
Saturday, May 27, 2006

How Do You Counteract Acts Of God ?

The latest catastrophe took place in Jakarta, Indonesia. The death toll less than 24hrs. later, is over 3500 victims and climbing. Before it's over, this will exceed 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina combined. For many of the victims, death came like a thief in the night. Many of these people were fast asleep. When the largest devastation since Tsunami in 2004 happened. It was 5:54 in the morning, before the break of day. This story is constantly changing, not just the death toll. I have been following it, since it first happened. America is the best country in the world, for more than one reason. It is truly a blessing from God, that we are here. Ask those people affected directly by this unimaginable occurrence. Village heads recorded their names so the victims could be added to the official death toll. Subarjo, a 70-year-old food vendor, sobbed next to his dead wife, his house destroyed. "I couldn't help my wife ... I was trying to rescue my children, one with a broken leg, and then the house collapsed," he said. "I have to accept this as our destiny, as God's will."There is a message here for those willing to listen. If it doesn't destroy you, it only makes you better. That may be hard to understand during this time. Thank God for people like Mr. Subargo. The gospel goes forth. In the midst of trouble, he looks to his only help. The quake cracked the runway and waiting area at the Yogyakarta airport, closing it to aircraft until at least Sunday while inspections take place, Transport Minister Hatta Radjasa said. Officials said the famed 7th century Borobudur Buddhist temple, one of Indonesia's most popular tourist attractions, was not affected by the quake. Nearby Prambanan, a spectacular Hindu temple to the southeast, suffered some damage but it was not immediately clear how much, officials said.

Close to 1 million tourists visit the temples every year. Wonder what Buddha says about this? Read the full story below:


  1. Anonymous7:03 PM

    You can't

  2. Anonymous12:37 AM

    Last I heard earlier today, there were 3700 deaths. How many people died in Hurricane Katrina?

  3. Indonesian Quake Toll Jumps Past 5,000

    Published: 5/29/06, 9:45 AM EDT

    BANTUL, Indonesia (AP) - The death toll from a 6.3-magnitude earthquake in Indonesia rose by more than 800 Monday to 5,137, according to the government.

  4. No matter how advance we become technology, we will never be able to 100% accurately predict Mother Nature's wrath. I go believe global warming is affecting the intensity of Mother Nature.

  5. Anonymous3:46 PM

    i agree with you 100% bout global warming. climatic change is gonna wipe out more countries, than a lot of wars. ill send you the info on your site. im on the base using the comp. mine is out temporarily.

  6. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Al Gore made a new movie about Global Warming.
