Monday, April 10, 2006

It Happens All The Time

Let me first say, there is no excuse for someone not doing their job. Especially when your mistake, can cause the loss of someone's life. I want to get that out of the way, before someone gets the cow by the tail. And mistakes my honesty, for not being sensitive, to the situation. Having said that, and got it out the way. Now let's be straight. If someone watches people dealing with the public, on a regular basis. If they are honest, they must admit. They see this type behavior, happen all the time. Just because we see an opportunity for a lawsuit. Doesn't mean we pretend this isn't commonplace.

I don't live in Detroit Mich., but I can imagine it's similar to Memphis. If you want to encounter this type of attitude. Just take your pick of public services. I bet if you call MPD, MLGW,DHS or Juvenile Court. All of them, taxpayer funded facilities. You're likely to run into at least one attitutude, if not two or three. Young six year old Robert Turner, five at the time. Found his mother Sherrill Turner unconscious and called 911. The 911 operator thought he was playing, so she didn't take him serious. He called back three hours later, another dispatcher questioned him also. I listened to the tape myself several times. In all honesty the child didn't sound that excited. He only called the dispatchers twice, in a three hour period. If the child had the presence of mind to call 911 to begin with, why didn't he call someone else? I was thinking about my own son. If his mother passed out, and wouldn't wake up. I'm sure he wouldn't remain that calm. He would have been frantic. The operator did something they probably do all the time. They make a judgement call. The problem is, this time somebody died.

In cases like this, you know they're going to get paid. I don't have a problem with that. It's the only only fair thing to do, in a situation like this. My point simply being, don't act like this never happens. The sad part is, on any given day this is business as usual. Let's not be so quick to beat up on the dispatchers. When the public is equally to blame. We look at 911 as a joke. What happens when all responders are tied up on frivolous calls? And a serious call goes unanswered, and someone dies? Who do we blame then? They get over 2 million calls a year. Many of them are bogus. Look at the video below, and see what you think.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is no excuse for what the operator did. She should have been fired and the family needs to be paid a lot of money.

10:59 PM  
Blogger Common said...


There is no excuse, but it happened. The Johnny-come-lately family will get paid a lot of money. Where was the sister when all this was happening?

1:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The child did all he could. It's a shame.

4:27 PM  
Blogger Common said...

Anon 2:27,

He didn't call an adult.

10:37 AM  

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