
Thursday, June 15, 2006

Crotch Rockets

Me and a friend were talking about these Sportbikes just the other day. Motorcyles give you a sense of freedom that's indescribable. I know the feeling. I once had that same fever myself. It gave my parents the blues. Especially my dear doting mother. Now I know what it was like for them back then. My son is going through the same phase now. Maybe he'll grow out of it, like I did. I got over it, when I started to drive. I understand the need for speed, but it's really scary. These new machines are just like the name says, "Crotch Rockets".

I can't help but think of the neighborhood youngster, who we'll call Tony. Who died on one of these Superbikes. He was flying down the street at a ridiculous speed. When a car pulled out, and he couldn't stop. His head swole up so big, the helmet burst. The paramedics had to cut it off. It's not like he wasn't warned before hand. Even the neighborhood addict told him on a regular basis. "Boy you better slow down. You drive that thing too fast". It was a regular occurrence, to see and hear him zipping about. You know that familiar sound. HHMMMMM!!! He was a good young man, all except for that. He went to school and didn't get in any other trouble. Not that I am aware of, anyway. If he did anything and someone saw him. He was easy to find because everyone knew him. Thank God, his wild side didn't hurt anyone else. He didn't represent all motorcycle riders, just a percentage. In my opinion too many though. I was talking to a preacher the other day who is a weekend Harley Davidson rider. He doesn't speed, in and out of traffic outrunning the police, and going in between cars. He doesn't ride by himself, he's in a motorcycle club. Riders like him, they make up another group. They're generally older riders. That know better from age and experience. This past week Ben Roethlisberger Steeler's quarterback, the youngest superbowl winner in NFL history had an accident, and he wasn't even wearing a helmet. He's already vowed to never do that again. He was blessed to survive with surgery. He represents those that could have anything they want. This just goes to show this thing crosses all lines. The age, race, status and even gender doesn't matter. Even the ladies like to ride.

I said all that to say this. Riding these bikes, is like having sex to a degree. If not controlled, it can be dangerous. Thus the name Crotch Rockets. What would happen, if we didn't regulate that? Sex that is. Having your own Superbike. It's virtually like having your own Jet. The problem here is, the streets are the runway. Calmer heads must prevail. The industry can't go unchecked. Catering to the whims of riders. Some bikers will try anything once. Sometimes that's one time too many. Don't let me leave them out, by all means. Have you seen some of the passengers lately? Can you say "Sex in the Streets"?


  1. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Some of these things literally fly. That picture you have there.You probably can't catch it on a straightway. Don't let them get a headstart.

  2. Anonymous8:52 PM

    I want one, but my wife won't let me have one.

  3. Stand Up Brother,

    This is a picture of a Suzuki Hayabusa, the fastest production bike made. That's what Ben Roethlisberger was riding.

  4. Keep the home fire burning.

  5. Just an update:

    Updated:2006-07-13 09:59:58
    Roethlisberger Was Told He Was Nearly Dead
    Quarterback Talks for First Time About Accident
    AP Sports
    BRISTOL, Conn. (July 12) - Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger said Wednesday night that he was told he was "seconds, maybe a minute away from dying" immediately after his motorcycle accident last month.

    Big Ben's Brush With Death

    Roethlisberger, in his first interview since the June 12 accident, told ESPN's "SportsCenter" that he doesn't remember much about the accident when he rammed his motorcycle into a car that was making a left turn in front of him on a Pittsburgh street. He did, however, remember what he was told by people at the scene.

    "They told me that I was literally seconds, maybe a minute away from dying because I slit a vein or artery in my mouth or my throat and it was draining blood right into my stomach and luckily the paramedic noticed it and stopped it or else I would have had too much blood in my stomach," he said in Los Angeles where he was for the taping of the ESPY Awards.

    "I remember very few things about the accident," Roethlisberger said. "I remember one car turning in front of me, I don't remember the car that hit me, but I remember that first car turning in front of me and the next thing I remember is being in the ambulance and asking, 'Is this really happening?'

    "I said, 'Tell me this is just a bad dream,' and he said, 'No, everything is going to be OK,' and he asked me, 'Is there anyone you want me to call?

    ' ... I just gave him two numbers and I don't remember anything until I woke up from surgery."

    Roethlisberger underwent seven hours of surgery to repair a broken jaw and other facial bones. Tests showed no brain injuries, although he had a mild concussion. He also lost two teeth and chipped several others.

    Roethlisberger was cited for not wearing a helmet when the accident happened.

    "That day I wasn't, I forgot it. I literally forgot it," he said. "You know there are times that, people that have been making a big deal for the last couple years about me riding first of all, and then me riding without a helmet, but it's one of those things that I ride with a helmet also. I do a little bit of both. If you don't wear a seat belt every time you ride in the car should I label you as a person who doesn't wear a seat belt? And unfortunately I happened to not have it on that day because I forgot it in the basement."

    Roethlisberger said he didn't know if he would ride a motorcycle again.

    "I don't know. I am not even thinking about that right now," he said. "To me, right now, like I said when I first started thinking about things, I started thinking about my family. Now that I am doing better and I feel good, now all I am thinking about is football and that is what is on my mind right now. I am getting healthy and I am getting better every day so all I am thinking about is football. I am not thinking about anything else."

    Roethlisberger is scheduled to play in a celebrity golf tournament this weekend in Lake Tahoe, Nev.

    Including the postseason, the Steelers are 27-4 with Roethlisberger at quarterback. They advanced to the AFC championship game in both his seasons as a starter, winning the Super Bowl in January.

    The Steelers won the ESPY for best team and Roethlisberger joined his teammates and coach Bill Cowher onstage to accept the award. It was his first public appearance since the accident.

    Roethlisberger didn't appear backstage to talk to reporters.

    "I have no concerns about Ben," Cowher said backstage. "He's going to have to get hit a couple times to see if he's all the way back. Hopefully, he can be a great inspiration to a lot of people about looking at life a little more cautiously."
