
Thursday, May 25, 2006

Ambivalent Man

Today was a slow day for me newswise. So I decided to take this rare opportunity. To talk about something, that some of the readers of this blog have asked about. Of course we know the picture to the right, isn't my personal portrait. So what is it, and what does it represent? The title of the picture is "The Ambivalent Man". I chose the picture because it best represents what this blog is about. I try to look at things from an unbiased perspective. My mind isn't cluttered with preconceived notions. I'm wide open to facts. I'll be the first to admit I'm wrong, if it's proven. Unbiased doesn't mean being close minded. It just means you don't have preformed opinions, written in stone. I am conservative in my politics, but above all I'm fair. This is what Ambivalent means:

adj 1: characterized by a mixture of opposite feelings or attitudes; "she felt ambivalent about his proposal"; "an ambivalent position on rent control" 2: uncertain or unable to decide about what course to follow; "was ambivalent about having children"

I welcome all the different opinions, that read and respond to this site. Having said that, I'll say this. I don't go along with the flow. That's the purpose of this blog. To have somewhere the full story is told. If one doesn't want his opinion checked or scrutinized, for correctness. This is not the place. Our intent here, is to get to the bottom. In order to achieve that, to be ambivalent definitely helps.


  1. Common:

    Thanks for explaining your picture. The timing is perfect considering how your blog week has

    You asked me about my picture, I do not remember if I answered, you are not. I love the picture because of the multiple colors in the ribbon and one definition for dove is a person who advocates peace and negotiation instead of war. Therefore, my picture is a true representation of my circumstances living with MS.

  2. Anonymous12:11 AM

    hi. im trying to prepare for the circle of friends. i wanted to let you know that i purchased a hard back book at the navy exchange, that was twenty six dollars, when the cashier rang it up with the discount taken off it was only sixteen dollars and twenty two cents. plus no tax. just thought id tell you. hope you enjoy

  3. Anti-T,

    I like it too. It's doing the job, if it has you wondering.

  4. Blinders-Off,

    You were one of the people that asked. And obviously one of the people, that didn't need an explanation. In order to know where I'm coming from. I did, and you didn't. Thanks for the explanation. It fits you.

  5. Common:

    What do you mean by "I didn't"?

  6. Blinders-Off,

    I wondered whether to use that statement or not. I have to work on saying things. That can be taken differently, than my meaning. I know what you are thinking, that's not what I meant. What I was saying is "explanation or not, you still conducted yourself ladylike". Some people have to have a reason. To carry themselves the right way. The other didn't is, you didn't explain your name.
