
Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Let's Growup, It's Time For Solids

I know it's hard to abandon something you have gotten use to having. A small child never wants to leave the protective arms, of their mother. But if a child develops normally. His independence and maturity starts to evolve. First you start out with a spoon, then you graduate to a fork. Eventually you will drain anything, no matter how big. When what you're filling, has grown just as big. This analogy to a degree, describes the city of Memphis. You can't continue to withdraw, and never make a deposit.

Yesterday Mayor Herenton announced his new "leanest budget ever". The new budget allows for $500 million for operating expenses, and about $2 billion in capital improvements. He proposes no city layoffs, and no new property tax increases. No reduction in employee benefits, or health insurance. He plans to replenish the dwindling cash reserves, to the tune of $20 million. This by June 2007, the end of the upcoming fiscal year. Sounds like a winner to me, that covers about everything. Hold up, wait a minute, not so fast. Don't bring on the band yet. Now we face what I call, what has become a thorn in American progress. There is a time and place for everything. The time for unions is not now. When you include their demands, it always changes the landscape. The new budget calls for no new raises for the city employees. Here come the city unions. You never hear, at least I don't. About the city employees who work downtown, in the various offices. Could it possibly be, they have a better understanding. You always know what the Fire,Police and Sanitation department unions say. The problem is the union doesn't even give a thought to the fact. You have to take the good, with the bad. I know it sounds like a lot of cliches, "but you can't have everything".

This new budget addresses all the complaints, I hear on a daily basis. If the Mayor proposes these things, and doesn't follow through. Then we have a problem. That's when the union officials and leaders need to cry foul. You can't secure your own position now, and deal with the newcomers later. That's what the unions have been doing lately. Creating contracts that eventually end up costing jobs. Would you prefer making $18 hr. and be working? Or $20 hr and be laid off ? Not to mention cutting someone else, out of a fulltime job. They don't have money in the budget, for both them and you. I know you say they have the money. Where does the money come from? In the form of property taxes, on guess who? What works for them, has to work for you too. That should be reflected in your contracts and negotiations. I'm not sure the residency laws are serving the best interest of Memphians. All new employees and department heads, have to live in the city. That only covers a small percentage. The city won't really reap the benefits of that law, for about 15 yrs. at least. They aren't concerned about the city necessarily, probably because they don't live here anyway. Close to the words of John F. Kennedy. "My fellow Memphians, Ask not what your city can do for you, but what you can do for your city".


  1. Anti-T,

    When these clowns get through. The Mayor has his, and they need to focus on getting theres. And stop blaming him for not giving it to them. If the Mayor gave them a contract today, most of them couldn't deliver.This is a prime example, of the crabs in a bucket mentality. I was watching the news tonight. They did a story about the $20,000, MLGW donated to the Black Mayors convention. Some watchdog group known to be highly critical of the Mayor and city administration. Compiled a list of all MLGW's donations. That's not a real issue. That's a drop in the bucket. How much do you think the Mayors are going to spend while they're here? I hope the visiting Mayors know everbody in Memphis, is not that stupid. I don't know though, they're Black also. I don't know who these watchdogs are, they're self proclaimed. I can imagine though.These people are so small minded, it's getting ridiculous. Carol Chumney is an agitator. Always adding fuel to the fire.

  2. Anonymous10:40 AM

    anti-ford from thaddeus site spoke about the website watchdog the other day. he might have something to do with that site.

  3. Anonymous 8:40,

    I don't know Anti-Ford. I wouldn't doubt it if they did though. It comes from somewhere in that camp. They have a problem with everything.

  4. Bishop,

    I think the Unions might have did themselves damage this time. I think that's a leak in the tax base anyway. They take their good salaries and live somewhere else. I wonder how many union members live in Memphis? I'm not surprised at anything Rico supports. He doesn't believe in God.

  5. Bishop,

    I wish I could find out, how many of them live in Memphis. I bet the majority of union members live in Desoto, Fayette and Tipton counties. I'm sure the Mayor knows though. He wouldn't have taken a stance like that, this close to election.

  6. Anonymous8:33 PM

    I see why they stay on milk. LOL I probably would also.

  7. Anti-T,

    We have grown people like that. I call them parasites.

  8. Anonymous12:52 PM

    hey yall im just getting over a bad head cold. these allergies and grass is killing me!!!! but anywho....
    anti, i know you dont work for the city so i dont have to ask you this.
    common and either of you two gentlemen work for the city of memphis? dont try to figure out what angle im coming answer the question.

  9. Ladybug,

    I work for anybody that wants to pay my price. I work for myself. But I think I know where you're going with this. I am a city resident as well. If you don't like the wages Memphis is paying. Go work in another Municipality. The majority of those Union members, don't even live in Memphis. They like you live in Desoto, Tipton and Shelby county outside Memphis. They brag about taking from the city, and not putting anything back. Union workers in Memphis, make good money. Most of them make to much, based on their performance. If it saves everybody's job. A 1% raise won't make you or break you. Compiled it could break the city. I don't support the Unions.

    BTW: Find out where the Union members live and Holla back !!!

  10. Anonymous6:58 PM

    What point are you trying to make?? So what if they don't work for the city and if they do work for the city. Who the hell are you?? It's very obvious you don't have a job. You are too busy hating on people with jobs. Get a life!

  11. Anonymous9:52 PM

    guess who,
    this will be my first and only response to you.
    i must inform you that im aware of what you are trying to accomplish. but it wont happen, you are the same person who posted on the blog "you were wrong, just admit it", only you posted as anonymous 8:53am. i ignored you then and i will continue to do so!

  12. Anonymous10:17 PM

    common and bishop,
    see that is why i asked you two not to try and figure my angle.

    my reasoning for asking that is because i am related to someone who is a city employee. this person is a single mother with 2 small children and she needs every raise that she can get. she is trying, instead of being on the rolls of welfare. she has graduated from college also. when she was offered the job she chose it so that she could remain in memphis to keep her children close to their dad. regardless, she turned down another job. when she began the job she was told of yearly pay raises. now she is being told that maybe she wont get them for two years. all because of someone elses mismanagement. hey you gotta also understand that the pay raises is only a small percentage...they also want to cut out tuition reimbursement. unfortunately, she also has student loans. so yes, every penny is needed in employees pocket. why take a job in which you assume will not give you a cost of living raise? imagine that being listed as one of the perks or benefits of a job.
    ''hiring, but no pay raises for 2 years. by the way, when we hired you we had tuition reimbursement, and now that you only have 2 years left of school, were gonna cut you off''.

    common, i strongly disagree with you on the union thing, here is my reasoning why....i used to take care of a paitent named mr hodges, and he was blind and the poor little thing also had dementia. he always rambled off what i assumed was garbled speech from a cva that he had years prior. i sat and read his admitting history and i was stunned at what i found out.
    mr hodges, was one of the striking garbage men in 1968. as he fought for rights of men to join unions, someone in the crowd threw some gasoline in the "strikers" faces, and he was blinded because of that.

    and common since i told you that lying is too easy, and i know that you like to see the facts like i do check this out.....

  13. Ladybug,

    After reading what you said. Now I know I was right. You have a personal issue with the city,that's your individual problem. I'm concerned with what's best for everyone. I don't have a lot of sympathy for people, getting what they paid for. Your niece made her bed, now she has to lay in it. People being single mothers, aren't the city's responsibility. Frankly I'm a little tired of young women, thinking they ought to be compensated for their mistakes. Single motherhood is not a badge of honor. Expecting society to make special provisons for them. Because they got a baby, and the daddy isn't doing his part. Because somebody is working and taking care of their children. They don't deserve a medal. That's what they're supposed to do. She's not doing us a favor. What she does benefits her. The sad thing is there's even a choice. She shouldn't be on the rolls anyway. The father should be supporting his children. He must still be around. That's why she didn't take a job out of town, according to you. I don't know what she does, but she probably wouldn't make more somewhere else. It's better not to get a raise, than not to have a job.

    Your story about Mr. Hodges is very touching. Maybe some of these young garbage men need to hear that. Maybe they would appreciate,how they got it made now. They would be commited to pick up more trash, than they leave behind. In 1968 they needed a union, they don't need it for the same reasons now. They don't even work all the hours they get paid for. Some days they're off by 12 o'clock.

  14. Anonymous11:04 AM

    This should be interesting. If she responds.

  15. Anonymous7:03 PM

    there is a large difference in having an opinion and an INFORMED opinion. indefense of my cousin, not neice. (im only 36!) i only spoke about her to use her as an example, not the rule of every case. nevertheses; she is divorced and is not looking for a handout. the father of her children also works for the city, and he is very much apart of the children's lives. i gather that you have some unresolved issues with single mother's so i will address that issue with you at a later date. the issue at hand is regarding unions.

    your level of thinking regarding unions is lopsided and does not deal with reality! unions such as all branches of government are monitered on a national level. especially since the jimmy hoffa days. i tradationally like to examine things from a national level. sorta like looking down from the top of a mountain. because eventually all things will trickle down.

    unions were formed for several reasons, im sure that you are aware of that. which is why i dont understand your train of thought. one of them especailly, is because of saftey issues regarding employees, promotions,fair wages, and fair treatment of workers. if it were not for unions corporations would surely take advantage of all workers. i know that some like yourself, that dont like to think outside of the box and like to blame NAFTA on unions.

    people that think along the lines which you do also like to believe that veterans dont deserve compensation for service connected issues, which they acquired fighting for the rights of people that dont support them. which is definately a pet peeve of mine.

    if you feel this way, im probably not wrong in assuming that you think that continuing to vaccinate for small pox is useless. even thought it was erradicated in the 1980's, with its last case infecting humans supposedly in the early 80's. things are left in place as safety nets, not because things have gotten better but,so that things wont get worse!!! there is always room for growth, i dont care what you have. or shall i say improvements

    all decisions made are usually not made in the best interest of the people. which is why i will defend this til the day im pronounced dead. getting up for a job for 25 years is not something that you just DO, that is an investment in a company. you dont want to be rewarded for your loyalty to a company with NO RAISES.

    common, as you read this post i want you to look down at your feet, better yet, look beyond your feet, look at the person whose shoulders you are standing on,who helped you get where you are, because of unionized change. explain to them that all of the sacrafices that they made for all people to join unions was useless. also, tell them, how they fought for all people to join unions, in the security in knowing that if they did join a union they would not be harmed or fired from their employees, was a big joke to you. while we're at it, let's just thumb our noses at harriet tubman, too. since slaves are free, we may as well wipe the law abolishing slavery out of the constitution. since, technically slavery is illegal.

    well i gotta run....dont wanna use all of my energy here, i have to prepare dinner. lol.....later

  16. Anonymous7:07 PM


    one last thought on my way out....are the sanitation workers off at 12 o'clock because maybe.....they stagger their hours during the week, or the union allows them to work fast and early??? if i read between the lines, it seems you are suggesting that they are being paid, and not working. surely that cant be!

  17. Ladybug,

    I don't mean any harm, but you need to stick to the subject. I caught that little comment about, thinking out the box. I could make this post about that, but I won't go there. Take my word, you're not ready for that.

    Your example is perfect. It further proves my point. It doesn't matter, that they were married.That's even the more reason it's of none issue. That isn't a city issue, that's personal. In an ideal situation you could get raises, and go to school. Right now the situation isn't ideal. All I know is, he promised no lay-offs. In this case that saves both jobs. Don't try to cloud the issue. This isn't about safety, it's about salary.

    I'm aware of those that came before I did. That doesn't have anything to do with what's happening today. Harriet Tubman was deceased, before either of us were born. During her time, We weren't allowed a fraction of the priviledges we have today.

  18. Ladybug,

    You don't have to read between the lines. It's very plain and simple. They get paid fulltime hours, but they don't necessarily work. People that hate on the city, don't talk about that.

  19. Anonymous11:57 PM

    Garbage Men deserve everything they get. It's a thankless job.

  20. Anonymous7:57 AM

    after reading your response, i actually dont know if i should laugh with you or at you. its obvious, that you are overdosing on the propaganda that this current administration is force feeding you. some of your reply was soo neurotic, that it flew right over my head. a few of your angles were so ancient, i think you gathered them from the common handbook, ("how to suck the life out of a room").
    we can wrestle this topic until doomsday, and ill still be correct, i dont need your admission of defeat to know that, i read your response, and came to that conclusion. i like your style of debate, it hasnt challenged me yet, but it allows me the opportunity to change the course of your views. just between you and me, :), adversity energizes me, i love nothing more than to prove to backward thinkers such as your self....dead wrong! that is the thing that i adore abouts facts, they will withstand time.

    hot diggity dog, you are making point easier to prove....especially when you get so emotional with your responses.
    the point im leading to is.....a city the size of memphis, based on it metropolitan growth in the last 25 years, is stagnating. it is looking like a cesspool of standing water breeding misquitoes. the surface is calm, however; parasites are lurking underneath. this current administration is sooooo pathetic....imagine riding around in a brand new land rover, with an empty tank and no insurance may laugh at the comparison, but it is really a dreadful situation. so, you take off a few tires and sell them for insurance and gas money? or do you acknowledge that this vehicle is out of your league, return it and buy something in you price range, fill up the tank and have enough to pay the premium for insurance.

    knowing your style, youll say, sell the tires, just to be indignant and to keep from agreeing with me. lol.
    if we cant afford to give city employees a raise for the next two years, then why in the heck did we just splurge 250 million on a stadium? where is the surplus of revenue from that? pull up some of those luxury boxes and some more ish, matter of fact hold a yard sale or something i dont care, just get the funds from somewhere. so that these folk can get their raises. believe me the money is there, all we need is the next big expose from marc perriquessia of the CA to reveal its hiding place!!!!

    well im out, this is my last reply on this topic......i know you cant resist not, having the last word. so here is your last chance stab at it.....only this time leave the whining, man if i could type a little bit faster, id be alright. i spent my time, talking and reading in class instead of memorizing my "home keys".

  21. Ladybug,

    I have been civil with you, up until this point. I appreciate your responses, you're entitled to your opinion. I don't agree with you 90% of the time, but that's your right. These little innuendos that you make. You need to keep them to yourself. I haven't said anything, because it's unfair to engage in battle. With someone who doesn't have a weapon. I know you're accustomed to making outlandish statements, and not backing them up. I know by which way you came. That doesn't work over here. My style of debate doesn't challenge you, because you don't know enough.We could fill up a building, with the things that go over your head.

    You mention propoganda, but that's all you've offered so far. You haven't made a valid point yet. It's all about how you feel. Everything you say, is based on emotions. I know you must be new, because we've talked about this. Dropping the subject, once it's proven you don't know what you're talking about. If you can't back up what you say with facts. You better keep it to yourself. I noticed you always start out full of fire. It doesn't last very long. It's distinguished by the end. I won't let you have the last word when you're obviously wrong.

  22. Anonymous11:35 AM

    i beg your pardon. as you can see im the only person who steadfastly defends my opinion with pure unadulterated facts, now if you refuse to accept them thats on you. i can lead you to the truth, my brother; however i cant make you believe it. just as you have been civil with me, ive extended the same courtesy to you. my weapon of choice is my brain, its the strongest muscle that females possess. LOL. thank you very much.
    now before you call the kettle black, i assume that you reevaluate all of your posts. im only proving the point of.....i am coherent enough to see that i have missed some of the facts that you claimed to entail, on every SINGLE post. you are a good debater, and yes you do research somethings. but, common, my dear, you arent the only person walking around the in the bright lights and big city of memphis with opinions. i have the unending luxury of controlling what i say, not anyone else. i disagree with lots of people all over this world on tons of topics, some ive been wrong and some ive been right. LOL. that is how we grow, by learning from others. always, always, always be prepared, and by all means always know your strenghts and weaknesses.

    its your opinion that i start with, what you call steam.....well, im cool with that. i think that your style of debate, differs greatly. i think that you try to bully some of your opinions, see i can handle what ever you dish out. i took heed to your advice, of needing to be thick skinned. i most certainly dont wear my emotions on my sleeves. and just to further prove my point, i will let you have the last word, even in your deranged perception of being right. also, not that im a huge fan of popular opinion, i have given valid points on several topics. im cool with agreeing that we dissagree, deal? plus, im ready for another more interesting topic. as you debate with me more you will see my style, it is constantly evolving, this is due exposure and leaning on the unknown. i may come across as a tart, but honestly im not!
    internet spades, is my real joy. im a card counter and i use my "lay and wait" technique. hehehe
    i dont know if you play cards or not....but in spades the object is to earn your books, right? but for me i like for the opponent to over bid and then set them. that is one of the effects of greed and over confidence, the fall is harder!!!

    common, what happens when the student is smarter than the teacher????? (its a joke, so dont try and get tooo heavy)

  23. Anonymous11:53 AM

    BTW: common, i noticed that you are cheating......i see that you go back and change your posts once i respond. didnt think id notice, but i did. how do you do that? i see where you changed feel, to fill. and reworded about me starting full of steam, but now its been changed to full of fire? thats not fair! i cant change mine and you shouldnt change yours. i admit im nit the best typist, LOL...i probably type like 10 words a minute. but at least i leave it like it is. you seem to have an unfair advantage, going back behind yourself changing stuff. agree???????

  24. Anonymous12:51 PM

    I like your spunk but you're outclassed. It's like putting a Mack truck against a Volkswagon. Give it up.

  25. Ladybug,

    You skip around so much, I don't know where to begin. My first question to you is. You said all that, to say what? My debating skills are not important. Whether or not I'm right, is the issue here.
    There you go again. Whenever you can't make a point, you start phylosophying then. I think I spelled that right. You know what I mean LOL. As for your joke. Keep your day job.

  26. Ladybug,

    You are pulling hairs now. If I changed a word so what? It's my blog. But don't even front.I have the same options you have. If you say something you don't like. You can delete your post. The only thing I've done is change the spelling,or maybe a phrase. I haven't changed the content not once. You don't pose that much of a problem. If you did you would know. Everything I said still applies.That may be part of the problem with you. You think you know more than you do.

  27. Anonymous10:22 PM

    huh???? as i have stated with you before, i am members of several different blogs, internationally. and i have debated with some of the best of 'em. but ive never met someone with your style, although some differ greatly! i will tell you this though, you keep frustrating me....'cause you keep pulling that passive/agressive thing. i mean, im cool if thats your style and all. but with me dont keep switching up and all, it is confusing me. and for whatever reason, i seem to be "skipping around so much", i will take my time and answer each sentence directly to completion. ok. i apologize, i should have told you, im one of those people whose mind is going faster than i can type.

    but since i dont have the luxury of combing thru my past posts, i cant go back and reorganize my posts. thats how you know that my debate is raw, not something ive prepared on paper, or had a chance to rehash. im not saying that you do, either. ;) now i already told you that im not the best typist, i use the two finger method. LOL.
    i debate for the sport of it, it keeps your mind strong, its good exercise, processing so much information. i debate to see how some make different choices from the same info, as given to others. nodody, knows everything. and i dont pretend that i know everything. but my dear watson, i do know my opinions, quite well. and these opinions, will be voiced and defended by me.

    line 5. you said, and i quote...
    "whether or not im right is the issue here". maybe im confused again....did you mean...wheter or not im right is NOT the issue here?
    cause for a minute i felt, you WERE switching the topic, to if you are right or not. well anywho...maybe its just a fradulent slip.

    why if i choose to state my point until its crystal clear, am i phylosophying? first you tell me i dont state facts, yet when i break them down to their simplest form for you, im explaing too much? as for the joke, why get offended, if it wasnt applying to you?

  28. Anonymous11:02 PM

    the point if you are changing words is......why would you need to? there are no english contests here, well at least not for me, anyway.
    but why go back after someone has posted a response to you. its like looking thru a test minutes before youre suppose to. it gives you and unfair advantage, i dont care how you word your defense. it just plain and simple w r o n g. because after i responded to your post, i immediately noticed that you rearranged your wording. call it what ever you want. like you said, it is your blog. i understand that he who pays the fiddler, picks the tune. LOL. so now that i know how you run things here i wont take your debates sincerely. how would you feel if i did the same to you? you would have blown me out of the water, wouldnt you? go on and admit it. if you wont dont matter now anyway. i guess im really, just, dissappointed is all. i was hoping that i found someone i could really debate with on local happenings.

    since you have diagnosed me, please allow me to return the gracious favor. hehehe. i think part of your problem is ...that you display some of the symptons of OCD. other wise called, obsessive compulsive disorder with some borderlining grandiosity. oh yeah, i know what it means. but since you dont trust my facts. and as slow as i type, it may take me a day to explain. so check it out for yourself.

    common, its okay to be wrong sometimes. ill tell ya, men hate to admit when they are wrong, especially african american men. whew! see watch me, ill go first, ok. hello, blog. im ladybug and sometimes, heck a lot of times im wrong. ok, that was easy, for me, any way. LOL. now you try common. deal???? i can assure you, i wont be holding my breath.

    im not trying to pose any level of problem to you. im trying to debate with you, just not on your terms. youve gotten spoiled, by some posters, with their one or two lines, i give you UNrehearsed, unprepared debate. loaded with pure facts, off the top of my head. not someone elses thoughts.
    im trying to debate with you, because you claim this is what you do over here, but youre getting all hostile. ive noticed you say stuff and then you come back and change it around, to appear that youre the victim. so come on common, lets debate something, ill even let you have the last word. because im ready to move on from this stage in our new relationship. ok man???
    lets go talk about paris getting voted following you.

    BTW: you know i dont have access to the blog administrator page, dont you???? i can only continue to post, but i cant alter mine or anyone elses posts.

  29. Ladybug,

    What are you talking about? This is not a contest. If it had been. You were defeated before you got started. Believe me you're not ready for this. You made an unfounded statement, and you can't back it up with facts. Now you're talking about everything under the Sun, trying to save face. You still haven't answered the question. The only thing you've offered as proof, is your cousin's situation. That's not city policy, that's a personal circumstance. If you can't prove what you said these long post don't mean anything. Let it go, leave it alone.

  30. Ladybug,

    Don't try to make a case out of me changing 'feel to fill'. The people that read here, know the difference. Unlike where you came from. We try to correct those things here. You can go back right now, and delete all your past comments. That's strictly up to you. I think so,but I know you can before anyone responds. The author can remove the post. If anything I'm guilty of not using the preview. In a hurry like on this one. Look at the times. Not one time have I erased a post before your reply, and came back and posted it differently. What that shows is you are contemplating your answers. It doesn't matter if I change a word. Don't flatter yourself. I don't have to change anything to deal with you. You should be quicker to listen, and slower to speak

  31. Anonymous2:22 PM

    common....come on man. you just did it again. i am in the middle of responding to your post, i scrolled back up to make sure that i address each sentence, precisely. to ensure that i dont skip around, and i noticed some of the sentences disappeared. either, you should leave your posts as they are or allow me the same privilege. since my knowledge is so beneath yours, why dont you level the playing field?

    you always say, where i came from. i dont understand your blind insinuations.....i initially followed links from the usa today, and from there the tennessean out of nashville, to blog this and then to thads, then to jayla's then to here. i left out some, from, where i started in june of 03, because they are not important here. but i usually, follow different blog posters if they are good debaters. so there, i blog with lots of groups, now you tell me which one are you referring to? you always make references like...over there or where i came from. i dont get it. i dont want you to try and sterotype me, cause i wont fit those molds. like i said, the more our love/hate relationship evolves you will grow to understand my posts. gotta run....later.

  32. Ladybug,

    I know you aren't reading this now. By the time you respond to this. It will be several hours old. If I changed a word or phrase, it doesn't matter. You don't have an answer anyway. Your argument doesn't hold water. There is two hours difference, in our posts. I know you said you type slow, but come on.

    I didn't know of you, before I read your comments on the recall. You followed me, I didn't follow you. I don't put your knowledge beneath mine. It's just what we disagree about. If you're wrong, you're just wrong. You don't like Memphis. You don't like Mayor Herenton. And you don't like Bush either. I do and I have facts. Don't feel bad you're not the first. To jump in the water, without a vest. I don't want you to drown, but you can't swim. Stay on the other side of the ropes.

  33. Anonymous8:31 AM

    ill be the first to admit that, time management is by far my greatest weakness. im a huge procrastinator. with that being said, for some reason my isp, has a lapse of two hours. my clock on my comp says 8:22am, but when i post it show the time as 6:22am. thats something well have to deal with. i have to try and figure who is really on cause i have to try and subrtact 2 hours from my time. but it doesnt take me two hours to respond once i read a post. i can assure you that im not up at 6:22 doing anything.

    i didnt follow you, you invited me to this post. dont pull that selective amnesia move with me.

    BTW: i vote republican, and bush remaining president helped my cause that fights for veterans. i dont personally know him enough to formulate an opionion about him. however i do disagree with some of his decisions.

  34. Anonymous9:50 AM

    common, oh yeah, i forgot to does matter, that you change words(as you say) and phrases. you wanna accuse me of not having an answer. man, i cant give an answer to a question that is constantly changing. ive never been one to dodge debates, thats what i love to do.

    let me ask you this....its obvious that you are NEVER wrong and you know EVERYTHING, why dont you use your super powers for mankind? join a board that is proactively fighting against AIDS in haiti, famine in africa, or devise a plan that will stop the mutilation of innocent women and children from dictators in sudan. get back to me on this.

  35. Anonymous4:06 PM

    guess who,
    this is between me and common.
    when he or i get tired of posting to one another, we will decide to. we are also posting with one other topics, on his blog. so i would appreciate it if you would let us handle this.

    speaking of pointless....i dont see how youre calling me stupid, is proving a point! but for you to attack me and i dont even know you, makes me not take your posts seriously. i wont even give what you say credibility, because you dont debate, you just post rude and attacking remarks towards people. besides....common is a smart enough dude, he doesnt need or want you co-signing from the sidelines on his behalf.

    you are right about one thing though...i usually dont respond to people who dont have anything constructive to say....any moron can posts attacks. so, if you will, please leave me alone and let me get back to being boring.

  36. Ladybug,

    This is the last time I'm going to respond to you on this topic. I won't call you stupid but I agree Guess Who, this is pointless. You have written seven long post, that have nothing to do with the question. I think you just like to hear yourself talk. Unless you are going to tell us how many Union members live outside Shelby county. Which obviously you aren't. There is no need to keep posting. Move along to something else, you're wasting time here.

  37. Anonymous11:45 PM

    i woulnt have access to that info.
    and to respond to the rest of your post. you are right.

  38. Anonymous5:45 PM

    I told you this would be interesting. After all this back and forth. They finally admitted. They didn't have an answer.
