
Friday, March 17, 2006

Six Hundred(6) Threescore(6) And Six(6)

I know I'm not the first to discover this, though no one has discussed it around me. There has been plenty of opportunities. I once had a auto license plate that had those numbers, it created much discussion. First it was a very eyecatching car, it was really sharp. Now that I look back, it never got a positive response. Whether it was for lack of understanding, or sinister reasons. It never evoked the proper interpretation. This is a prime opportunity to expound on how the powerful word of God, can be manipulated and twisted. The three sixes are totally taken out of context, by the average individual. Since the Three 6 Mafia won the Oscar, the symbol has gained an added notoriety. Once again I think Christians are missing a valuable opportunity.

In every rumor there is at least a grain of truth. Since we cannot call this scripture, it must be rumor. I can see where the grain came from. People base these assumptions, on revelations given by the bible. It doesn't say anything about it being the mark of the beast. As many proclaim vehemently. The number six itself, is the symbol of man. The verse in question, for one to understand. You must have an overall knowledge of the word of God. Some things are revealed to us in the beginning. Some things in the middle, some in the end. I think the three sixes are significant to illustrate the intercession of God, on man's behalf. This is the scripture the fable came from:

Revelation 13:18
Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

On the sixth day man was created, to have dominion over the earth. In the midst of paradise, and even after a total flood. Man still wouldn't do right. We had to have a man come among men, in the form of Jesus Christ. To save us from our sins. In other words ourselves. When you look around at today's society. We're quickly approaching the point of intercession again. As man replaces the wisdom of God with his own. The creator of all has to intervene. The group "Three Six Mafia", is no more satanic than the "Blackeyed Peas". They both promote something contrary to what is good. What is devilish is that we accept one, and speak out against the other. They both represent the same thing, in different ways. What we should do is put on the whole armour of God, as to protect us from the enemy. Which will be needed in the end of times.


  1. Anonymous11:38 PM

    I like the biblical and political connection to the contemporary world. You are deep and I enjoy reading your "Commontaries".

  2. Hello Anti-T,

    I'm going to call you that. You are so much more, than what you call yourself. T stands for turmoil or tricks, you don't go for that.

  3. Antigone,

    People take things and make them more complicated than they have to be. That's a Pharisee move.If they want to know how to reach the young and the lost people. Truly teach the bible, not what they want to hear. That's my passion, for those who will listen.It gives me a word for everything. Thanks for reading.

  4. Bishop,

    All the regular posters have responded to the online questionaire but you. Go to the February archives and find the "Are you a Republican" test. I'm waiting for your score.

  5. Anonymous9:05 PM


    I choice the blog name Antigone pronounced (ann TIG uh KNEE) because it is a timeless literary drama that pits an individual--in this case, a woman, no less--against the power and might of her government. And, now you want to go and call me Anti-T :), but you are right I do not go for turmoil or tricks.

  6. Antigone,

    That message was for Anti-Thaddeus.

  7. Anonymous1:31 PM

    I don't like your choice for president. I like the other things you say though.

  8. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Chosen said...
    Very well said!

    Isn't it weird how saints are even profiting from the error that they have gained from the mis-interpretation of this one scripture? Like for instance- Left behind is a phenomenal success but actually has so much mid-understanding and mis-representaion and mis-interpretation of the word that it's actually rendering more people "stupid" in the area of their understanding of that one book of the bible. It just amazes me. Surely you yourself have pondered this too.

    Be blessed. Chosen.
