Rankings For The House And Senate

Full List of Rankings
Name Rank in Senate Score
Sen. Frist (R-TN) 1 96.75
Sen. Specter (R-PA) 2 82.31
Sen. McCain (R-AZ) 3 80.94
Sen. Grassley (R-IA) 4 78.50
Sen. Reid (D-NV) 5 71.06
Sen. Domenici (R-NM) 6 69.25
Sen. McConnell (R-KY) 7 64.56
Sen. Stevens (R-AK) 8 61.56
Sen. Hatch (R-UT) 9 56.75
Sen. Cochran (R-MS) 10 54.57
Sen. Feinstein (D-CA) 11 54.54
Sen. Santorum (R-PA) 12 54.44
Sen. Leahy (D-VT) 13 51.69
Sen. Lugar (R-IN) 14 48.50
Sen. Byrd (D-WV) 15 48.31
Sen. Kennedy (D-MA) 16 48.31
Sen. Kyl (R-AZ) 17 47.75
Sen. Schumer (D-NY) 18 47.56
Sen. Levin (D-MI) 19 47.25
Sen. Graham (R-SC) 20 47.19
Sen. Warner (R-VA) 21 45.94
Sen. Durbin (D-IL) 22 45.75
Sen. Hutchison (R-TX) 23 43.95
Sen. Roberts (R-KS) 24 43.56
Sen. Inhofe (R-OK) 25 43.52
Sen. DeWine (R-OH) 26 41.37
Sen. Lott (R-MS) 27 41.00
Sen. Biden (D-DE) 28 40.88
Sen. Dorgan (D-ND) 29 40.64
Sen. Bond (R-MO) 30 40.25
Sen. Cornyn (R-TX) 31 39.56
Sen. Dodd (D-CT) 32 39.25
Sen. Inouye (D-HI) 33 39.00
Sen. Shelby (R-AL) 34 38.75
Sen. Harkin (D-IA) 35 37.94
Sen. Smith (R-OR) 36 37.31
Sen. Brownback (R-KS) 37 35.77
Sen. Baucus (D-MT) 38 35.77
Sen. Craig (R-ID) 39 35.69
Sen. Gregg (R-NH) 40 35.56
Sen. Clinton (D-NY) 41 35.06
Sen. Allen (R-VA) 42 34.81
Sen. Hagel (R-NE) 43 34.62
Sen. Bingaman (D-NM) 44 33.56
Sen. Bennett (R-UT) 45 33.50
Sen. Murray (D-WA) 46 33.37
Sen. Burns (R-MT) 47 33.00
Sen. Sessions (R-AL) 48 32.62
Sen. Ensign (R-NV) 49 32.62
Sen. Snowe (R-ME) 50 32.50
Sen. Allard (R-CO) 51 31.75
Sen. Collins (R-ME) 52 31.44
Sen. Thomas (R-WY) 53 31.31
Sen. Kohl (D-WI) 54 31.25
Sen. Lieberman (D-CT) 55 30.94
Sen. Dole (R-NC) 56 30.31
Sen. Rockefeller (D-WV) 57 29.24
Sen. Boxer (D-CA) 58 28.87
Sen. Crapo (R-ID) 59 28.50
Sen. Landrieu (D-LA) 60 28.31
Sen. Kerry (D-MA) 61 28.19
Sen. Bunning (R-KY) 62 27.00
Sen. Conrad (D-ND) 63 26.56
Sen. Chambliss (R-GA) 64 26.37
Sen. Enzi (R-WY) 65 26.12
Sen. Sununu (R-NH) 66 26.06
Sen. Mikulski (D-MD) 67 25.75
Sen. Obama (D-IL) 68 25.68
Sen. Nelson (D-FL) 69 25.50
Sen. Voinovich (R-OH) 70 25.12
Sen. Akaka (D-HI) 71 24.67
Sen. Talent (R-MO) 72 24.65
Sen. Sarbanes (D-MD) 73 24.50
Sen. Coleman (R-MN) 74 23.81
Sen. Jeffords (I-VT) 75 23.50
Sen. Johnson (D-SD) 76 23.50
Sen. Coburn (R-OK) 77 22.81
Sen. Vitter (R-LA) 78 22.31
Sen. Wyden (D-OR) 79 22.16
Sen. Thune (R-SD) 80 22.00
Sen. Alexander (R-TN) 81 21.44
Sen. Feingold (D-WI) 82 21.06
Sen. Reed (D-RI) 83 19.75
Sen. Isakson (R-GA) 84 19.50
Sen. Martinez (R-FL) 85 19.50
Sen. Chafee (R-RI) 86 18.67
Sen. Murkowski (R-AK) 87 18.57
Sen. Nelson (D-NE) 88 18.06
Sen. Bayh (D-IN) 89 16.37
Sen. Salazar (D-CO) 90 16.31
Sen. Dayton (D-MN) 91 15.75
Sen. Lincoln (D-AR) 92 14.50
Sen. Cantwell (D-WA) 93 14.25
Sen. Burr (R-NC) 94 14.00
Sen. Stabenow (D-MI) 95 12.50
Sen. Carper (D-DE) 96 12.50
Sen. Lautenberg (D-NJ) 97 11.50
Sen. Pryor (D-AR) 98 11.50
Sen. DeMint (R-SC) 99 11.00

Name Rank in House Score
Rep. Hastert (R-IL-14) 1 97.25
Rep. DeLay (R-TX-22) 2 63.50
Rep. Lewis (R-CA-41) 3 60.57
Rep. Young (R-AK-AL) 4 55.00
Rep. Sensenbrenner (R-WI-5) 5 48.00
Rep. Barton (R-TX-6) 6 45.56
Rep. Thomas (R-CA-22) 7 42.13
Rep. Pelosi (D-CA-8) 8 41.89
Rep. Obey (D-WI-7) 9 40.00
Rep. Regula (R-OH-16) 10 38.38
Rep. Hobson (R-OH-7) 11 36.13
Rep. Young (R-FL-10) 12 35.50
Rep. Murtha (D-PA-12) 13 34.75
Rep. Wolf (R-VA-10) 14 34.38
Rep. Hoyer (D-MD-5) 15 33.91
Rep. Bonilla (R-TX-23) 16 33.88
Rep. Oxley (R-OH-4) 17 33.63
Rep. Knollenberg (R-MI-9) 18 33.50
Rep. Blunt (R-MO-7) 19 33.37
Rep. Rogers (R-KY-5) 20 33.25
Rep. Mollohan (D-WV-1) 21 32.25
Rep. Hunter (R-CA-52) 22 31.94
Rep. Taylor (R-NC-11) 23 31.88
Rep. Bachus (R-AL-6) 24 31.75
Rep. DeLauro (D-CT-3) 25 31.38
Rep. Dicks (D-WA-6) 26 31.25
Rep. McCrery (R-LA-4) 27 30.99
Rep. Visclosky (D-IN-1) 28 30.50
Rep. Reynolds (R-NY-26) 29 30.50
Rep. Kolbe (R-AZ-8) 30 29.44
Rep. Baker (R-LA-6) 31 29.25
Rep. Pryce (R-OH-15) 32 29.25
Rep. Boehner (R-OH-8) 33 28.88
Rep. Doolittle (R-CA-4) 34 28.63
Rep. Walsh (R-NY-25) 35 27.88
Rep. Smith (R-NJ-4) 36 27.50
Rep. Olver (D-MA-1) 37 26.50
Rep. Weldon (R-PA-7) 38 26.19
Rep. Frank (D-MA-4) 39 25.88
Rep. Gallegly (R-CA-24) 40 25.50
Rep. Herger (R-CA-2) 41 25.50
Rep. Smith (R-TX-21) 42 25.38
Rep. Rangel (D-NY-15) 43 25.25
Rep. Jones (R-NC-3) 44 25.12
Rep. Castle (R-DE-AL) 45 24.75
Rep. Everett (R-AL-2) 46 24.50
Rep. Shays (R-CT-4) 47 24.41
Rep. Ryun (R-KS-2) 48 24.27
Rep. Clyburn (D-SC-6) 49 24.00
Rep. Tiahrt (R-KS-4) 50 24.00
Rep. Miller (D-CA-7) 51 23.94
Rep. Hyde (R-IL-6) 52 23.88
Rep. Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL-18) 53 23.59
Rep. Nussle (R-IA-1) 54 23.44
Rep. Gillmor (R-OH-5) 55 23.38
Rep. Pombo (R-CA-11) 56 23.38
Rep. McHugh (R-NY-23) 57 23.25
Rep. Davis (R-VA-11) 58 23.25
Rep. Davis (R-VA-1) 59 23.00
Rep. Sabo (D-MN-5) 60 22.88
Rep. LaHood (R-IL-18) 61 22.75
Rep. Johnson (R-CT-5) 62 22.50
Rep. Hoekstra (R-MI-2) 63 22.50
Rep. McKeon (R-CA-25) 64 22.50
Rep. Pence (R-IN-6) 65 22.31
Rep. Kelly (R-NY-19) 66 22.25
Rep. Hayes (R-NC-8) 67 22.25
Rep. Gibbons (R-NV-2) 68 22.12
Rep. Leach (R-IA-2) 69 22.00
Rep. Simmons (R-CT-2) 70 22.00
Rep. Biggert (R-IL-13) 71 21.87
Rep. Shaw (R-FL-22) 72 21.63
Rep. Sessions (R-TX-32) 73 21.62
Rep. Putnam (R-FL-12) 74 21.62
Rep. Wicker (R-MS-1) 75 21.50
Rep. Lowey (D-NY-18) 76 21.38
Rep. Kingston (R-GA-1) 77 21.38
Rep. Cantor (R-VA-7) 78 21.37
Rep. Dreier (R-CA-26) 79 21.31
Rep. Spratt (D-SC-5) 80 21.25
Rep. Ehlers (R-MI-3) 81 21.15
Rep. Edwards (D-TX-17) 82 21.13
Rep. King (R-NY-3) 83 21.12
Rep. Renzi (R-AZ-1) 84 21.12
Rep. LaTourette (R-OH-14) 85 21.00
Rep. Dingell (D-MI-15) 86 21.00
Rep. Linder (R-GA-7) 87 21.00
Rep. Simpson (R-ID-2) 88 21.00
Rep. Feeney (R-FL-24) 89 21.00
Rep. Boehlert (R-NY-24) 90 20.94
Rep. Skelton (D-MO-4) 91 20.88
Rep. Calvert (R-CA-44) 92 20.75
Rep. Issa (R-CA-49) 93 20.75
Rep. Coble (R-NC-6) 94 20.63
Rep. Shuster (R-PA-9) 95 20.53
Rep. Hall (R-TX-4) 96 20.38
Rep. Johnson (R-TX-3) 97 20.38
Rep. Rogers (R-MI-8) 98 20.37
Rep. Goodlatte (R-VA-6) 99 20.25
Rep. Crenshaw (R-FL-4) 100 20.00
Rep. Emanuel (D-IL-5) 101 19.94
Rep. Cannon (R-UT-3) 102 19.87
Rep. Saxton (R-NJ-3) 103 19.79
Rep. Brown-Waite (R-FL-5) 104 19.75
Rep. Lucas (R-OK-3) 105 19.50
Rep. Hulshof (R-MO-9) 106 19.50
Rep. Forbes (R-VA-4) 107 19.38
Rep. Duncan (R-TN-2) 108 19.29
Rep. LoBiondo (R-NJ-2) 109 19.25
Rep. Barrett (R-SC-3) 110 19.20
Rep. Petri (R-WI-6) 111 19.19
Rep. Wilson (R-SC-2) 112 19.13
Rep. Hostettler (R-IN-8) 113 19.12
Rep. Stearns (R-FL-6) 114 19.00
Rep. McCaul (R-TX-10) 115 19.00
Rep. Conyers (D-MI-14) 116 18.88
Rep. Fossella (R-NY-13) 117 18.87
Rep. Bradley (R-NH-1) 118 18.87
Rep. Gilchrest (R-MD-1) 119 18.75
Rep. Peterson (R-PA-5) 120 18.75
Rep. Inglis (R-SC-4) 121 18.62
Rep. Weller (R-IL-11) 122 18.50
Rep. Norwood (R-GA-9) 123 18.50
Rep. English (R-PA-3) 124 18.50
Rep. Boustany (R-LA-7) 125 18.50
Rep. Jindal (R-LA-1) 126 18.50
Rep. Ryan (R-WI-1) 127 18.37
Rep. Royce (R-CA-40) 128 18.25
Rep. Chocola (R-IN-2) 129 18.12
Rep. Conaway (R-TX-11) 130 18.06
Rep. Upton (R-MI-6) 131 18.00
Rep. Cramer (D-AL-5) 132 18.00
Rep. Camp (R-MI-4) 133 18.00
Rep. Bartlett (R-MD-6) 134 18.00
Rep. Thornberry (R-TX-13) 135 18.00
Rep. Stark (D-CA-13) 136 18.00
Rep. Kilpatrick (D-MI-13) 137 18.00
Rep. Markey (D-MA-7) 138 17.92
Rep. Mica (R-FL-7) 139 17.88
Rep. Flake (R-AZ-6) 140 17.87
Rep. Mack (R-FL-14) 141 17.87
Rep. Hayworth (R-AZ-5) 142 17.75
Rep. Walden (R-OR-2) 143 17.75
Rep. Sherwood (R-PA-10) 144 17.75
Rep. Pearce (R-NM-2) 145 17.75
Rep. Garrett (R-NJ-5) 146 17.75
Rep. Wilson (R-NM-1) 147 17.63
Rep. Miller (R-CA-42) 148 17.62
Rep. Burton (R-IN-5) 149 17.50
Rep. Ney (R-OH-18) 150 17.38
Rep. Jackson Lee (D-TX-18) 151 17.38
Rep. Rogers (R-AL-3) 152 17.12
Rep. McHenry (R-NC-10) 153 17.12
Rep. Buyer (R-IN-4) 154 17.06
Rep. Levin (D-MI-12) 155 17.00
Rep. Weldon (R-FL-15) 156 17.00
Rep. Tiberi (R-OH-12) 157 17.00
Rep. Musgrave (R-CO-4) 158 17.00
Rep. Cubin (R-WY-AL) 159 16.88
Rep. Souder (R-IN-3) 160 16.88
Rep. Lungren (R-CA-3) 161 16.87
Rep. Radanovich (R-CA-19) 162 16.75
Rep. Foley (R-FL-16) 163 16.75
Rep. Kaptur (D-OH-9) 164 16.63
Rep. Hefley (R-CO-5) 165 16.63
Rep. Oberstar (D-MN-8) 166 16.63
Rep. Turner (R-OH-3) 167 16.62
Rep. Reichert (R-WA-8) 168 16.62
Rep. Davis (R-KY-4) 169 16.50
Rep. Istook (R-OK-5) 170 16.38
Rep. Waxman (D-CA-30) 171 16.38
Rep. Moran (R-KS-1) 172 16.37
Rep. Bilirakis (R-FL-9) 173 16.25
Rep. Hastings (R-WA-4) 174 16.25
Rep. Rahall (D-WV-3) 175 16.13
Rep. Kline (R-MN-2) 176 16.12
Rep. Lantos (D-CA-12) 177 16.06
Rep. Keller (R-FL-8) 178 16.00
Rep. Wamp (R-TN-3) 179 15.88
Rep. Woolsey (D-CA-6) 180 15.88
Rep. Kennedy (R-MN-6) 181 15.87
Rep. Porter (R-NV-3) 182 15.87
Rep. Schwarz (R-MI-7) 183 15.87
Rep. McMorris (R-WA-5) 184 15.75
Rep. Jackson (D-IL-2) 185 15.64
Rep. Chabot (R-OH-1) 186 15.62
Rep. Platts (R-PA-19) 187 15.62
Rep. Slaughter (D-NY-28) 188 15.50
Rep. Latham (R-IA-4) 189 15.50
Rep. Frelinghuysen (R-NJ-11) 190 15.50
Rep. Whitfield (R-KY-1) 191 15.50
Rep. Northup (R-KY-3) 192 15.50
Rep. Granger (R-TX-12) 193 15.50
Rep. Drake (R-VA-2) 194 15.50
Rep. Sweeney (R-NY-20) 195 15.44
Rep. Gordon (D-TN-6) 196.38 15
Rep. Watt (D-NC-12) 197 15.38
Rep. Goode (R-VA-5) 198 15.37
Rep. Hart (R-PA-4) 199 15.37
Rep. Harman (D-CA-36) 200 15.31
Rep. Hensarling (R-TX-5) 201 15.25
Rep. Paul (R-TX-14) 202 15.12
Rep. Emerson (R-MO-8) 203 15.04
Rep. Aderholt (R-AL-4) 204 15.00
Rep. Gerlach (R-PA-6) 205 15.00
Rep. Johnson (R-IL-15) 206 15.00
Rep. King (R-IA-5) 207 14.94
Rep. Moran (D-VA-8) 208 14.88
Rep. Deal (R-GA-10) 209 14.88
Rep. Ortiz (D-TX-27) 210 14.75
Rep. Cardin (D-MD-3) 211 14.75
Rep. McDermott (D-WA-7) 212 14.75
Rep. Roybal-Allard (D-CA-34) 213 14.75
Res. Com. Fortuno (R-PR-AL) 214 14.75
Rep. Hinchey (D-NY-22) 215 14.75
Rep. Miller (R-MI-10) 216 14.75
Rep. Culberson (R-TX-7) 217 14.75
Rep. Rohrabacher (R-CA-46) 218 14.63
Rep. Kennedy (D-RI-1) 219 14.62
Rep. Franks (R-AZ-2) 220 14.62
Rep. Rehberg (R-MT-AL) 221 14.62
Rep. Osborne (R-NE-3) 222 14.62
Rep. Boozman (R-AR-3) 223 14.53
Rep. McNulty (D-NY-21) 224 14.50
Rep. Ramstad (R-MN-3) 225 14.50
Rep. Kirk (R-IL-10) 226 14.50
Rep. Bonner (R-AL-1) 227 14.50
Rep. Manzullo (R-IL-16) 228 14.38
Rep. Pastor (D-AZ-4) 229 14.32
Rep. Carter (R-TX-31) 230 14.25
Rep. Serrano (D-NY-16) 231 14.20
Rep. Poe (R-TX-2) 232 14.12
Rep. Gutknecht (R-MN-1) 233 14.00
Rep. Alexander (R-LA-5) 234 14.00
Rep. Akin (R-MO-2) 235 14.00
Rep. Dent (R-PA-15) 236 14.00
Rep. Lewis (R-KY-2) 237 13.91
Rep. Kuhl (R-NY-29) 238 13.87
Rep. Miller (R-FL-1) 239 13.80
Rep. Diaz-Balart (R-FL-21) 240 13.75
Rep. Rothman (D-NJ-9) 241 13.75
Rep. Harris (R-FL-13) 242 13.75
Rep. Shadegg (R-AZ-3) 243 13.62
Rep. Pitts (R-PA-16) 244 13.62
Rep. Farr (D-CA-17) 245 13.52
Rep. Boucher (D-VA-9) 246 13.50
Rep. Bishop (D-GA-2) 247 13.50
Rep. Jenkins (R-TN-1) 248 13.50
Rep. Baird (D-WA-3) 249 13.50
Rep. Brown (R-SC-1) 250 13.50
Rep. Graves (R-MO-6) 251 13.37
Rep. Berry (D-AR-1) 252 13.25
Rep. Neugebauer (R-TX-19) 253 13.25
Rep. Fattah (D-PA-2) 254 13.00
Rep. Diaz-Balart (R-FL-25) 255 13.00
Rep. Price (D-NC-4) 256 12.87
Rep. Solis (D-CA-32) 257 12.75
Rep. Gohmert (R-TX-1) 258 12.75
Rep. Kanjorski (D-PA-11) 259 12.63
Rep. DeFazio (D-OR-4) 260 12.63
Rep. Waters (D-CA-35) 261 12.50
Rep. Boyd (D-FL-2) 262 12.50
Rep. Marchant (R-TX-24) 263 12.50
Rep. Brady (R-TX-8) 264 12.41
Rep. McCotter (R-MI-11) 265 12.25
Rep. Fitzpatrick (R-PA-8) 266 12.25
Rep. Kildee (D-MI-5) 267 12.13
Rep. Berman (D-CA-28) 268 11.88
Rep. Bass (R-NH-2) 269 11.88
Rep. Sodrel (R-IN-9) 270 11.75
Rep. Price (R-GA-6) 271 11.62
Rep. Taylor (D-MS-4) 272 11.62
Rep. Nadler (D-NY-8) 273 11.54
Rep. Ackerman (D-NY-5) 274 11.34
Rep. Green (R-WI-8) 275 11.25
Rep. Reyes (D-TX-16) 276 11.25
Rep. Tancredo (R-CO-6) 277 11.25
Rep. Nunes (R-CA-21) 278 11.25
Rep. Grijalva (D-AZ-7) 279 11.25
Rep. Myrick (R-NC-9) 280 11.13
Rep. Maloney (D-NY-14) 281 11.12
Rep. Evans (D-IL-17) 282 11.00
Rep. Towns (D-NY-10) 283 11.00
Rep. Beauprez (R-CO-7) 284 11.00
Rep. Blackburn (R-TN-7) 285 11.00
Rep. Bono (R-CA-45) 286 10.93
Rep. Lewis (D-GA-5) 287 10.89
Del. Norton (D-DC-AL) 288 10.75
Rep. Filner (D-CA-51) 289 10.75
Rep. Napolitano (D-CA-38) 290 10.75
Rep. Ferguson (R-NJ-7) 291 10.75
Rep. Foxx (R-NC-5) 292 10.75
Rep. Murphy (R-PA-18) 293 10.50
Rep. Eshoo (D-CA-14) 294 10.38
Rep. Udall (D-CO-2) 295 10.37
Rep. Westmoreland (R-GA-8) 296 10.37
Rep. Neal (D-MA-2) 297 10.25
Rep. Engel (D-NY-17) 298 10.25
Rep. Stupak (D-MI-1) 299 10.25
Rep. Shimkus (R-IL-19) 300 10.25
Rep. Pickering (R-MS-3) 301 10.12
Rep. Boswell (D-IA-3) 302 10.12
Rep. Pallone (D-NJ-6) 303 10.04
Rep. Peterson (D-MN-7) 304 10.00
Rep. Tanner (D-TN-8) 305 10.00
Rep. Hooley (D-OR-5) 306 10.00
Rep. Snyder (D-AR-2) 307 10.00
Rep. Cole (R-OK-4) 308 10.00
Rep. Owens (D-NY-11) 309 9.88
Rep. Costello (D-IL-12) 310 9.85
Rep. Terry (R-NE-2) 311 9.75
Rep. Larson (D-CT-1) 312 9.75
Rep. Matheson (D-UT-2) 313 9.75
Rep. Blumenauer (D-OR-3) 314 9.65
Rep. Brown (D-OH-13) 315 9.63
Rep. Johnson (D-TX-30) 315 9.63
Rep. Velazquez (D-NY-12) 317 9.62
Rep. Gutierrez (D-IL-4) 318 9.50
Rep. Crowley (D-NY-7) 319 9.50
Rep. Brown (D-FL-3) 320 9.38
Rep. Thompson (D-MS-2) 321 9.25
Rep. Meehan (D-MA-5) 322 9.25
Rep. Tierney (D-MA-6) 323 9.25
Rep. Sherman (D-CA-27) 324 9.25
Rep. Gingrey (R-GA-11) 325 9.25
Rep. Lee (D-CA-9) 326 9.06
Rep. Andrews (D-NJ-1) 327 9.04
Rep. Burgess (R-TX-26) 328 9.00
Rep. Fortenberry (R-NE-1) 329 8.87
Rep. Sullivan (R-OK-1) 330 8.84
Rep. Schakowsky (D-IL-9) 331 8.75
Rep. Pomeroy (D-ND-AL) 332 8.62
Rep. Wexler (D-FL-19) 333 8.56
Rep. Kind (D-WI-3) 334 8.50
Rep. Kucinich (D-OH-10) 335 8.50
Rep. Delahunt (D-MA-10) 336 8.37
Rep. Sanchez (D-CA-47) 337 8.37
Rep. Payne (D-NJ-10) 338 8.25
Rep. Sanders (I-VT-AL) 339 8.25
Rep. Holt (D-NJ-12) 340 8.25
Rep. Etheridge (D-NC-2) 341 8.25
Rep. Weiner (D-NY-9) 342 8.25
Rep. Thompson (D-CA-1) 343 8.25
Rep. Otter (R-ID-1) 344 8.25
Rep. Millender-McDonald (D-CA-37) 345 8.19
Rep. Cummings (D-MD-7) 346 8.18
Rep. Abercrombie (D-HI-1) 347 8.13
Rep. Tubbs Jones (D-OH-11) 348 8.12
Rep. Holden (D-PA-17) 349 8.00
Rep. Lofgren (D-CA-16) 350 8.00
Rep. Hinojosa (D-TX-15) 351 7.87
Rep. Capito (R-WV-2) 352 7.87
Rep. Baca (D-CA-43) 353 7.78
Rep. Moore (D-KS-3) 354 7.75
Rep. Scott (D-VA-3) 355 7.62
Del. Faleomavaega (D-AS-AL) 356 7.50
Rep. McIntyre (D-NC-7) 357 7.50
Rep. Tauscher (D-CA-10) 358 7.50
Rep. Allen (D-ME-1) 359 7.50
Rep. Carson (D-IN-7) 360 7.37
Rep. Larsen (D-WA-2) 361 7.37
Rep. Capps (D-CA-23) 362 7.33
Rep. Becerra (D-CA-31) 363 7.25
Rep. Scott (D-GA-13) 364 7.25
Rep. Green (D-TX-29) 365 7.25
Rep. Inslee (D-WA-1) 366 7.25
Rep. Israel (D-NY-2) 367 7.25
Rep. Bishop (R-UT-1) 368 7.25
Rep. Berkley (D-NV-1) 369 7.12
Rep. Capuano (D-MA-8) 370 7.12
Rep. Doggett (D-TX-25) 371 6.88
Rep. Hastings (D-FL-23) 372 6.88
Rep. Wynn (D-MD-4) 373 6.88
Rep. Pascrell (D-NJ-8) 374 6.87
Rep. Clay (D-MO-1) 375 6.87
Rep. Honda (D-CA-15) 376 6.87
Rep. Wasserman Schultz (D-FL-20) 377 6.87
Rep. Doyle (D-PA-14) 378 6.75
Rep. Smith (D-WA-9) 379 6.75
Rep. Davis (D-IL-7) 380 6.75
Rep. Wu (D-OR-1) 381 6.75
Rep. Van Hollen (D-MD-8) 382 6.75
Rep. Ford (D-TN-9) 383 6.62
Rep. Udall (D-NM-3) 384 6.62
Del. Christensen (D-VI-AL) 385 6.50
Rep. McCarthy (D-NY-4) 386 6.25
Rep. Schiff (D-CA-29) 387 6.25
Rep. Higgins (D-NY-27) 388 6.25
Rep. Watson (D-CA-33) 389 6.14
Rep. Meek (D-FL-17) 390 6.12
Rep. Meeks (D-NY-6) 391 6.10
Rep. Rush (D-IL-1) 392 6.00
Rep. Langevin (D-RI-2) 393 6.00
Rep. Cuellar (D-TX-28) 394 6.00
Rep. DeGette (D-CO-1) 395 5.94
Rep. Davis (D-AL-7) 396 5.87
Rep. Davis (D-CA-53) 397 5.87
Rep. Lynch (D-MA-9) 398 5.80
Rep. Brady (D-PA-1) 399 5.75
Rep. Bishop (D-NY-1) 400 5.75
Rep. Ryan (D-OH-17) 401 5.62
Rep. Strickland (D-OH-6) 402 5.50
Rep. Davis (D-TN-4) 403 5.50
Rep. Cooper (D-TN-5) 404 5.50
Rep. Michaud (D-ME-2) 405 5.50
Rep. Ross (D-AR-4) 406 5.50
Rep. Marshall (D-GA-3) 407 5.25
Rep. McKinney (D-GA-4) 408 5.25
Rep. Herseth (D-SD-AL) 409 5.12
Rep. Case (D-HI-2) 410 5.02
Rep. Jefferson (D-LA-2) 411 5.00
Rep. Chandler (D-KY-6) 412 5.00
Rep. Sanchez (D-CA-39) 413 4.75
Rep. Cardoza (D-CA-18) 414 4.75
Rep. Miller (D-NC-13) 415 4.75
Rep. Ruppersberger (D-MD-2) 416 4.75
Rep. Melancon (D-LA-3) 417 4.75
Rep. Boren (D-OK-2) 418 4.75
Rep. Davis (D-FL-11) 419 4.62
Rep. Gonzalez (D-TX-20) 420 4.62
Rep. Green (D-TX-9) 421 4.62
Rep. Butterfield (D-NC-1) 422 4.62
Rep. Costa (D-CA-20) 423 4.62
Rep. Baldwin (D-WI-2) 424 4.50
Rep. Schwartz (D-PA-13) 425 4.50
Rep. Carnahan (D-MO-3) 426 4.50
Del. Bordallo (D-GU-AL) 427 4.25
Rep. Salazar (D-CO-3) 428 4.25
Rep. McCollum (D-MN-4) 429 4.00
Rep. Barrow (D-GA-12) 430 4.00
Rep. McGovern (D-MA-3) 431 3.87
Rep. Moore (D-WI-4) 432 3.87
Rep. Schmidt (R-OH-2) 433 3.58
Rep. Bean (D-IL-8) 434 3.50
Rep. Cleaver (D-MO-5) 435 3.12
Rep. Lipinski (D-IL-3) 436 2.25
Rep. Matsui (D-CA-5) 437 1.95
Rep. Campbell (R-CA-48) 438 0.64
I had no idea Harold Jr. was this far down on the list. #383 out of 438.
Cordova TN,
I was surpised to see that as well. I don't think that looks good for his Senate hopes, outside the 9th district.
If he's the next rising star on the Democratic horizon. Their future isn't very bright.
Rep. William Jefferson D-LA. is #411 on the list. He is accused of taking bribes. There was $99,000 found in a freezer, in his home. There are some technicalities letting him remain in office.The Black Congressional Caucus are protesting on his behalf. What is the reason for joining forces with criminals? Democrats never surprise me with their actions.
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