Thursday, March 30, 2006

Term Limits Upheld, Good Or Bad

Yesterday the Tennessee courts upheld an earlier decision by the voters, to enforce term limits. In 1994 the citizens upheld it with 81% of the vote. I can't help but wonder, if this was what was in mind. When this plan was put together, by then political strategist. I'm not racist, but I do recognize it's presence. The demographics of Shelby county has changed tremendously, since that time. The same people that voted for term limits, are the ones behind this recall now. The White citizens of Memphis knew, eventually the Black population in the county would grow. Thus erasing their stronghold on county government. Many people don't know, but this is the only dual government system in the country. If they put the same issue on the ballot today, it would be defeated handily.

The same shortsightedness that allows an ineffective person to hold office for 20+ years. Is the same mentality that expects the government, to take responsibility for their personal lives. I've noticed this legislation has been attached to the three County commissioners who filed the lawsuit. Some people don't seem to give it a thought. This doesn't just apply to them. It applies to all elected officials in the county. Even Mayor A.C. Wharton, who many voters like. He has already announced he will only be running twice. Being that he is a practicing attorney, I'm sure he did the research. He probably already knew the ruling would stand. All this does is speeds up the process. Crooks will be crooks, they just have to work faster. For those that think this will open up the door to newcomers, that won't happen. What we will have is programmed politicians, since they'll be lame ducks. In essence this takes away the voters choice. At the end of two terms you leave, no matter how good you are. I think term limits are bad.