
Saturday, May 13, 2006

Why This Argument Doesn't Hold Water

I have gotten in sort of a war of words, with the organizer of the recall. I posted this on my blog, so everyone can see my full argument. He'll accuse me of being disrespectful to him, and delete my posts. He challenged Mike Fleming to a debate, which he knows won't happen. Mike Fleming won't give him the free publicity. I'm challenging him, to debate me here. In front of everyone that can read. You are computer literate, let's debate on my blog. You're always on the computer anyway. Instead of posting as Anonymous or something other than your name. Let's post our argument, for everyone to see. In case you don't see this. One of his followers go back and tell him. I'll be waiting right here.

Back to the recall petition. It fell short miserably, in getting the required number of signatures. Everybody doesn't agree with their assessment of the Mayor's performance. They would do well, to try and convince people like myself. Rather than try and intimidate us. Don't underestimate the intelligence of the Memphis voter. You have to bring something I don't agree with all the Mayor's policies either, but I understand checks and balances. I have placed supporters of the recall, in three different categories. They either have an agenda, a particular cause. That or either they are misinformed. They don't have a basic understanding of civics. The Mayor doesn't have the ability to do anything by himself. He has to have the help of some of those same councilpeople, that they put in office. Finally we get to the big P predjudice, like it or not it exists. It's always lurking there somewhere. Wendi Thomas wrote one of her few articles, where I agree with her. In Thursday's Commercial Appeal see my article "Put a Fork in it, it's done" for a link to her article. I don't know who their lawyer is, but he's taking their money. I'm not a lawyer, but I can read through this. Below is the statue they are basing their arguments on. I would love to ask him or the attorney, a few questions.

No state statue can supersede the Tennessee Constitution. And in Article 11 section 9 of the constitution it reads: Any Municipality after adopting home rule may continue to operate under its existing charter,or amend the same, or adopt and thereafter amend a new charter to provide for its governmental and proprietary powers, duties and functions, and for the form,structure,personnel and organization of its government

I'll just start with one question. What does the word amend mean? The City Charter was written 127 years ago. It would stand to reason their would have been some amendments. This doesn't only go out to him. But any voter who disagrees with what I said. I welcome respectful exchange of different opinions.


  1. Anti-T,

    He seems to think, saying my name will deter me. Unlike him, my name is good. It opens doors as opposed to closing them. If that's supposed to scare me, I'll just say this. Don't come like a cabbage. I have extended the invitation. If they haven't read it, somebody in their crew has.

  2. Anonymous7:11 PM

    I ran across this site it will aid in the discussion,or just info.

  3. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Maybe by the time I read again. They will have read this, or responded. I want to see what they say. They don't appear to have shortage for words.

  4. Let me be clear about a statement I made earlier. It could be misleading, or misconstrued. My point was this. Hernton defeated his entire opposing field, by more votes than they received collectively. He got 72,048 votes, out of 103,244. In the Oct. 9, 2003 election. Combined with the supposed 45,000 signatures. That's only 76,196. Are we to asume none of the 45,000, voted in the last election? I would bet at least 60% of those signatures are repititous. The other ones being newly, or about to be annexed residents. That doesn't take into account the bogus names, and those outside the city. The list wasn't checked, since it didn't meet it's mark.Like I said earlier the 45,000 signatures don't make that much of a difference. It makes none to voters like me, and others like Wendi Thomas.

  5. Common:

    This is one debate I would like to witness. I do not think T-Man will come on your site and debate you because you dazed him on his own site with your viewpoint and he banned you.

  6. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Thaddeus won't waste his time. He has bigger fish to fry. This blog uses his for exposure.

  7. Anon 2:55

    How is this blog using T-Man's blog as exposure? T-Man is wasting his time by the tactics he use. He is not the only person in Memphis and Shelby County that cares about the low to moderate income people, the way politicians perform their job, and crime. Wendy stated it best in her column, he is not polished. In other words, he lacks elegance of style and manner to get his message across.

  8. Blinders Off,

    Me and you both. He won't come, he knows he can't hold my jock strap. When it comes to wits. He has banned my posts from his site, his are welcome here. Food for the shark.

  9. Anonymous 2:55,

    Maybe you can help him get some grease. He doesn't have any now.

  10. One and the same Anon 8:21 & 8:24:

    I will not stoop to your level of ignorance. I asked you a valid question...which you obivously could not answer. You are not worth my time...

  11. Anonymous 8:21,

    If nobody else knows us, you do I bet. You are the same idiot, that keeps responding. In case you didn't know, I can check. I don't think you're Thaddeus. Your grammar isn't bad enough. If you are, you're using a different computer. And someone is helping you. I wouldn't walk across the room to go where you're hanging out. You can use a name, so we'll know who we're dusting. Any of those you named, will do a fine job. Personally I want your leader. Instead of you coming, and saying nothing. Why don't you bring him? Take the time to drop him a line. Let him have a shot,since you haven't tried. The challenge stands.

  12. Anonymous11:13 PM

    Common, When you start doing something productive to help the community...maybe Thad will visit your site. Personally, I think it's b-o-r-i-n-g!!!
    Blinders Off, If you would just open your eyes you would see that Common is trying to get the traffic that Thad has to come over to his blog. Common will go on his sight and say something stupid so that he will get exposure. And as for stooping to someones are not above anyone or beneath anyone. You guys try to pretend that you are holier than thou....but that's not the case. Do something instead just trying to preach about it. Try living it....It speaks louder!!!!

  13. Anonymous 8:24,

    You sound like that loser Bill Dundee aka Del Gill. What happened to the 50,000 signatures, in one day.

  14. Anonymous11:42 PM

    Where is Ladybug? Every since this idiot showed up. I haven't seen her. She is usually here. Don't trust her. She is one of the few people posting on his site.

  15. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Anonymous 11:13,
    As one who originally supported the recall. I think people like Common and others, have done a fine job exposing the real crooks.They convinced me, and some of my friends. It is time to remove Mayor Herenton,but not this way.I signed the recall in the beginning. I wouldn't sign it again.I would look very closely at whoever you guys endorsed.He did get some exposure from Thad's site. That was then, this is now. Since then he has surpassed him. Tell the truth for a change.You people have become known for the lies, that precede you.

  16. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Anon 11:13:

    You are showing your ignorance. Blinders asked you a legitimate question when you posted at 2:55, 8:21 and 8:24 that you refused to answer. I do not blame Blinders not wasting time on you. Many blog surfers do not post. I noticed Common viewpoint before Thaddeus banned him. All Common was stating is the recall was a mute issue because the voters can have their say in the next Memphis mayor election. Thaddeus ban viewpoints that do not agree with him, but allow racist comments.

    Therefore, your logic of Common using Thaddeus site to pull traffic to his site is ridiculous. For you to know what Common is writing on his blog, you must be a daily blog surfer to his site. To sum it all up for you Thaddeus said, " HE WAS HIS OWN MAN" THAT MAKES HIM HIS OWN ENEMY. Why are you on this site stirring up s**t. Hell, I was sick and tired of the way Thaddeus put out the personal affairs of his targets. Yes, he talked about his criminal past, but he forgot to mention he was a Dead Beat Dad by not paying his child support. Finally, Thaddeus was the one who posted on his site and on television talking about what he was going to do with the supposing 45,000 signatures he collected in his recall mission. I am sure the people who signed his petition for a recall did not expect him to use their information to further his agenda. His agenda give the appearance of wanting to be a political insider and to settle some personal vendettas.

  17. Anonymous5:49 AM

    Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.

  18. Anonymous 11:42,

    I don't know. It is suspicious though. Maybe she'll answer your post.

  19. Anonymous 12:32, 5:49

    Thank you very much. Come again and tell somebody else. We appreciate your input.

  20. Anti-T,

    I consider spammers, people who say stupid things like Anon 11:13. That's why I encourage everyone to use a handle. So everybody will know who you are. Take credit and resposibility, for what you say.

  21. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.

  22. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Main Entry: amend
    Function: verb
    Pronunciation: &-'mend
    Etymology: Middle English, from Old French amender, modification of Latin emendare, from e, ex out + menda fault; akin to Latin mendax lying, mendicus beggar, and perhaps to Sanskrit mindA physical defect
    transitive senses
    1 : to put right ; especially : to make emendations in (as a text)
    2 a : to change or modify for the better : IMPROVE b : to alter especially in phraseology ; especially : to alter formally by modification, deletion, or addition
    intransitive senses : to reform oneself

  23. Anonymous7:47 PM

    This debate probably won't happen. If he won't address you on his site. You know he won't come over here.

  24. Anonymous10:15 AM

    I'm not the other anonymous.I know what they're doing.I wanted you to see this story.I've been following this feud.I think this recall has come to a head.

  25. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Where is that loudmouth Ladybug?She is reading this blog daily. She is still posting over there I bet. She is the other one posting as anonymous.Have you noticed since they showed up.You haven't seen her.

  26. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Unfortunately I think this fight is over. We still aren't finished yet. I read his blog also. Funny he didn't mention Common. He said it from the beginning.

  27. Cordova,TN:

    You are obvious one of the recall signers who realized it was time to move on from the recall and let your vote speak in the next mayor's race. I honestly believe the recall would have been a success if someone else led it. Do you agree?

    FYI...I cannot vote in Memphis elections.

  28. I read his blog. That's just like a #4%%#&, trying to make it look like he had a choice. It became evident the recall would fall short, about 75 days ago.The recall was defeated from the start. The bad attitudes and lack of preparation didn't help either.

  29. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Blinders Off,
    It turned out that way. I don't think he was the focus in the beginning. I agree with "Eyes Wide Open". He made it about him.

  30. Anonymous11:34 PM

    Great site lots of usefull infomation here.

  31. Anonymous1:15 AM

    Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.

  32. Anonymous1:36 AM

    Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.

  33. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.
