
Tuesday, April 18, 2006

This Is Why We Need A Military Draft

With the rise in juvenile crime, and the blatant disrespect of authority among the youth. The reenactment of the military draft would give this country, a much needed enema. Since we say the young people are our future. We shouldn't burden the productive members of our youth, with their counterproductive counterparts. At least not without trying to help them. The military does two things for wayward youth. It provides discipline, in addition to making them a productive member of society.

Even the young ladies have lost control. They act like uncivilized heathens too.When they no longer behave as young women. What motivation do young men have? For the first time they went to combat. If the reenact the draft, and force them to sign. I bet they won't be so concerned with equal rights then. War is the humane way to balance the scales. War will either make you, or break you.

Look at video below:


  1. Anti-T,

    I eagerly await your comments.

  2. Anonymous7:47 PM

    These people can't get in the Army. They want a few good men. Not these lawbreakers.

  3. Anonymous11:04 PM

    hey common....what's up. i CAN"T believe you havent spoken your peace about the immigrant situation. did you see the really good article in the CA today? read it and post on that and ill catch ya later.

  4. Anonymous11:05 PM

    today being 4/19/06, front page bottom section. later

  5. Anon 5:47,

    Tell me one person that ever went to the Army and broke the system. Young folks today aren't any harder than we were. People my age and older, I don't know how old you are. If anything they're softer. Just less challenged.

  6. What's up Ladybug,

    Long time no hear from. I figured you were busy with the recall. The time is coming to a close. How many signatures do they have? We brought up the Hispanic population, before the march. You're late we talked about that a long time ago. Go back to the March Archives. Read "This is just in Los Angeles" then scroll down further to "Esa Rules". Immigration doesn't catch me by surprise.

  7. Anti-T,

    I'll come back to you. I have to do something.

  8. Anonymous10:12 AM

    yeah, i know about that i read that also. im presently speaking about yesterdays article, on the front page. regarding how mexico demands the usa to treat immigrants and by contrast how mexico treats its own immigrants. check it out. dont wanna ruin the surprise. later

  9. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Anti-tandbush I could not have said better. What these kids really need is some good home training and a butt whipping. I am a veteran and I don’t believe in the draft. I think if you want to serve your country it should be your choice and not congress.

    Common, do you have any children? If so, how would you feel if they were drafted?

  10. Ladybug,

    Are you really surprised? Remember when Fidel Castro dumped 8000 of Cubas worst criminals, of in America. In the war in Iraq, we want to hold America to the rules of the Geneva convention. Yet the terrorist cut off peoples heads. Vicente Foxx is encouraging the illegal immigrants to cross the border. That's less responsibility for him. Everybody wants to hold America to a higher code of conduct, than they do everyone else. I feel the same way about the Mexicans, that I do about the Iraqis. If you're not with me, you're against me. There's no in between.

  11. Anonymous2:53 PM

    yeah, acutally i was a little surprised. considering the fact that while reagan was president he allowed 3million immigrants to recieve citizenship in this country. now here it is again, only this time there are 12 million immigrants. 4 times the last amount. if things progress at this rate, then this will soon become mexico. i mean, honestly, they do border this country. why not build a great wall of mexico, like they have in china. boy, oh, boy this is going to be interesting to see how bush plays this one out.

    if we dont watch out .....signs posted will read.....Vincente Fox for not good with pesos and dineros are you?????


  12. Anonymous2:56 PM

    i forgot about fidel.

  13. Anti-T,

    Is this the same Anti-T, that last week couldn't wait to get out of service. Weren't you counting the days until your tour was over? Jail boot camps cost taxpayer money. We don't need to pay for this group, to play soldier anymore. We need them for real now. What better motivation, than self preservation. You get yourself together, or you come back in a body bag. Drafted people are usually the ones fighting the war. Seasoned soldiers are seldom on the front line. They have positioned themselves otherwise. That's not a fair comparison.

  14. Anon 9:16,

    You are right about that, you couldn't have said it better. There is no better way to say something, that just doesn't compute. I have children, they don't go around robbing and beating up other people though. If they did, they need to be drafted too.

  15. Ladybug,

    You're preaching to the choir. I stated long ago, the looming American issue with immigration. The article you're talking about, is a Mexican issue. I think I see where you're going with this. I'll just say this about that. This is no reflection on America. Or any past or present administration. I would appreciate your comments on other posts.

    BTW: What about the recall ?

  16. Anti-T,

    My intent is not to belittle your opinion. You know I love the the thought provoking conversation. My objective is, only to point out why I don't agree. I feel strongly about this subject. I still think the armed forces, are a good place to instill discipline. Something many of these youngsters have never had. I know too many people personally. The Army saved their life. Smart productive young people are still joining the military. What's the difference in a young volunteer, and a young draftee? They aren't the ones causing problems though. It's those that can't get their minds right. They need an alternative to their present way of life. It shouldn't only be jail. That makes them a liability. Let them earn their keep. You don't work ,you don't eat.

    Love you

  17. Anonymous9:25 AM

    i can assure you that if they do start the draft back up that, the military jails will be full. everyone in there will be charged with draft dodging.

    i dont want my son to be FORCED to join the military, to fight in a war on this country's behalf.
    now if he wants to take advantage of the traveling and free job training he can make his own educated decision and volunteer.

    the secretary of defense, is not who we need leading the military right now. esepcially during a war. we are about to bite off more that we can chew, if we dont leave iran alone.

  18. Anonymous9:37 AM

    i also think they should let all nonviolent criminals out of jail. such as, child support, car theft, possession of drugs, burglars, scam artists. let them repay society back by defending this country. they can clear their debt that way.

    the military has an age cutoff, depending on which branch you wanna enter. a lot of young men have records or cant pass the aptitude test(asvab), i wonder who are they gonna draft???? i surely wouldnt advise they pull someone out of college to fight.

    we definately cant draft women.....if you get a group of women larger than 10, we clique up so bad and fight each other. plus women are too emotional to be in the trenches fighting. support services and admin, maybe. but the military aint looking to fill more admin slots.

  19. Anonymous11:54 AM

    anti how long do you have before you "get out" of service?

  20. The Man,

    I love everyone to a degree. Even you, as stupid as you are. I love you enough, to tell you the truth. You must not be a man. Which I don't think you are. You don't recognize women, when you hear them. Heck you don't know a real man. When you're in his presence. If nothing else your instincts are bad.

    BTW: Since you seem to have Ladybup's back. Why don't you answer the question about the recall?

  21. Anti-T,

    Do you need a dustpan? LOL

  22. Anonymous4:03 PM you were....i dont think the man, even posted to me. that was anti, who responded to me.

  23. Anonymous4:07 PM

    anti....girl just hang on in there for the last 36months. once you get that blue id card, you can go to the dentist for free and fly on the hop flights for free. plus there are so many other entitlements, for retired.

    i was once in, my job was 91Q. Army. what is your MOS?

  24. The Boy,

    If you talked about nothing long enough. I knew you would stick your foot in your mouth. That's why you came over here, in the first place. Trying to drum up interest, in that washed up blog. Everyone that had anything to say over there, is posting over here.We're not over there talking stupid, you're over here. I don't post over there. I add credibility to that site. If you didn't see my name, it wasn't me. I don't post anonymously. I want my name attached to everything I say.

    BTW: What about the recall?

  25. Ladybug,

    I'll let that slide.

    Luke 23:34
    Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.

  26. Anonymous6:21 PM

    The man needs to pay his child support.

  27. Anonymous11:25 PM

    common what are you talking.....letting what slide?

  28. Ladybug,

    He didn't respond to you per say. But just like you, he's a Thaddy Daddy refugee. Coming over here in search, of some knowledge. Anybody that comes over here, and tries to be critical. After spending any time over there. I put them all in the same category. We didn't have flies until you came. When you came back, they showed up too.

  29. Anti-T,

    Check your e-mail

  30. Forgive me Ladybug,

    I knew there was a reason, you were here. You exemplify my point. I had no idea you were a veteran. This is exactly what I'm talking about. Had you not had some form of structre in your life, where would you be now? Probably a dependant of the state. I've always said people that support your causes, are one of two things. They are either ignorant, or they have an agenda. Many Blacks generally being the first, outside having personal gripes. Some of the things you say. I would have to draw that conclusion about you. You're not as clueless as you sound. You had enough sense to join the Army. I know you joined , you couldn't have been drafted. The Army is probably one of the best things that could have happened to you. No matter what they can't take those benefits away. I look at you in a totally different light now. The more I listen, the more I learn about you. I don;t know what happened, I detect bitterness in your persona. I think you do one thing, and say another.

  31. Anonymous12:44 PM

    common....i visit over 10-15 blogs a day. i always post as ladybug, just as everybody has ears, they too have opinions, just as i do. i purposely did not respond to you when you twice asked me about the recall. as i did not respond to bishop when he asked me the same thing. you have stated that someone is a refugee from another blog, not true. a refugee is a person who has fled one place in search of another due to issues regarding harm or safety.
    you and bishop asked me about the recall, in the sense of trying to provoke something.

    i can assure you that the army is not the BEST thing that happend to me. it is only a minute chapter in my life. there is no bitterness with me, unless it is regarding the mistreatment of vetetans, who have give so efforlessly of their lives for this country. i will share this with you though....i dont just sit idely by and do nothing, words mean nothing. actions are constant and ever changing. i have REAL agendas, that i actively work at. these agendas, benefit service connected veterans. and lastly, i think that you have a "do as i say not as i do attitude", just as you formulated an opinion of me, i can certainly share mine of you.

    you invited me to post on other topics. i see your plan of attack.
    you welcome posters, and then when they dont share your view on that topic you turn on them.

  32. Ladybug,

    First let me say I have nothing against you personally. I don't even know who you are. I do know people like you though. I talk to them everyday. But I don't bend what I say, to get along with anyone. As I've told you once before, I like you myself. You generate conversation, you always disagree. Just know over here, if you say something be prepared to back it up. I try to maintain the accuracy of my blog. So you can't just say anything. Like you do over there. Of course there's going to be different opinions. But you can't lie to make a point. Other than that and foul language, everyone is welcome here. Anti-T is my favorite female liberal soldier, I don't always agree with her. We talk about it, and move to another subject. As I stated before, I think you are a soldier. That was even before I knew that you were. You have more heart than those guys you run with. You must understand, I'm an Independent with conservative leanings. Usually we won't agree.If you come over here with an opposing view, you better be prepared to back up what you say.This is one of the few places we have to hang out. Reading a lot of blogs that's good, reading is fundamental. What's important is how you process the information.To come over here, you have to have thick skin.Especially when you're trying to get something started.I clearly said the Army is one of the best things that ever happened to you. I don't know what else has happened. I said that for a reason. I know you going to the service, was a good thing. I stand by what I said about the refugee, that's my point exactly.

    BTW: The fact that you won't say anything about the recall, says it all.

  33. Anonymous5:11 PM do know who i am.
    im that girl,who everyone thinks is really quiet. but im just observing and checking everything out, before i speak my peace. while others are running off at the mouth about everything, i shoot from the hip with pure facts. i dont know where you have ever seen my posts and found them to be lies. let me know and i will explain where i gathered my information.

    yeah, im truly a soldier, in the sense of, i fight for whatever i deem is worthy. i pick and choose my battles. and i definately, have a will of consistency, of which i will defend without boundries. meaning......i dont pick on folk, however if they provoke me, then hell hath no fury! as you have witnessed in the past. i can definately take care of my self. but i dont go looking for trouble.
    BTW: lying to prove a point is the easy way out, that is for suckers.

  34. Anonymous5:12 PM

    sorry i forgot to click on ladybug.

  35. Anonymous10:36 PM

    anti....i was in the reserve for 9yrs. i did 8mths for Operation Desert Storm. my mos was pharmacy. i was deployed out of ft bragg, with a unit out of chatt, called the 377th CSH. without revealing myself too much. im always at the exchange and commissary enjoying my tax free shopping.

    just to prove some folk wrong about me being dumb, i get chap 35 for my son and daughter. you know what that means dont you?

  36. Anonymous10:55 PM

    well have to talk more, but definately not on a blog. there is no security. now that you have stated your job, we most definately have something in common.

    BTW: do you keep a personal copy of your medical records at your own disposal?

  37. Anonymous10:58 PM

    so you know that by me having chap 35, im one of a few, and i mean a very few, african american females that are 100% permanent and total service connected.

  38. Ladybug,

    I know all about what you're talking about. I was a government employee too. I'm glad you and Anti-T have something in common, but nothing has changed.

  39. I removed part of this post, cause I wanted to respond.

    the man said...
    Common and Bishop,
    Why don't you 2 join up to volunteer with the recall on May 2nd since you are so interested in what is going on with it.

    I'm not worried about it.I'm talking about it. You wish anybody would join. It would give you some signatures. Since you're talking about it, how many signatures do you have? What about the 100ft. rule?

  40. Anonymous8:50 AM

    anti....speaking from the perspective of helping veterans, and witnessing it first hand myself. always, always, always keep a personal copy of your medical records for yourself in a safe place at home. in three years you will be SO HAPPY that you did.

  41. Anti-T,

    If you're waiting for an intelligent conversation. You won't be hearing from "The Boy".

  42. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Sissy Boy Common,

    You are going to talk even more when we turn in our 70,000 signature. You will bury you head in you ass when it is on the ballot in August. What about the 100ft rule?

  43. Anonymous7:36 PM


    What type of underwear do you wear? Fruit of the Loom men boxers or briefs?

  44. The Boy,

    It's lonely on your site isn't it? Go back over there and respond to yourself, like you always do. I'm sure you've noticed everyone over here is literate. Unlike you and the majority of those anonymous and fictitous posters over there. Man you don't even ruffle no feathers over here, with that sissy remark. You don't even know me. You are the only one that would fix their raggedy mouth to say that. You better be concerned about your own house. Based on what I've heard. You have enough troubles of your own. Whatever I am, I wouldn't deal with you. Hold your breath for four minutes, before you get 30,000 signatures. We'll be rid of you. If you don't die from lack of oxygen, the smell will kill you. The recall is struggling. You paid for a $5100 commercial.
