opinion about that. It has gained attention, from several people with media clout. Howard Stern and Larry Elder just to name a few. To each his own, as far as opinions are concerned.

The problem I have is, this isn't Ms. Rice's issue. Because someone made a irresponsible remark, is it her fault? She doesn't have to say anything. She isn't the one who stuck their foot in their mouth. I don't want to see something so trivial attached to her biography. This doesn't reflect her personal behavior or character. Let's not belittle her position by entertaining ignorance. If you're going to hold something against her, let it be something of substance. Don't raise a question of such small significance. She is bigger than that.


  1. Anonymous10:55 AM

    David Lenihan did not have a slip of the tongue, he just forgot for a second he was broadcasting his show. He got exactly what he deserved.

    I finally created antigone as my official blog name. When I have the time I will be talking mostly about living with Multiple Sclerosis. Hope to see you all drop by once I get started. Also, the 2006 MS Walk in Memphis is April 22, at Shelby Farms. Hope to see you there.

  2. Bishop,

    They don't give Ms. Rice credit for her strongest point. She is the epitome of a woman. She accepts and performs her role, willingly and without hesitation. Instead of trying to make her take a position, she doesn't even want. We as a country, should follow the natural order of things. Man is the head. To elect a woman is a sign of weakness. That would be a step in the wrong direction.

  3. Anti-T,

    When I think about it, I think it was racist too. He was checking the audience, to see how they would respond. In this case, it didn't work.

  4. Antigone,

    I heard somebody say you don't slip and say a word you never use. When I think about it, I think they're right.

    BTW: I think I know who you are.

  5. Anonymous3:06 PM

    It was a racist remark. He meant what he said.

  6. This is the first time I ever saw something posted in regards to her private life. I had to post it, notice the title.

    Wings Of Love Next Tabloids story

    4 Apr 2006

    THAT Condoleezza Rice and Jack Straw enjoy a close relationship is beyond question. Not only did the US Secretary of State visit Straw’s Blackburn locale, but after experiencing the wind, rain and holes, she is still talking to the Foreign Secretary. Indeed, they have embarked on a city break together.
    Your cockpit or mine?
    The Mail has a shot of the couple talking as they continue their honeymoon in Baghdad. Condi appears to be speaking, and to her right Straw is regarding her with a goofy grin writ large on his face.

    And while Straw laughs at all Condi’s jokes, the Sun gives us a clue to just how far things have progressed with the pair. Says the paper’s headline: “CONDI: YOU CAN HOP INTO MY BED, JACK...”

    Those suspiration points promise much, and we turn to the Mail, and read more of the incident Westminster types are calling ‘Bedgate’.

    The story goes that on the flight to Kuwait - from where the couple went on to Baghdad - Straw looked tired. Rice noticed and duly offered him the use of her private cabin and bed.

    When asked about the incident, a Foreign Office spokesman snootily tells the Sun: “We are more interested in foreign policy than in which bed he slept in.”

    They night be, but the Mirror is not. The paper is excited about “Rice’s shock offer”. And we wonder why two such powerful figures boarded a jet for a seven-hour flight with only one bed on board?

    And what the effects of sleep depravation are on Straw’s bodily defences...
