
Monday, April 24, 2006

How Young Is Too Young ?

The rise in crime puts us in a compromising position. It prevents us in our humanity, from carrying out swift justice. Many times once we catch these people, we don't want to enforce the penalty. The perpetuators of some of the most violent crimes you can imagine, are our youth. What happens when the hoodlum in question is 12 yrs. old? Don't even mention when the youngster has ties to you. I'm for taking the gloves off, when it comes to these children. Their destruction exceeds their innocence. The worn out excuse, that they don't know what they're doing. Doesn't work for me anymore. If they learned how to do what they're doing. They could just as easily, learn to do right. There are others who feel just as passionately, about saving our children. They feel these children are victims. I don't necessarily agree with them. But I respect their opinions. I understand their passion. They thank God, they made it out. To address this cancer of an issue, both sides have to come together.

I was listening to the plight of 13 yr. old Braxton Moore. The youngest inmate to ever to be housed, in the criminal justice complex in Memphis. As cute as his petite little mother might be (Jamie Moore), she has spawned a demon seed. In a television interview she kept saying; "he is a child, not an animal. I feel like his life is being taken away". The problem is, he did a grown-up, animalistic thing. What about the innocent victims? The people that got robbed and shot. Now that he has gotten caught, all of a sudden he's to little. He didn't just get small yesterday. He has been small his entire life. He was even smaller, when he supposedly went along for the ride. Why would the others want him to ride along, if he wasn't going to do anything. Did they just want another witness? Even though they're dumb, I don't think that's likely. Lastly where was the mother, when all this was happening? He was on an all day crime spree. If he hadn't got caught. He would just be a little person out here, commiting crimes. Until he got caught, he would still be getting away. I would bet a dollar to a donut. This isn't the first time he went along, for a so-called ride. He just got caught this time.

I always say your experiences, shape your opinions. As long as there are people who have been there themselves. They understand where these youngsters are coming from, and think they can change. Then there are those parents, who have those out of control children. That just don't know how to handle them. They don't want them locked up though. Everyone wants an exception, when it comes to them. If you participate in this lifestyle, one of three things happen. You will die,go to jail, or maybe get out. The odds are against the latter of those happening. As well it should . We can't continue to level the playing field, for those who don't come to practice. In my opinion "if you're old enough to do the crime, you're old enough to do the time".


  1. Anti-T,

    Braxton Moore is the smallest inmate to ever be charged as an adult in Memphis. He is the smallest person in 201 poplar. They have to keep him by himself for his own protection.

  2. Ronald Ward was the youngest person convicted and sentenced to death row, in Arkansas history. Bill Clinton commuted his sentence, to life in prison. When he was President, or Governor. I don't know which one. His relatives called into WDIA today, wanting them to do an interview. The radio station was instrumental in getting him off death row. I know he wants to get out of jail,who wouldn't? The question is, did he commit the crime? Nobody has addressed that. They only want to consider his age and color. That's not my main concern.If he did it he needs to stay in jail.
