
Friday, April 28, 2006

Putting Their Money, Where Their Mouth Is

The Hispanic population have specified May 1, as a national day of protest. Since our economy supposedly depends on the backs of the Hispanic population, we will get a chance to see. This in essence qualifies as a strike of sorts. They aren't going to work that day, whatever their occupation. I don't think the legal immigrants are going to take that chance. How do you deal with strikers? You do what's best for the company. If we look at America as a company, must we have the illegal worker? We might want them, but we don't need them. If what many people say is true, this will be a tell all. On May 1, the American economy will come to a screeching halt. I don't think so, I think they're bluffing. They know it, but they think we don't.I know my city isn't representative of places like Los Angeles Cal. or San Antonio Tx., but I seldom cross paths with someone of Hispanic decent. Except I have a neighbor, I see three or four times a week. Like I see my other neighbors,both Black and White. I've always asked this question, now we'll see. I never believed three out of four immigrants were illegal anyway. If that's true, they shouldn't be working to begin with. I would think that would be taking a chance. To not show up for a job, you're not supposed to have anyway. That puts the ball squarely on the court of the employers.

Now for the counterattack, for those who feel victimized by the Hispanics presence. This is what I suggest they do in response. When they go to protest, you report for duty. Show up for the jobs, they don't report for on that day. If those companies refuse to hire you. Then you refuse, to buy that companies products. That would be making a sacrifice, and taking a stand as well. With all these claims of jobs being lost to immigrants. It shouldn't be very hard to single them out. Tyson Chicken for one, has planned to close that day. For lack of anticipated workers. If these workers aren't documented and paying taxes. Stop buying Hot Wings for a week, see how the meatpackers react. They secretly planned a demonstration, that drew a record crowd. Since they have forewarned us, of their next move. If they hold the jobs we really want, why not capitalize? Instead of joining them, they don't need or want you. Turn lemons into lemonade, this could work to our favor.I think if the truth is known, we don't depend on the Mexicans like we thought, or at least as much as we claim. What we need to do is show up at the protest, asking for green cards. The numbers are dwindling as we speak, at the thought of facing law enforcement. If they want to play hardball, let the games begin. It's a gamble for both sides. I don't think legal immigrants are willing to jeopardize their status. This immigration issue is tearing this country apart. Like the Mexicans, are we prepared to go, all or nothing?


  1. Anonymous4:17 PM

    I agree with you totally about this,but not the twenty thosand dollars. LOL

  2. This post should be televised! You make a very interesting and valid point! All those looking for jobs should list this as "interview day". They need to be prepared to get the job they want!

  3. Andrew,

    The $20,000 is another post. I think we will see our prediction come to past.

  4. Chosen,

    You know in the back of my mind, that's what I was thinking. Rather than let them use historical tactics to advance their cause. For once let's use our negative experiences to our advantage.

  5. Anti-T,
    If they really want to nip this problem in the bud, there are steps they can take. I heard about some employers giving them the day off. I would like to know who they are.

  6. Anonymous9:34 AM

    common, we CAN'T allow them to become citizens!!!! every thing and everyone has a plan of attack, i dont care what education level a person has or what their ethnic background is!
    i know exactly what the immigrants are doing....the women come to america, either pregnant or soon there after they become pregnant. this country, one of the few, that if you are born here you are american, once you get the almight ssn you are good to go.

    anywho..back to my point, once they have the child, then the mother gets to stay to raise the 'american' child, who is now entitled to all things that all americans get. the father has to leave and go back to mexico, here is where it is getting tricky...if there arent supposed to be any hispanic men around, how are the women constantly getting pregnant?
    ill tell ya, the men are working under the table, making straight cash money, and in turn they are sending the money home and paying for more families to come here!! this cycle is only getting stronger and more vicious.

    hell they dont have to go to looking far for the illegals, i know for a fact that they are at the WIC office. but because of the way the system is set up they dont ask for green cards there. all they ask for is birth certificates, and for good measure they even have interperters there every day of the week. if you need a car seat, well they will give you one, some of the paper work for first families is even started there also.

    anti, back in 1988 when i initially enlisted in the regular air force. i found out, that before spanish speaking soldiers came to lackland for basic, they first went to a camp for 6 weeks that taught them nothing but eng.
    and eventually they caught up with the rest of the platoon.
    when i was in ft sam houston, all of the spanish speaking students were treated to special english courses. the spanish instructors came and picked up the hispanic students and they were gone for the entire weekend. all of this made some of the other soldiers angry. becuase they were give special treatment.

    at the rate of immigrants coming into this country....if you dont know spanish in the next 5-10 years, then you will be illiterate in this country. because we are teaching them english as a second language in schools, and the kids are teachig it to their parents. im sure they teenagers are majoring in spanish in school and teaching the spanich teachers a thing or

    i see spanish signs posted all over the city and i dont have a clue of what they mean.

    as you can see they are very business savvy, and driven. unfortunately, they are getting all of it at the expense of the tax payers. well ive rattled enough for you can see this is a sore spot for me......later

  7. Anonymous1:04 PM

    check out what the largest latino newspaper in southern california is saying about the boycott.........

    or either go to

    everything is about to blow up this summer.....iran, more deadly hurricanes, gasoline prices, iraq, cia leaks, immigrant issues, rumsfield....and lol....what is the sex of angelina and brad pitt's baby. hehe

  8. Ladybug,

    I totally agree with you. We must protect our borders at all cost. That's why I like this President. He has made it known around the world, we will fight. I think if you have a baby and you are illegal, the baby goes back too. That's the catch, that has a lot of these people planted here. I don't blame anyone, for seeking a better way of life. If the Mexican people invested the same amount of energy building their own country, as they do imposing on ours. Mexico would be a place to be envied.

    Our reluctance to fight for America, is catching up with our freedoms. At some point you're going to have to pay the bill. Everybody pays a price, even if they don't know. I'm glad you brought up the military. They have to let them in, to keep up the numbers.According to the Democrats and liberals, we shouldn't join the Armed Forces anyway. The Hispanics are taking Americans place in the Armed Force, to a degree.If we're not careful, we will be illiterate in our own country. Most younger Hispanics speak two languages fluently. In the near future being bilingual, will be a requirement.

  9. Ladybug,

    I checked out those sites. Those stories are obviously written, by those in support of the immigration movement. Not one time do they address the illegal immigrants. I don't crowd my mind, with one sided garbage.

  10. Anonymous4:55 PM

    common.....that newspaper is obviously written in english and spanish, but why english????
    im not being rude, but hey we already celebrate cinco de mayo, which i dont understand why.
    it seems as soon as they cross the border, the first stop is the food stamp office, the second is section 8, third WIC, fourth schools, for their children to learn english. all of this is provided to them for free. absolutely nothing is given in return. they dont even pay taxes, as far as i know , taxes arent charged on food stamps, and they dont own any property. so why arent they all being turned around at the gate? they arent even paying into ssi, and some of the sick hispanic children are drawing that. with all of them taking and none of them giving, what is the deal? it all seems one sided to me. and dont even talk about how they are qualifying for all of the pell grants.

    i swear fo cheese and crackers, when i was fighting in the war i wouldnt want an illegal being my ranger buddy.

    ill tell you something else, when all of the protesting went down earlier this month, i havent heard a hammer since. evidently they are showing the builders how important they are supposed to be.

    if 5-0 can sit on I-40 all day and stop drugs from coming into memphis, why in the damn cant they stop the illegals.

    as you can see they already got their own realty casa realty. hell, ride down summer next to nagasaki inn restaurant and see for your self...they even got they own lawyers. they have figured out, that if you are here long enough as an illegal, and you work and stay out of trouble and you have americanized children, then maybe INS will cut you a deal.

    if bush, wants to be taken seriously on this issue....i wanna see buses loaded to the rim, with illegals headed back to mexico. but before they head off the bus, give 'em ankle braclets or some sort of monitering devices they way we can follow them. and let them take their flags with em!!!!!

  11. Anonymous5:00 PM

    and what the sam hell is up with them re-writing the national anthem??? and also marching from the loraine motel???? that's just wrong.

    common, as you can see im really preturbed about this....when i feel like you're ready ive got a really good topic for ya. later.
    that topic is soooo good for debate.

  12. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Ladybug that paper is written in both English and Spanish, for the Americans that support them. They couldn't get as far as they have without some Americans help.

  13. Anonymous8:19 PM

    We better not be so quick to co-sign throwing people out of the country.

  14. Anonymous8:55 PM

    kevin, why should we not be so quick to throw illegals out of the country? im speaking about illegals, not legals. as for americans helping i know what you are speaking about.

    before i moved last year, there was this couple who lived on heather view, both of them worked for the mpd. they had a drivers license class for immigrants. there was a big write up in the CA, about how they were selling drivers lisc to the illegals. the man resigned from the mpd and the woman supposedly had a heart ailment that prevented her from doing any jail time. so yes sir, i do know that some folk are helping them , i just dont know why. why would someone jepordize their pensions for them, i believe the trail leads back to that almighty dollar. that's all it is dollars and sense, sorry cents. hehe.

  15. Everybody,

    Today is the day. They're not buying anything, not going to school and staying off work. I don't expect it to be as big as they thought. They took a poll 68% said they didn't agree, 84% said they wouldn't participate. I'm sure the majority of these people were legal though. We'll have a lot to talk about later. Personally I'm making sure to spend money today.

  16. The operative word is "ILLEGAL". Illegal immigrants did not arrive overnight. This problem been building for years. This also shows how inept "INS" is. The government is talking about revamping "FEMA" they should also think about revamping "INS".

    America is a powder keg that is about to explode. Every dynasty eventually fall and America is leaning in that direction.

  17. Binders Off,

    You bring up a very interesting point. I hadn't thought about that. Throughout this whole thing , I hadn't heard them mentioned. Once again we are a victim of our freedoms.How long has the INS been in existence?

  18. Anonymous4:12 PM

    i havent heard a single hammer today, i guess everyone is at the protest......ill be watching the news for updates.

    i can assure you that phil bredesen.....knows how many are on the rolls of tenncare.

  19. Anonymous10:30 PM

    girl, over 1 million, it was probably like 10 million, shoot i think i even saw some baby strollers and wheel chairs and everything. i say, we should have been prepared with 10 million bus passes with 10 million lunches packed....and instead of driving them home, continue right on to mexico, since they wanna wave our flag upside down. too much blood has been shed for that flag to be disrespected!!!!

  20. Everybody,

    I don't think it had the desired effect. They gambled and they lost. They didn't loose the whole bundle, because they're still here. I personally wasn't affected at all. For all intents and purposes, what they've done is show us we don't need them. What seemed to be most affected is the chicken and food industry. Americans eat too much anyway. Legal immigrants are separating themselves from this protest. The see the writing on the wall. To many of them are here illegally as it is, don't push your luck. What they've done, is stir up an a virtual powderkeg. That will likely explode in their face. They've drawn unneeded attention to their plight. All publicity is not good publicity.

  21. Bishop,

    They didn't have the juice they thought. Anybody that goes about it, in the right way in America. Has an equal chance. A lot of them know that. They went to work yesterday.

  22. Anti-T,

    They have stepped on the wrong toes, this time. As long as they thought they were overcoming Blacks, it wasn't a problem. We didn't have the combined power and resources, to fight them off.
