
Sunday, May 21, 2006

Ray Nagin Wins Close Race

Ray Nagin was reelected as Mayor of New Orleans on yesterday. He won by a narrow margin of victory. Honestly I didn't expect him to win. This whole thing is a surprise to me, and many others. I don't have a voice in this matter to a degree. I'm on the outside of the circle. I don't live or vote, in that city. Which is the main problem, I have with this whole thing. I don't think many of those who did, should have voted either. Don't mistake my observations for an endorsement of Lt. Gov. Landrieu, because it's not. From what I understand, his platform is much like that of Ray Nagin. My concern is that of a taxpaying citizen. The newly elected Mayor will oversee the largest rebuilding effort in American history. I would say a portion of my taxes is going toward the effort. The American taxpayer is going to pay for the rebuilding of the "Big Easy".

I thought he stuck his foot in his mouth. With his unsubstantiated and unfounded comments, after Hurricane Katrina. To top things off, he made the infamous "Chocolate City" speech. Obviously that didn't hurt him too bad. At least not beyond repair. He still won the election. When I think about things he has said of late. I'm not sure, I want the Louis Farakahn mentality controlling billions of American dollars. Unless he says one thing, and does another. That's what we may have here. Only time will tell. I have plenty of reservations, but I'll keep them to myself. I'm sure this is the first of many, Mayor Nagin inspired stories. The voters of New Orleans have spoken, whether we like it or not. At this point all we can do is pray for and support him.


  1. Anonymous11:58 AM

    i share my opinion with you. i think he deserved to win, not because he is black, but because he was in office when the hurricane happened. and i feel that, they tried to blame him for what happened. so, if he is the blame, then let him clean up the mess, so to speak. why was everyone running to jump and be mayor? i dont know.
    i will tell you this, nagin should be careful for what he wishes for......hurricane season is starting up in a month or two. and if the powers that be wanted to really do some damage to nagin's rebuilding efforts in NO, all they would have to do is re- open the levees, again. my advice to nagin would be.....have a nice big chunk of humble pie and surround himself with honest, dependable staff who arent trying to "outshine" him.

  2. Bishop,

    I don't have the power to do what's really needed. If it were left up to me. I wouldn't let them vote in the election. If there wasn't a definite date of return. Why are they voting in this election anyway? Bishop I love you brother, but I know where you're coming from. You are a diehard Democrat, and Black one at that. You're just happy a Black, Democrat won.

    I think people misunderstand my concern. The wealth of the wicked, will be stored up for the just. I use the Cherokee program for preschool children, as an example. At least all Memphians know about that. The taxpayers were scammed in the name of the unwed mothers. I'm not endorsing one candidate over the other. I don't know Mitch Landrieu either. I do know Ray Nagin folds, in the time of crisis. In addition to telling lies.

    It amazes me how People seem to conveniently forget. His several apologies for the things he's said. If he was right to begin with. Why did he take it back? What Ray Nagin has done is try and mend broken fences. By apologizing to those people, that he lied about. I didn't have the priviledge of hearing all his reelection speeches. I don't think many of those that voted for him did either. One year from now, I would like to know. How many of those people that voted for him. Situations will have changed, in the least?

  3. Ladybug,

    You say it's not because he's Black for you, but I think it is though. He did a poor job in the beginning. Since when did that warrant another chance? How did you feel about Micheal Brown, being removed as head of FEMA? Do you think we should leave President Bush in office because of Iraq?

  4. Anonymous1:11 PM

    if i say its not because he is black, then i obviously believe that. whether you believe it or not is up to you. i honestly, dont care what his melanin level is. if you wanna look a the larger picture, nagin, aint all black anyway. look at him, he is too yellow and also peep his son out. so, no i dont think that he is 100% black, well for that matter neither am i or you.
    i wanted him to win so that he can show american that he can clean up NO. he most certainly has a long road ahead. the NOPD, is a corrupt intity, that needs its head severed. i am almost certain, that before nagin became mayor, that one of the landrieu's was mayor.

    he should recieve a second chance if the citizens of NO decide they want him back. as long as he is not involved in any political theivery then, maybe he was doing the best that he could do with the revenue the council had given to him.

    brownie, as bush called him. should have been left in the stadium with the rest of the evacuees. and after his brief stay, he should have resigned then the should have been give the traitors sentence! he should have been hanged!

    W, can either stay or go for all i care. because of reagan's trickle down economics slogan......i feel that im so low down on the totem pole, and every thing eventually works its way to local levels, by the time it effects me, im prepared for its fallout. ever heard the cant starve an ant! well im good.
    i believe that wealthy people will remain wealthy for generations. poor will remain poor for generations, middle class will do the same.
    to further elaborate your question.....i know that in order for us to remain the frontier nation that we are known for. we must take iraq's oil. if we dont have that oil we can forget, ever being taken seriously as a powerful nation. i also think that saddam has to die. immediately!!!!!!! we cant build a jail that will house him. i cant remember what treaty it is from the 1970's that you cant assinate a head of a country, unless it is during war. well what the hell are we waiting for? im brave enough, i will do it. i have no qualms about it. saddam hussein must die. if bush doesnt do that, he will die of political suicide.

    saddam, must die so that the world will be a safer place, for generations to come.

  5. Ladybug,

    True to form you haven't even attempted to answer a question yet. As usual you have responded with a lot of jibberish and rhetoric. Actions speak louder than words. I see the causes you support here in Memphis. Is New Orleans different than Memphis? If it's not a racial thing, what is it then? You fill in the blank. Maybe you can answer that.

  6. Bishop,

    I am a conservative. If that means,that I am a Republican. I guess I am then. Since we're being real, let's be real about this. Based on the job he's done so far. He doesn't deserve another chance. At best it could be, the lesser of two evils.

  7. Anonymous5:09 PM

    I agree with Common on this one. If they don't live there why are they voting there?Ladybug you're right about one thing.You have to be careful what you ask for.This is sort of like the district 29 race.People voting from everywhere.

  8. You all have a point...

    Bishop-it did take Nagin infamous radio comment for Bush to step in.

    Ladybug-Nagin definitely has to surround himself with loyal people.
    But come on, do you really believe the levees where breached on purpose?

    Common and Cordova TN--there are thousands of NO residents that have no plans of ever returning and they should not have been allowed to vote.

    Common you are 100% correct the city New Orleans is no different from the city of Memphis.

    Finally, the campaign was not a mud slinging campaign. Both candidates wanted to lead the effort in rebuilding NO. Nagin did the right thing after he won. He apologized to the very people he attacked. He also asked his opponent and his opponent accepted to help him with the rebuilding of NO.

    Katrina was forecast days in advanced and many mistakes where made on all government levels. No matter how small the threat is of a hurricane this year, I hope people take the hurricane warnings more seriously this year.

  9. Anonymous12:53 PM

    i always believe the theory of....there are three sides to a story, not two. there is the governments version of what happened, the people of new orleans version of what happened. and thirdly, there is the truth, somewhere hanging out in the middle. i dont doubt that the levees werent shut down and i also dont doubt that the government, did not intentionally seek to flood out the ninth ward. i just always think the possibility of anything happening is just that.....a possibility. i just dont know, i didnt see it with my own eyes. my usual rule is...if i did not see it with my own eyes then i cant believe that source. but, to flip the coin, stuff happens all of the time, that i did not see. that truly did occured.
    i hope i answered your question.

    i hope you can wade thru my jibberish.....common, seems to have a difficult time reading my answers. he wants me to be boxed in with my answers. i usually tend to lean toward out of box thinking! ill see you at your blog later okay, i gotta run for now.

  10. Anonymous1:01 PM

    common, since i offered you more of, my, ummmm, as you say jibberish.....lets do this like this. okay.
    1. nagin, deserves another chance to fix the city, because the hurricane destroyed the city. not him.
    2. brown, mike brown should have been fired. not just from his job, but fired upon by a firing squad.
    3. bush, he should come out of office because he has rumsfield in charge of the military and rumsfield is a civilain.

    i hope you can understand this.

  11. Ladybug,

    I read what you wrote Blinders-Off, and to the contrary I read quite well. Based on what you've written here. I obviously read, better than you. Regardless of how you say it,you're wrong about this. Ray Nagin was reelected as Mayor. So anything we say at this point, is really irrelevant. You or him, haven't misproved anything I said. And you won't either. The fact remains that he has done a poor job thus far. The only thing he can do, is turn things around. The ball in New Orleans, was dropped long before it reached Micheal Brown.If you aren't going to provide anything concrete. I guess this discussion is over.

  12. Anonymous4:58 PM

    why must you insist on sensationalizing every topic i post about?
    i have watched you post back and forth with a lot of new posters, as long as they are stroking your ego, you seem to like them. when i respond to the same question you go on a witch hunt! its always about you and you being right all of the time. why do you ask for others opinions and when theirs differ from yours, you instantly switch to attack mode. oh, who ,me i can handle it, bring it on. but there are others, who you say visit this site daily, yet i dont see the responses posted. your blog may have traffic, but only a few continue to come and hang around. you just come on too strong, let people warm up to you a little before you pull that pitbull mentality on them.

    im so exited for you, that you can read so much better than me. you seem to be the best at everything that you do. im also glad, that you are right once again. you must be proud of your record of never being wrong. that is really outstanding, i dont ever want to get to the point where i know everything and im always right. what point is there to have a desire to learn more? whew!

    if what we are saying is irrelevant about nagin, why did you ask me about him? huh?
    if the only thing he can do is turn things around, duh, maybe that is why he was reelected. thats all landrieu was gonna do, either turn things around or mess them up worse.

    yeah, whatev, michael brown may not have had anything to do with the ball being dropped in NO. i will tell you this though......he had everything to do with the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina's response to the citizens of New Orleans and for that matter, in MS, and AL. what happen with those mayors, common??? their gonna get reelected too, just watch and see. do i have proof....or anything more than but neither do you.....unless youre a prophet too.

    BTW: i know you missed me when i was gone. LOL. (smooch,smooch)

  13. Anonymous5:00 PM

    common, has access to the same facts as we do, however, he bends and misconstrues his facts to be right and anyone elses to be wrong.

  14. Anonymous5:04 PM

    for nagin to come back and win a reelection, facing the sen brother, mitch landrieu. is huge. a lot of folk i speak with in memphis, all plan to return to NO. that is what they know. plus the want to hold onto their property, rightfully so. so a lot of them took the opportunity to go home and check on their property and vote for nagin. nagin knows that all 50 states and even countries abroad are watching him. i hope he out performs all of every ones expectations combined.

  15. Bishop,

    The facts I have is half the people of New Orleans, are somewhere else for starters. The Superdome is another example. If the people had followed the right person, in the beginning. They wouldn't have been there in the first place. Ray Nagin was contacted two days before the storm. He still didn't initiate evacuation procedures. Over a thousand Buses were flooded. That should have been filled with residents two days earlier. Ray Nagin gambled and he lost. The city didn't have the money in reserve. He wasn't going to spend what they had on the poor residents. Everybody that could leave, had already left anyway.Most of them have gone back too. That's not the first time, they were threatened. This is just the first time it happened. He wasn't doing anything about the crime. They had the highest crime rate in the country. He wasn't providing jobs. They had one of the nations highest rate of unemployment rates. If that's not enough, I've got more. I'm not blaming Ray Nagin. He is a liar like many of those before him.

  16. Ladybug,

    If you don't like my blog go somewhere else. I don't need advice on making contacts from you. I have no desire to load my site up, with a lot of false information. I don't attack different ideas, but I do attack ignorance. If you want to control something start your own blog. Then you can say what you want to say. If you don't like what someone else says. You can delete it, like your friend. Since you say you've been watching me and new posters. Where were you hiding? I think you're that coward anonymous, the one I call Stupid. If that's not you, my bad. You're always welcome here. That doesn't give you licence for misinformation.

  17. Ladybug,

    That's not true. I don't know if you know you're lying. So I'll assume you dont.

  18. Anonymous7:46 PM

    ummmm there you go again. this is an honest and sincere question. everything you read and everything someone says is wrong, where in the world do you gather your facts. there is
    that -od complex hanging over your head again! have you ever tried arguing with a ruler over an inch??? i know youre gonna say,what does that have to do with anything. well, the answer, pertaining to you, is it has everything to do with what im saying.

    since your so gifted, why dont you tell me what your reference of the word ignorance means. not the dictionary's, because you would say the dictionary is wrong too, so what is your definition of the word?

    i dont need to start a blog. why would i wanna do that anyway. i can come here and direct yours. sike. just kidding......i dont have a lot of time to maintain a blog. plus,i can say what i wanna say on here, you asked for my answer to your questions. it just so happens that if you dont like my answer you wanna attack them. i dont use profanity, and im curtious to all of your guests.

    as for whom ever my friend is youre referring too, maybe they like to rearrange phrases like you.

    finally, as for me hiding or posting anon, never the case here, bro. i dont throw rocks and hide my hands. i have nothing to gain from anon posting, first of all, anon posters dont post on my behalf. ever, they mostly post against me. and secondly, you, yourself, i think is the culprit. you do anon posting to generate someone to disagree with. show how we are thinking alike.....i was thinking the same thing you were.....only i was thinking that you were posting as stupid. how funny is that.

  19. Anonymous7:52 PM

    of course you missed me! i can hear it in your voice. it's like, your koolaid was missing the sugar, without me being here. LOL.
    (smooch,smooch) go on and smile..........i just know that youre blushing........well anywho...i gotta to and watch my boo.....dwade and the pistons play game one.

    BTW: what happened to the AI posting for today's show????

  20. Ladybug,

    You're a loudmoth woman, that's for sure. I think you just like, to hear yourself talk. Don't try and put your friend on my level. He's not in the vicinity. He wishes he was. He may have gotten more signatures.

    It doesn't take anymore to maintain a blog than it does to respond to others. Except you have to be more consious of what you say. You can't say what you want on here. I run this. I won't delete you as long as you remember those rules. Your difference of opinion doesn't pose a problem.

    You don't think like me, don't even front. I don't post as Anonymous, I stand behind what I say.I would say 80% of my posters are the same way. Another 10% sign their own name like yourself. Most of my posters names come up in blue. In regards to me arguing with myself. Yeah, whatever I think Stupid is you. I don't have to generate conversation. I already said what I have to say.

  21. Ladybug,

    I know you won't try, but you can answer some of those questions I asked Bishop.

  22. Anti-T,

    I'm glad you came and responded. Thank you, for not stroking my ego.
    You got my main point. If you don't live there, you shouldn't vote there. I'm not going to argue the finer points of Ray Nagin. I think he was just being a politician. He has already won the election.

    It amazes me how Ray Nagin has taken back everything he said. Yet those who follow him somehow haven't heard. If he is just doing that to appease the people. Who is he catering too? Certainly not the evacuees. They think they will be a part of the rebuilding. I would like to see how many of those people that voted for him. Will be back at this time next year.

  23. Did you hear about the closed door meeting at the Governors mansion between Mayor Ray Nagin and Gov. Blanco? According to Nagin they have buried the hatchett. She said "it's time to drop the rhetoric, and move ahead".

  24. Anonymous1:05 PM

    hey common,
    whats up....i just saw what u posted, where did u hear about this meeting???? let me know. i dont know much about blanco. but i think that since she has seen nagin be re-elected she is gonna try and ride his coat tail. what do yo think?

  25. Ladybug,

    Coming up shortly.

  26. Anti-T,

    Read the "Look At This" article.

  27. Blinders-Off,

    I waited to answer your post. I wanted to see if anyone was going to present some facts, to contradict what I said. I see they didn't,I don't think anyone will. I'll be waiting I guess. I appreciate your concilatory spirit, but we all don't have a point.

    Ray Nagin messed up first, he hesitated.George Bush had nothing to do with the mix-up. He went there ahead of time. They wouldn't get on school buses, to save their life. They loaded up on them, to go and vote though.

  28. Common:

    From my post I pointed out what I agreed on from each of you. I forgot about the buses not being used. I see your point about Nagin messed up first.

  29. Blinders-Off,

    People want to come here and promote their misunderstanding and omission of facts. If it proves them wrong, they just won't mention that. If you have to leave something out. It's not the truth. That's the main reason I started this blog. I have no problem with people disagreeing. Just be prepared to back up what you say.

  30. Anonymous1:26 PM

    why common,
    if i hadnt seen it with my own eyes, i wouldnt believe it. thanks for not changing it.

  31. Ladybug,

    What are you talking about? You have some unanswered questions in "Look At This". You need to try to answer those questions, instead of wasting time over here. I told you in a earlier post. If you want to direct the conversation. You need to start yourself a blog. If people want to discuss your topics, they'll read or respond. Get with the program or get gone.This isn't the ride for you. I know where you're coming from and my patience is wearing thin.

  32. Anonymous5:07 PM

    exactly where am i coming from????seriously, tell me. i dont want to assume the wrong thing. tell me cause i wanna know.

  33. Ladybug,

    You came here from the recall site. You know about me, from causing commotion over there. That cause failed miserably, you're bitter. I notice you didn't reply, to either of those post.You listen to and think like them. Some people are here because they've opened their eyes. That's not the case with you. If he can't handle the heat, and he controls the blog. What do you think you can do as a poster? Why are you coming here then? You're trying to be disruptive. But it won't work. You're not allowed to use profanity, neither is anyone else. So you don't have that out. And you don't have any facts. That pretty much renders you helpless. Having a difference of opinion, and challenging me are not the same thing. Frankly it's transparent to the readers and myself, and it's getting boring. I won't allow you to trash my site. You are one of those people who would throw paper on the ground. Because you think it's someone elses job, to pick it up.

  34. Anonymous7:45 PM

    Common I'm glad you told that tramp. She hasn't responded. I bet she's reading.

  35. Anonymous1:07 PM

    I'm with you anonymous. I would bet money she's reading this. If she hasn't already.

  36. Anonymous3:55 PM

    none of what you said is true and you know it more than anyone else.
    youre wrong, you just hate to admit it. you have selective only wanna recognize your facts and not anyone elses.

  37. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Cheryl said...
    I'm with you anonymous. I would bet money she's reading this. If she hasn't already.

    why are you co-signing from the sidelines? do you know me? i know you, you and anon are the same person.
