
Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Look At This

The story I wrote earlier, was misconstrued obviously. It wasn't written to show my disapproval of Mayor Ray Nagin. Nor was it to endorse Lt. Gov. Mitch Landrieu either. Personally I think Nagin is an undercover Republican. He was a new Democratic convert, prior to being elected as Mayor of New Orleans. In his acceptance speech this week, he apologized to President Bush. Why apologize if you're telling the truth to begin with? Below is a story written on the Governor's website about the meeting they had. She didn't have very much to say. Read her somewhat cool response:

Don't forget about Ray Nagin's earlier statement. He accused Gov. Blanco of delaying rescue efforts, for the residents of the 9th ward. He has since apologized to the Governess, as well as President Bush. This is the truth concerning Hurricane Katrina, according to Ray Nagin . Read the link below, and see what you think:

This is another article of an interview conducted following Hurricane Katrina. It sounds much like the argument you hear many still use. Though he has since recanted his statements :

All I'm trying to say is this. Don't roll out the red carpet, for Ray Nagin yet. You have to be very careful what you ask for. You just might get exactly that. I don't see how anyone could see these things, and not have questions. It's going to be interesting to see how this turns out.


  1. No Bishop,

    You let it go! You can stand on your point all you want. You still don't have one. That's a major problem with Blacks. Once it's proven they are wrong, they want to drop the subject. Talk about something else, they don't know about. You can move on if you want to, that's up to you. It's your choice, if you choose to be wrong.I can make a fair assesment of Nagin's Performance. You could to, if you read the paper. Instead of letting people like Leon Gray, do it for you. I probably know more about what Nagin's doing than a lot of the former residents. I did say former, because they don't live there anymore. I bet you never voted for a White anything, over a Black Democrat.It is about party lines with you. You're a Black Democrat first and foremost. If you listen to Leon Gray, that's proof. Bush could have been a Democrat, but he isn't. What does that have to do with anything? That's just glib talking points. You're so critical of Bush. You and Ray Nagin don't agree about him.

  2. Bishop,

    You're beginning to sound like somebody else on here. I knew it would eventually come out. I don't need any instructions from you, on what I need to do with my comments. I'm not right all the time, but I'm right about this. If a person says something, they should be prepared to back up what they say. If you don't listen to Leon Gray, why did you bring him up? He never would have crossed my mind. You were trying to make a point. It didn't work. I didn't criticize you. I just told you the truth. I'm not concerned with agreeing with you, or anyone else for that matter. I only want to know the truth. It's your right to listen to, and say what you want. That's my right as well. You should think about that.

  3. Anonymous11:36 AM

    In all fairness you called Common out.I don't agree with everything he says either.So I think before I speak.You need more than just your opinion.

  4. Anonymous6:19 PM


    YOU ARE DEAD WRONG. You are an EGOTISTICAL FOOL. You need some psychological help. I read your blog daily but never respond because I see how you attack people who disagree with you. You are not right all the time and these links are irrelevant to what you are saying. You said Nagan accused Blanco of delaying the rescue effort, but the link about this says that Bush was the one who told Nagan that she didn’t send them out on time. Now check your facts FOOL. You are quick to say you are waiting on FACTS, but can’t produce any of your own. You are the type of BROTHER who wants everybody to think that he is a robot or inhuman who doesn’t have any weaknesses of failures. Common, you are showing your weakness and failure by refusing to say that you are WRONG. How many times have we as humans come across situations where we argue among ourselves and hurt others. Have you ever thought that someone else can be RIGHT?

    Bishop you can’t have a civilized conversation with Common unless he is RIGHT. Others have tried.

    Cheryl, Bishop did not call Common out. How would you know anyway? You can barely read and write with your 1 line statements. Stop agreeing with this NARCISSISTIC person.

    Common, do you know what NARCISSISTIC mean? It is a personality disorder characterized by self-centeredness. Like histrionic disorder, people with this disorder seek attention and praise. They exaggerate their achievements, expecting others to recognize them as being superior. They tend to be choosy about picking friends, since they believe that not just anyone is worthy of being their friend. Narcissists tend to make good first impressions, yet have difficulty maintaining long-lasting relationships. They are generally uninterested in the feelings of others and may take advantage of them. Common, Narcissism is most often found in men and is often diagnosed with other mental disorders. Please pick up the book The Narcissistic Family, it CAN help you with your disorder.

  5. Bishop,

    No one has tried to deny you of your opinion. You came here telling me to "let it go". Sounds like you were trying to make me be quiet. I have only pointed out those things, you fail to acknowledge. If you can produce something to the contrary, be my guest. Everything you have said, is posted untouched. It will remain that way, unless you do something disrespectful. Which I don't think you will. If you think this is uncivilized, I'm sorry. There's nothing I can do about that. I enjoy your conversation, but I won't always agree with you. If I don't, you will know. That doesn't just go for you. That's how I treat everybody.

  6. P.O.Reader,

    If you read everyday and don't say anything, I see why. You should have remained quiet, if this is all you had to say. The same thing I told Bishop goes for you too. If you're supposed to be his backup, he's in trouble. I know who you are, so this is directed to you.

    Save your teaching for your child, or someone who cares. Your messed up mind is enough. Either you're a liar, or you can't read. Probably both of them. I won't waste time asking you questions. I won't get a straight answer. You're obviouly stupid. The links are there for anyone who wants to read them. They can see them for themselves. Maybe you should try reading them again. You didn't understand them the first time.

    As for what I want people to think. How would you know? You don't even know me. If you do, identify yourself. I guarantee you this. When I finish you'll shut your mouth.I could care less what you think. Before your post, I didn't even know you. I wish it had stayed that way. You sound like you have a small head.

  7. Anonymous8:23 PM


    Did that hit a nerve because I told the truth? Please get in your car NOW and go pick that book up.

    Who am I? That is the question for you today. You are always right and you know so much, identify me.

    FYI, I don't have any kids.

  8. Small Head AKA P.O.R.,

    Show some courage and identify yourself. This isn't a puzzle. One thing for sure. I know you lack intelligence. If I wanted to, I could. But if it's something you read, it's probably not worth the time.

    BTW: If you don't have any children, Thank God.

  9. WOW!!!

    This post seems to stir up some personal feelings.

    Bishop-Your statement “Let it go" is what started this. How would you feel if Common or anyone else came to your blog and told you to let something go? You would not appreciate it. Cordova was slammed for saying you called Common out, it was obvious she was referring to your "Let it go!" statement. You all had a point on the Nagin issue. "Look at this" is just a follow up on the previous Nagin post.

    P O Reader-it is interesting how you know so much about excessive love or admiration of oneself. Is there really such a book titled "The Narcissistic Family"?
    It is also interesting the first time you comment you are attacking the blog host and one of his commenter. Hmmmmm

    I would prefer you maturely answer my question if you cannot do that please do not answer at all. I am not about to verbally spar with you.

  10. Anonymous11:54 PM

    Blinders Off, I don't have to answer your question. Look it up for youself.

    This is not your fight. Stay out of it!

  11. Anonymous12:15 AM

    i learn by staying out of this.

  12. P O Reader and Bishop: Typical reaction.

    P O Reader-the beginning of my question to you explained what narcissistic mean, but like I said you had such knowledge on a book called The Narcissistic Family. I just wanted to know if there really was such a book. There is no need for me to look it up. Thanks for your intelligent answer. I will leave you with this, a pattern is here on Commentary and remember "A Shut Eye Is Not Always Close".

    Bishop-I gave my opinion just like Cordova and P O Reader. The hypocrisy of your response referencing me and Cordova says it all about you.

    ENOUGH SAID take your own advice and "Let it go"!

  13. Bishop,

    Ladybud didn't have to say anything, just like you. Blinders -Off and Cordova, were exactly right. You didn't ask a question. You made a statement, that didn't hold water. And it got exposed. If you don't see what they're talking about. Your lack of comphrehension, is surprising. To shut everybody up, just prove me wrong. Which I notice you hadn't even attempted. You or anybody else. Even if you like Ray Nagin, you can't argue with what I said.

  14. Blinders-Off,

    Both your post are hitting the mark. There is nothing left to say. Thanks for giving me a rest. You are confirmation of my thoughts. Be careful though. You will be accused of stroking my ego.

  15. Small Head AKA P.O.Reader,

    You must have finally read the links. Was that long enough?

  16. Anonymous12:05 PM

    check out that site. its about bush, apologizing for the wrong that he has done concerning the iraq war. he is apologizing just like nagin did.

  17. Ladybug,

    This post isn't about President Bush, it's about Ray Nagin. Why don't you try sticking to the subject.

  18. If I was talking about Bush, you wouldn't respond. There are several post on this blog about him. That you have noticably avoided. Check this out for starters :

    Then try this one:

  19. Bishop,

    You say you know me, then you already know. I could care less what other people think. Especially if I think they're wrong. I don't need the OK from you, regarding what I said. Brother I'm doing everything in my power, to not be insulting. It appears the only thing that would satisfy you. Is for me to say I'm wrong. I guess you won't be satisfied then. Ladybug and P.O. reader agree with you. Are they egging you on? Do you need them to make you feel good? I like you as a person, but on this one you're wrong.

  20. Anonymous4:26 PM

    I'm just making an observation.I read just like you.The first words out of your mouth were "Let it go".That's like saying, you aren't talking about anything.

  21. Anonymous4:37 PM

    I've figured it out.It's a trap. Common doesn't talk about anything that he doesn't already have proof.That's what he get's a kick out of.Having people challenge him,and proving them wrong.That's what I mean about think.Have a least a couple of sources.

  22. Anonymous5:08 PM

    i dont see any questions waiting for me to address.....

  23. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Pissed Off Reader,
    You should change your name to illiterate reader. Take a pill and chill.

  24. Anonymous5:29 PM

    I would bet the one below the one with your name, is addressed to you.

  25. Bishop:

    Stay out of what...I was not instigating, I was stating my opinion as a blogger. Which is what blogging is about-individual viewpoints on a subject where there will be agreements and disagreements. I am big enough to say, I am SORRY if you felt I was instigating on my first post.

    Life is too short to stress over NOTHING. I stated my opinion and I stand by it just as you stand by yours. Also, I am not here to stroke Commons ego. I visit many sights and make comments. I visit your sight once and commented on your "Hold On" post.
    I did not say what I said on your blog to stroke your ego I gave my opinion.

    Finally, THANKS for dealing with me by letting it go. I am returning the same sentiment to you.

    Peace be on to you...

  26. Anonymous9:28 PM

    Blinders Off,

    What do you mean typical reaction between me and Bishop? You want to talk about hypocrite? Take a look in the mirror. You and Cordova are two nagging ass instigators. You don’t have to explain what Narcissistic is to me. Try explaining it to Common. He needs to know about it more than I do. There is such a book and it has Common’s name written inside of it. Take a look at his answers to certain posters. He refuses to be WRONG, he’s always RIGHT. I’ll be dog gone if I didn’t nail the donkey on the wall with this one. He can’t read because he is still insisting that link says what his ears want to hear. Most of us know what it is saying; except for Common and Cordova.


    Why did you refer to only Ladybug’s statement and not address what Anti-tandbush said? Those two statements were similar. Did you NOT notice? Do you have your picks on here or are you two the same person? It makes me wonder if you are wearing a skirt and pants. Anti-tandbush you might want to check..OOOPS. I meant Common check your Kotex to see if it is still in place. FYI I’m not egging Bishop on, but you are egging Blinders Off and Cordova on. Common you love it when they agree with you.


    What type of observation are you making? Bishop said “Let it Go” because Common was repeating the same thing over again. Cordova, TN did you drop out of school in the 3rd grade? OOOHHHH WEEEEE you say Common doesn’t talk about anything he doesn’t have proof about? That makes me further no that you dropped out of school in the 3rd grade. Bless your heart. I REST MY CASE!

  27. Small Head,

    Like I told you earlier write your own blog. I don't care to know anymore about you. In that instance I am narcicisstic. I just know you're stupid. I hadn't even asked, whether you were a woman or a man. It really doesn't matter. You're a sorry excuse, for either one.

    You and Ladybug both seem to be preoccupied with who agrees with me. You better get used to that, or go elsewhere. Which wouldn't be a bad idea. We're on a different level here. If you take that the wrong way "so what".Cordova gave you the answer. You're just to stupid to see. You've proved your level of comprehension is low. You don't know of a place, that will hold all the people that agree with me. People like yourself wouldn't be there anyway.

    Don't worry about Anti-T and Ladybug. They're two different people. I'll address who I want to, it's my blog. Maybe Ladybug will tell us, who's example she's folowing and why.

    This long drawn out ignorance is familiar. You're going a long way, to go nowhere. You don't ask the questions here. If it doesn't pertain to the subject. I used enough words to keep you busy for a while. Nincompoop

    BTW: Who is the author of that book you keep talking about?

  28. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Ray Nagin won the race but I don't know about the residents. I am happy that a African American won. That's all I know. If you really want to know the truth. Common, you did make a point.

  29. Anonymous8:26 PM

    anon 7:18,
    why do you love me so much that you keep worrying about me???? you follow me from post to post trying to drum up something that isnt there. my advice to you.......i dont have any knowledge of who pissed off reader is and lastly you need to keep it im not the one......okay!

  30. Anonymous12:21 AM

    This post took a twist that really left the subject. Back to the issue in question. I do have issues with the voters. I think they are being used as pawns.A lot of them don't know what's going on. There is a lot at stake here. Mainly government funds.

  31. Anonymous10:27 AM

    The fat lady is giving a mini concert.

  32. Weekly Reader,

    The people have voted, but the story has just begun. What's important is how this money is spent.

  33. Curtis,

    What key?

  34. Anonymous1:01 PM

    I noticed that Pissed Off Reader hasn't shown back up to answer the question. Who is the author? The ass wipe was lying like a rug.

  35. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Pissed Off Reader,
    I noticed you spoke my name out of turn. Bitch mind your own business. One line is too much for you. I think I know who you are also. If I wrote two lines,you couldn't handle my comments.
