
Monday, June 19, 2006

Incorrect Period

I was involved in a argument with an aspiring politician. I have to call them aspiring. Because they have the right to run. If it were left up to me. I wouldn't allow them in the race at all. In this discussion, I made some predictions that were evidently true. As it turns out, I was right. Now I see why, I was causing so much commotion. I was letting the air out of their balloons. As if it really mattered. It's not like their disclosure causes a dilemma. They won't be a factor in the race anyway. A comment he made about the unsuccessful recall of the Mayor, he organized. Lead to this verbal exchange.

Common said...
Thaddeus,Since nobody is responding to your site. I'm sure you'll moderate this soon. I will do what I want to, I don't have aspirations of being a politician like you. If I did, believe me. I would do a better job than you. I don't agree with everything Mayor Herenton does, but I don't agree with most of your positions. Get it through your thick head, if people like me don't agree with you. You are going to be a loser. Hence the recall. Where is Bill Dundee?
4:03 PM

Bill Dundee is Del Gill, a longtime Democratic activist. He supposedly had a plan to gather 50,000 signatures in one day. Need I say more? The recall didn't gather 50,000 signatures, in the whole three months. Mr. Gill seems to be better at hurting others, than he is helping himself. He sponsored Roderic Ford, who won the Democratic nomination. When Del Gill joined forces with this clown. His credibility fell to an all time low, in my opinion. Instead of a mover and shaker. I had to mention that for future references. Now I see him as a troublemaker. See what the other clown had to say:

Thaddeus Matthews said...
Common, AKA derek embry If you don't agree with my positions why did you come to my site, I know because no one goes to yours, or in fact knows or give a damn about who you are. You have no idea what my aspirations are. you are just a kiss ass crony for weak blacks who believe that its always some one else's fault. you mention that you could do a better job than me, you can/t even get anyone to come to your web site, I banned you once from this site, because you want to login with a link to your site, I don't site promote here unless its something that I want to promote. people Who think like you are the real losers. I don't know why you posted you really had nothing to say. and all future posts will be banned, I know why you're mad. I POSTED YOUR PICTURE ON " WILL ROSCOE AND JOHN BE ABLE TO HANDLE PRISON"
7:11 PM

Notice how he never provides anything, to back up what he says. If no one comes to my blog. Why do they bother banning me from the site? He is welcome here. I eagerly await the chance to pick him apart. I wouldn't follow this guy to the curb, let alone across the street. He has built a platform, on nothing but jealousy and lies. We don't need any known idiots and thugs, in public office. This was my response, that wasn't posted.

Common said....
Thaddeus,You ban my post because you are an idiot, and you can't handle questions. Some of my regular readers used to come here. They don't anymore. I only came to your site this time. Because I caught your lame brained crack on Andrew's show, about the recall. I couldn't vote against Terry Roland, or I wouldn't have lost that one either. As far as you wanting to be a politician, maybe I should say powerbroker. You will never be any more than you are right now. For reasons such as this. A losing loudmouth fake. Just FYI a lot of anonymous posts, don't indicate traffic. Ask some of the people on your blog. I know at least as much about blogging, as you do. I know you probably won't post this. I won't be surprised. All the people you say that don't read my site. They'll get to see it though. You don't have to worry about me posting again. The main one got the message, that's you. As far as how the women look in Prison. I'm not concerned. I prefer women on the street. Let me take that back. I mean free women. I forgot who I was talking too. You have a thing for streetwalkers. John and Roscoe like free women as well I'm sure. They like them enough to stay away from juvenile court, unlike you.

Here is an announcement Thaddeus Matthews recently made:

OPERATION FEDUP Will Fire Up Again Real Soon And I Will Be A Candidate For City Council

This guy can't even tell the truth on a blog. I sure wouldn't trust him, behind closed doors. He underestimates the intelligence of the average Memphian. He thinks everyone's memory, is as short as his. Is this someone we want to put in public office? I've been correct about him so far. I still think I'm right. I predict they can't be trusted. What about you?


  1. Anonymous11:40 PM

    when did these postings take place?? to be more precise, what dates? and are you derek embry? i would like to read the entire posting. let me know.

  2. Ladybug,

    What difference does it make? You know when they were posted. If you don't, go back and read. You read that crap all the time anyway. It's none of your business, what my name is. Why do you want to know anyway? I'm pretty sure, you aren't my kind of people. Everybody that I want too, already know anyway. I'm also pretty sure you're the one, making all those stupid comments, under another name. I will tell you this. I'm not hard to find. Put your body where your mouth is, and everybody will know us both. All you need to read concerning this post, is posted right here. You didn't get this. You don't need to try and read anymore.I hope you read some of the other post addressed to you.

  3. Remember I said it first. This person is going to try and run, for an at-large council position. Hoping he can count on those signatures he got, for the recall. A lot of those people that signed the recall petition. Won't cast a vote for him. He sure can't get elected to office, in Cordova or East Memphis. He'll find out if he runs. He said he wouldn't sale the signatures. I guess he wouldn't. He planned to use them for himself.

  4. Anonymous9:56 AM

    I'm glad you caught that Common. She has an ignorance all of her own.

  5. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Common, you are correct in your assessment of Thaddeus, the recall was all him. He says everyone now knows who I am. Need I say more. I told him people know who "satan" is as well and they don't want any parts of him. Thad is a self granddizing individual who really wants to be "important" in this lifetime.

    It won't happen. I enjoy your postings immensely. Thanks for the call of love..

  6. Anonymous11:15 AM

    you are so pitiful! you whine too much when it comes to thaddeus. your traffic has disappeared. you only generated some hits because you used thaddeus' likeness. i know the truth hurts. just like bishop said, you arent the truth that you claim to be. yes, sweetie i can read. you arent the only person who has access to a book. ok. you also, know damn well im not posting as anon. you have the counter on your site. you know who IS posting as whom. dont try and pull that mess with me. ive been around too long. if anything it is you posting as anon. please believe that. youre just mad that i exposed you as a fruad. i could care less if you are dered embry or whatever.

    i can see very clearly that you havent changed how you attack people. that method is old and tired. why dont you come with something new. let me guess, or shall i say go out on a wrong and youre right, is that what you are gonna say????
    im used to you being right all of the time, and being omnipotent. will you please use your prophet powers and tell me what the winning lottery numbers will on wednesday! LOC sure could use a nice donation.

    now put that in your pipe and smoke it......cause i know you smoking something, thats the only thing that would compensate for your rudeness.

  7. Anonymous11:20 AM

    anon 9:56,
    you need to keep it moving. that is my only advice to you. i wont respond to pathetic haters, who hide behind the name of anon. got it. babygirl.

  8. Anonymous11:54 AM

    im intrested to know why thaddeus generates soooo much hate from some, when everything he says about crooked politicians comes to light. michael hooks, jr. just got indicted for embezzelment. they just annoucned it on the news. i wanna know what is worse....being behind on child support or taking bribes, while a person is in public office?

  9. Anonymous12:13 PM

    i would like to know if anyone knows of a man, who has not sinned. well, with the exception of common. is there any other........?????
    most people have skeletons in their closet. even your favorite physcian, whom you trust your dear life with has sins, hell he may even be a person who is behind on child support. but does that stop you from accepting prescriptions from him. heck, no. because you dont care. you only wanna reveal hate to the person that you choose. dont hate a person because of the sins you pick and choose, hold all to the same standards. if you so despise, men whom are behind on child support, then go down to juvenille court and ask for the listing of all men who are one day late or more behind on child support. make sure that you take a jaw support with you. because when you get the list, your face will surely break.
    when you go in for your high blood pressure and diabetes, remember to ask your md, if he is behind on child support. if he is behind, are you not gonna accept the medication, are you gonna change doctors? hell naw,same thing for the police, when they come to your aid. if some is robbing you, and the police come to save your life, ask them first, if they are behind on their child support, if they are....i guarentee, you wont turn them away. things need to be kept real, is all im saying. there are folk at your church, who sit next to you on the pew, whom are behind on child support, but does that not make them your brother in Christ? no.

  10. Anonymous 9:56,

    I was just giving them enough rope to hang themselves.

  11. Janis,

    You're welcome, I know how much she meant to you. You gave her, her flowers while she lived. You know I love your whole family. Them that I know.

  12. Ladybug,

    You have a small head, and you're a liar too. You just can't handle the truth. All these people that have responded, come here regularly. They just wanted to back up my sentiments, concerning your crooked friend. Bishop didn't say that. Don't try to get him, in your mess. Let me hip you to a little something. The reason I don't have a lot of responses, is because I give good information. Most of my readers liberal or not, are still pretty smart.Why say anything, if you have nothing to add. Like you always do. But you keep posting though. You're the best argument for whatever, I have to say.When it comes to you. I am always right. You are a stupid, loud mouth broad. That needs to be quiet. If I knew the winning lottery numbers. I certainly wouldn't give them to you. I would want your money to make tghe pot bigger.You always say something stupid, when you've run out. Which doesn't take very long. Usually after about the second sentence, if not the first. Instead of worrying about me and mine,you need to be watching your husband.

  13. Bishop,

    Welcome back brother. I missed you. I recieved some flack, behind our disagreement. I gave shout outs to your pastor, for his huge contribution to LOC. Now that's what I call putting your money where your mouth is.

  14. Ladybug,

    Shut up, you don't have a point. Nothing you can say, justifies his behavior. All you are saying, is absolutely nothing. Jesus was without sin, that's all. We don't need any lessons here, from those on milk. Is that homeschool Christianity?

  15. Bishop,

    Janis lost her Grandmother. The one she has been taking care of for years.

  16. My statement is not about liking or disliking Thaddeus his credibility was damaged severely when he disclosed politicians wanted to buy the signatures from him and went on to state how he was going to pimp the signatures he gathered. What the true numbers are is not truly the issue now. The signatures were specifically for the recalling the Mayor of Memphis. The drive to do that failed. Therefore, unless the people who signed that petition also signed to be a member of Operation Fed-up it is precocious of Thaddeus to think everyone who signed the petition is also supportive of him seeking an elective office. His credibility is also questionable on how he airs the personal dirty laundry of elected officials. Thaddeus need to decide which is it…an elected official or an activist outing politicians who are squandering the taxpayer money while they financially benefit themselves and families on the back of the citizens and city.

    Thaddeus has been struck by a double edge sword…he is damn if he do and he is damn if he do not. Unfortunately, for career politicians or first time people seeking an elective office his endorsement will hurt their chances in winning because he did contradict himself as to what he is trying to accomplish as an individual and he is controversial. Some people like that, but the masses do not. If people are tired of hearing elected officials telling them “I don’t give a damn about what you think.” He would have a hard time giving a different perception of his disposition if he decides to run for public office. How do Thaddeus think informed voters will vote for him already knowing he do not give a damn about what they think. He is entitled to put his opinion on his blog and he is entitled to run for office, that does not necessarily mean he have the influence to get out the vote for the candidate he supports…no more the any of us having the influence to get out the vote for the candidates we may support.

    I honestly believe that people can make a difference…it is possible to achieve the change of an issue or political official without being controversial in your tactics. When it comes to politics, state the facts and the registered voters of Memphis and Shelby County who vote responsibly and seeking to change the political landscape in Memphis, Shelby County, State, and Federal governments will vote for the candidate of THEIR choosing. Believe me, the people will not be voting based on sensationalism it will be based on the facts of an individual viewpoint and other individuals who share the same viewpoint.

    It nice to see you back Ladybug and Bishop...I sincerely do not have a problem respecting another persons opinion and moving on to the next agreement or disagreement.

  17. Anonymous7:49 PM

    blinders off,
    nice to see you as well. from reading your posts, blinders off, i see you are a classy lady. not that anyone has said that you were less than. i just wanted to let you know that. i honestly, and most sincerely respect you and your opinions. even if i dont agree with your beliefs on this issue. i really dig where you are coming from. and i appreciate that we can agree to disagree and keep it moving. just us offering our difference of same opinion, yet to keep it moving on the the next topic. this shows african american females can function on a level of class. it also maybe the military atmosphere, we both shared.

  18. Binders-Off,

    Now that's what I was talking about, in a less articulate manner.

  19. Ladybug,

    She is a classy lady, and you need to take some lessons. Blinders-Off differs from me on some things, but she always exercises proper ettiquete. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I don't discourage that. That's encouraged here. Just be prepared to back up what you say. You needed to check yourself, several posts ago. She hadn't said anything, everbody else hadn't already told you. You can't come on my blog and take over. The people here think like me to a degree. If you don't like it, that's too bad.If anybody has to go,guess who. I've been more than tolerant of you. I meant what I said.

  20. Anonymous10:13 PM

    whoa....calm down ok! you are ranting and raving like a mad man. i guess i touched that vunerable spot of yours again, huh? ill tell you what.......make your responses reasonable and more organized ill respond, respond to my posts, as i posted to you. i dont feel like having to jump all over your posts and respond, line by line. remember, with me i like to respond in the order i was posted to. i dont want you to accuse me of not following your rules. okay.

    oh, by the way......common, man, you really need to quit. ive had the unfortunate opportunity (what a good show of ironic), back to what i way saying.....ive heard you on bev johnson's show and man, you should be really embarrassed by the way that you speak. talking about being small headed, you a prime example. you talk a lot of bull on this blog, yet you cant even carry on a decent conversation. what a fraud! please brotha, in the future, write down what you are gonna say first. if you dont know what to say, damn brother, please say..."ill hang up and listen". that is one of the main reasons you and i dont click, ive figured out what you are. youre an imposter, and you attack people for your thrills. thats why you run people get some sick thrills off of it. dont cha???? thine own self, be true.

    summing it up for you.......give me some real responses to my original questions and ill forgive you for what you said previously. see how nice im being to you. were friends right?????

  21. Anonymous10:25 PM

    man please, are you for real. i could hardly read what you were saying, with a straight face. youre a disappoitment for a role model. i hope that you dont have little bishops running around playing follow the leader, like you have been folling common around.
    dont you realize, that he talked to you like you were a little boy, he talked down to you. that aint right. i almost felt sorry for you. he had you cowering in a corner like a child.
    was i happy that he did it, no. see, me and you dont roll like THAT, but i felt bad for you.
    he did not even apologize to you, just shows how he respects you. he waited, until today to say something to you. eventhough he knows where your blog is. on an honest tip, im glad yall made up. yall make a cute duo. he plays batman and you constantly play robin. dont cha just get tired of being second fiddle to common's antics???????? he turned on you before, he'll do it again.....just as soon as you disagree with him he'll cut loose on you again. so, be your self, okay. for real, stop waiting for common to issue you a treat. the way youre a lap doggie, for common i bet your wife has you on a leash. pitiful, just plain pitiful.

  22. Anonymous10:37 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  23. Trick,

    You can't show anybody here anything. You're only here, because you're allowed. I'm not going to moderate comments to deal with you either. Leave my other posters alone. If you have something to say, that's o'kay. I'm the blog administrator here. My opinion is what matters most. Get with the program, or get gone. Believe me won't anybody miss you. You're a poor excuse for a woman.

  24. Ladybug,

    See what I mean?

  25. Not that you said anything.

    ladybug said...
    oh,boo hoo. im all shaken up....common's mad at me. common, if dont come back will think about me everyday. i challenge you and you have a problem with authority or anyone else having balls to put you tail in check. i dare not run from you on this blog, i wont hide in the shadows like bishop did. you can believe that. but i can show you better than i can tell you. either you gonna show respect to others opinions or me and you gonna have survival of the fittest on this blog.

  26. Anonymous12:18 AM

    bitter troll,
    i could say youre a poor excuse of a man, but that would be so uh, cliche. so i will just say that, you are a poor excuse. i wouldnt say man, because real men would suffer for your misbehavings.

    leave your bloggers alone, who???? bishop, he jumped out of hiding after licking his wounds. i did not say anything to him first, he posted to me that i was a waste of his time. he didnt think anyone was a waste of his time when he was looking for an ally. but thats cool. i just sat back and watched you and him.
    mr chief, i like the way you run your club, that you and bishop have but why wont you let him be chief sometimes and then you be indian.

  27. Trick,

    I run this,like your husband runs your house. Without your help. You don't run nothing there, and you don't run nothing here. Get in gear, or get gone.

  28. Anonymous12:42 AM

    This is hilarious watching you two.Common you're Miami, and Ladybug is Dallas.LOL In all fairness though Ladybug.You were cruisin for a bruisin. You've bit off more, than you can chew. You won't admit it though.

  29. Anonymous2:56 PM

    arthur d.,
    im glad that you have been laughing, because blogs are a source of entertainment. believe me, i laugh at some of the stuff as well.

    im not in a contest with common, this is a real issue for me. i guess its all about principle. plain and simple.

    common, can be miami, just as long as i can have DWADE!!!! everyone on here knows that i have a major crush on him.LOL

    BTW i think mark cuban is a standup kinda guy. he stands for what he believes in!!!

  30. Anonymous3:08 PM

    bitter troll,
    i have nothing but pity for you sometimes. occasionally, you make sense, but mostly you just ramble......
    i dont know what it is in your life that has made you soooo bitter with both men and women. i bet you have shrines built in your home, with nothing but pictures of you. common, you need to get out more often. why dont you go on a heavy date.

    you try to make EVERYTHING about YOU. the same thing that you complain about thaddeus doing on his blog. you do it on your blog. well, aint that, the pot calling the kettle black. huh????

  31. Anonymous3:17 PM

    did you just say, "i need to handle my business, without putting you in it"?
    man, you need to wake up!!!! and smell the coffee!!!!!

    i dont need to have you by my side co-signing on nothing. unless.....that is if you got good credit.....just kidding. i can most certainly, add sugar to my own koolaid, and stir it. meaning.......i can handle my own business. therefore, your services wont be needed! youre a pawn, and i more or less roll with kings and queens. you go.

  32. Anonymous3:21 PM

    when im nice, im sooo sweet and nice. but i dont like it when folk try and gang up on me. i know that we can all admit to, a civil agreement of .........agreeing to disagree, without being rude. or forcing ones beliefs on others. can we????

  33. Anonymous3:30 PM

    bitter troll,

    you want me to call in so that you can roast me??? now, common, you dont even believe that your self. hell if i turned on the oven and made the gravy, you still couldnt roast me. sincere, question......common, how do you know that you havent heard me on the radio????

  34. Ladybug,

    You're finally right about something. It's not a contest. You don't have a weapon. You've shown up for a gunfight, and you don't have a gun.

  35. Ladybug,

    This is sincere, try me and see. If you did call the radio, you didn't call my name. Stupid people call the radio all the time. They don't say anything to me though, they know the end result. You won't be the first idiot, I've encountered. You're not even close, to the sharpest either. An empty wagon makes the most noise. You are the loudest one on this blog.

  36. Anonymous5:44 PM

    you dont have a sincere bone in your body!!!! i never let my guard down with you. i always watch people who like to talk down to others all of the time. youre angry at me because i busted you out. and im disappointed in you that you turned out to be a fraud. if you heard what you sound like on 50,000 watts, you'd start taking up sign language. its not too late for you though, you got a decent voice, however.....the sentence structure is abismal. you sound as if you are mumbling, pace your words and enunciate more clearly. sit up straight, and speak from your diaphragm. your tone is too nasaly, it makes it sound like your whining. can you handle the criticism??/? you give tons of it, i dont see why you cant recieve any. just like a closed hand, cant give or recieve, the same goes for the mind. im out.
    the rest of your last post is soooooooooooooo immature.

  37. Anonymous5:56 PM

    i will not call in to the radio station. i dont have time to sit and hold the line for 30-45 minutes just to embarrass myself. i listen occasionally. i spend most of my time doing something useful. youre needing an audience, thats your problem. all you trying to do is show out, but i showed you out. and for that, commom, you dont like me.

    i promise you this, if only you and i visited this blog, i wouldnt waver one bit. that is because im real. whether, im wrong or right, im REAL. so this is not for laughs, even though some of is funny. im real, and you cant accept that.

    all of this began, simply because i asked you what days did you get the postings from. i wanted to go back and read the entire conversation. i also asked you if you are dedrek embry. these were reasonable questions, especially since YOU say thaddeud is a liar.
    and you just shot off at the mouth. you are the real loudmouth, up in here.

  38. Anonymous9:46 PM

    common, im gone to another topic. about the indictment. see you there.

  39. Anonymous10:12 PM


    I always knew you were a PUNK but after reading this BULL that you posted confirms my belief. Your statement “I will tell you this. I'm not hard to find. Put your body where your mouth is, and everybody will know us both.” ONLY PUNKS HIT WOMEN and the reason they hit them is because they are too darn coward to stand up to a man. Did you get your bubble busted by ladybug? Ooops, I meant did you get your cherry busted because obviously you have some female tendencies. You whine like a BIG SISSY, get a grip on yourself. Did you ever pick that book up that I told you about earlier? You are on the edge and are ready to explode any day now.

    I can not believe you are the same Common that I hear on Bev show. The Common that I hear on Bev show sounds like he is around 60 years old and dropped out of school in the 3rd grade. He also sounds illiterate. If you are the same Common, I think you are plagiarizing your information on your blog.

    Mr. Embry, I can not believe you had the audacity to tell ladybug she needs to be watching her husband. YOU are the one with the BASTARD child out of wedlock. YOU are the one who slept around on your wife. HOW DARE YOU! Then you go on to talk about her kids and you are the one who is always saying “I’m a stickler for order,” You even criticized BROTHER ON THE DL for having an opinion that differs from yours. YOU ARE SUCH A HYPOCRITE. How about you go find the nearest PSYCHIATRIST and talk about your problems that you are having at home because they are beginning to show on your blog. You do a lot of double talk just like your pal Thaddeus.

    Ladybug, I see you can hold your own, but I had to jump in on this one. Keep making this OLD FOOL eat his words he will surely get choked off of them sooner or later.

  40. Ladybug,

    You haven't busted me, most of these people know me already. Have you noticed you're the only one that seems to be concerned? You're not the first person that didn't like my voice, so what. A lot of them got caught up like you, they didn't know what they were walking into. I walked them down slow. Left them looking stupid, just like on this blog. I chew up and spit out, fancy talkers on a regular basis. I don't wait a long time to talk on the radio either. If I have to wait, I won't call. The shows I call, the host are more than fair. Especially when I call. I bring the ratings. I'm on syndicated shows too. I'm not at a shortage for those who appreciate Common. People like you, complain about coming after me. If you can't understand it in black and white. Do you think I expect you to listen, in 3 minutes. It's too fast for you. Slow as I speak, you still can't keep track. I'm on another level. If I say anything. I'm talking down to you. I guess that's why you feel it's criticism.

  41. Ladybug,

    You're real alright, a real fool. You remind me of one of those kids. That would get his teeth knocked out. Just to say he fought back. All I have to say about this, is posted right here. I posted the whole conversation. That coward didn't. He only posted what he wanted you to see. That was the whole purpose of the post. If what I posted doesn't satisfy your curiosity. Go over there and ask him questions. You can tell him what we said over here. You're trying to imply, you have to go to him to get the truth. He is a liar, and birds of a feather flock together. What does that make you?You read what I said, comply.

  42. Ladybug,

    Where ever you go, there you are. Nothing changes, except location.

  43. P.O.R. or whoevever you are,

    Since you think, I pick on women and you're a man. Why don't you protect her. Are you a cross-dresser or a transvestite? Last time you posted, you were supposedly a lady. If you're not, you act like one. You're hiding behind a keyboard tougher than Ladybug. I would know where to find her, if I was interested. You don't have a consistent alias. I knew if you talked long enough, you would stick your foot in your mouth. You don't know me personally, you wish you did. If you do know of me, you're a coward. You won't reveal yourself. You sit back and hate me, because you can't be me. I'm at a disadvantage here. All I know about you, is one of your parents should have went to jail, upon your birth.You are proof of their guilt. Beastiality is a crime everywhere. In the future you have to stay outside with this crap. We don't let dog's in the building.

  44. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Ladybug you're the one here trying to force your opinion onn others. Most of us just don't agree with you. I know the feeling. I'm a convert.

  45. Anonymous6:58 PM


    I’m all FEMALE unlike that hairy wife of yours. Me and my husband don’t have any BASTARD children unlike you. Got It! Why do you say I’m hiding behind a keyboard? WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING? OLD MAN it’s not like you have your photo posted. It’s not like we want to see your OLD GRAY SLOBERING AZZ anyways. How about you Mr. Senior Citizen go and do something productive like finding a job smiling at the customers at Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart doesn’t discriminate against senior citizens or disable people. In fact they try to encourage them to apply. Since you have had a colostomy and carry your piss around in a bag attached to your belly you will do just fine. Let us know when you start so we can all drop by and drop a few coins in your bucket.

    Cordova, Tn,

    When did you start having an opinion? Since you can’t read that well, how do you know ladybug is trying to force her opinion on people? Well let me inform you that you are reading right to left instead of the American way left to right. Read everything again from left to right then let us know what you think OKAY. Poor baby your teacher forgot to tell you that Americans read from left to right. LOL

  46. P.O,R. and Ladybug,

    I do like hairy women. I like something to run my fingers through. My wife has long hair, but I appreciate short hair too. Especially when it's cut in a style.Unlike the two of you.

  47. In a sense he's getting his wish. People are still talking about him.
    Here is another challenge:

    Blinders Off said...

    I apologize in advance for commenting with a long comment that is off the topic. I am appealing to your conscience.

    The following is what I posted on my blog today and the response I received from Thaddeus Matthews for the first time.

    I want to introduce Jayla a blogger out of North Carolina who write beautiful original poetry. Her blog site is Jayla Rhapsodies...I have linked her blog on the side bar as Original Poetry by Jayla. As you all know I am about staying positive while living with a chronic illness. I love to read books and poetry to escape the pain and other affects the body put us thru. I have been reading Jayla's poetry for a while now and she has graciously allowed me to link her site to share it with you. Thanks Jayla.

    I believe you all will find comfort in some of her poetry when you are having one of those sh***y days. If you cannot pick yourself up from reading some of my so call uplifting writing to help you through your day...check out Jayla Rhapsodies. Do not take my word for it check it out for youself.

    posted by Blinders Off | 1:44 PM

    Thaddeus Matthews said...
    I love nuts

    6:21 PM
    Thaddeus Matthews said...
    I going to be a homeless when i grow up

    6:22 PM
    Thaddeus Matthews said...
    My mother was a crack hhoe

    6:22 PM
    Thaddeus Matthews said...
    so that makes me a crack baby

    6:22 PM
    Thaddeus Matthews said...
    I wish I know my paapy

    6:23 PM
    Blinders Off said...

    Please forgive the filth spewing from Thaddeus Matthews. I am not going to lie to you. Thaddeus commented on this post because of some hostile dialogue between him and Jayla. I know the majority of you do not know about his site from coming here. And, for the women I met this week at the Infusion Center. I want you to know this will not happen again...if he is a man who holds people accountable.

    To my favorite Memphis Blog sites especially the ones I have left a comment please come to my DEFENSE if you agree I have been nothing but respectful when I comment on your blog and if you believe Thaddeus actions where INAPPROPRIATE here at and it should have been addressed to Jayla. (Some of you all are aware of the battle between the two of them on his blog awhile back.) Please do what I posted to him on his blog, I am doing this because he may post my comment or he may not. Thank you in advance.
    Blinders OFF

    Comment I sent to Thaddeus after the filth he left on my blog:

    I know you monitor your blog before you post a comment and this one may not be posted, but Thaddeus why are you posting on my site being immature; I have never been on your site and DISRESPECT you. Yes, you have people that HATE you, because of how you do what you do and who know you personally that comment regularly. I do not know you personally; therefore, I can only judge you by your actions and words. The verdict is still out on rather I like you are not, I also know you do not give a damn if I do or do not.

    You should not have done that on my site, just because I enjoy a couple of blogs of people who do not like you. That is your problem not mines what you did should have been taken to Jayla’s blog. I do not pick for you and you DAMN sure do not pick for me. BULL SHIT is BULL SHIT and you are of right now is Full of it SHIT with your FILTHY ASS MOUTH.

    You see Thaddeus, I KNOW who I AM. I am not a person who lives to be controversial or stir controversy to get results. When I put my mind to ACHIEVE results, I ACHIEVE them. I said it before on your blog and I will say it again, “You are your own worse enemy”. You have something that can work in your advantage, but you do not know which way to go with it. It is going to interesting to see which way you go (a) a public elected official or (b) a controversial activist that hold public elected officials accountable. is a serious site for people suffering with chronic illnesses to have a place to come. Therefore, the comments you left were STRONGLY INAPPROPRIATE. I will leave them up because it displays your personality and character that only hurt YOU in the end. I am going to continue to read your blog and when or if I post I will continue to be respectful with my viewpoints as I expect you to be respectful when you visit my site. In which I do not see you visiting unless you live with a chronic illness or have a love one living with. Then this is the site for you on how to cope with living with a person who have a chronic illness. You are also more than welcome to visit my to receive some valuable information that can help you or some of your readers. Ex. Information on AT&T Free Computer Internet program, or information on a legitimate work from home company for people with disabilities or non-disability if they can speak Spanish. All I request you to do is show me some RESPECT or STAY AWAY.

    It does not matter if you post this because, I plan to send it to all the Memphis Blogs I visit and Jayla and ask them to come to my defense and let you know YOU WERE DEAD WRONG. In addition, if five or more send you a response post them up even if they are from some of your readers who love to hate you and be MAN enough and APOLIGIZE.

    Let see if you are Real or Not.

    9:53 PM

  48. Blinders-Off,

    After further investigation. I don't think that's him. Who ever it is, came on my site. And said something I knew he wouldn't have said. That would be too easy. He wouldn't put himself, in the line of fire.

  49. Common:

    The following is what I posted and I emailed Thaddeus to apologize for being duped by a troll.

    I want to thank the Memphis bloggers and others for posting their viewpoints here and on their site on this issue. I have obviously been duped by my first troll, I expect to see trolls every now and then on some of your sites because of what you all post. Who would think a filthy troll would post on a site like mine. Now that I am calmer after the invasion, I am able to think rationally. I apologize to all the Bloggers I contacted and their readers for posting a long comment that was off the posting topic. I would not have done that if I did not respect what each of you do on your site. By consensuses, it is looking as if someone else is out to make Thaddeus look bad. If I am able, I will delete my comment off your blog or please do it for me.

    I am serious about what I post on my blog just as much as the next blogger. I am also not too proud to apologize to Thaddeus or anyone else if I prematurely jumped to a conclusion.

    Thaddeus, it started here and it will end here. I AM SORRY…It appears I have been duped by my first troll who is not a fan of yours. If it ever happens again, I will contact you privately. I will delete the troll filth off my blog and the very least I can do is leave this APOLOGY to YOU up for a couple of days.

  50. Anonymous9:10 AM


    You really need to clean your ears out more because you are not listening. Let me tell your tired azz for the second time that I am not ladybug. I am a 28 year old black female. I have never met ladybug. Are you upset because there are two of us that feel the same way about you? If both of us see the same thing in you, it means that you really, really need to check your tired azz. I know we are not the only ones that think you are sick. Your other followers are scared or frightened that you will TRY to put them in their place. Well let me tell you this, you can not put me in place because just like ladybug I can hold my on. Okay, did you understand that? I'm not going to bite my tongue on anything that you say anymore. It's long over due for somebody to teach your ignorant azz how to address a real women and how to talk to people. It is so obviously that you was not raised properly or in a stable household.

  51. Blinders-Off,

    What goes around comes around. karma is something else.If you dig one ditch you better dig two. One for then and one for you.

  52. P.O.R.

    If I wasn't Ladybug. If I were you, Id keep it to myself. I wouldn't want anyone to know that I accquired all that ignorance, in twenty-eight years. You two thinking alike, only proves one thing. You both are silly women. So believe me that's nothing to bragg about. In fact it's a shame. Since you weren't properly raised. If you're going to continue to post here. The training starts now.

    I don't allow profanity on my blogg.That's what people use, when they have nothing else to say. I would rather you just say nothing. Which is usually what it amounts to anyway. I am older than you, so I am your elder. Our relationship is one of student-teacher. You being the student. If I know any women in your family, it's your aunts or your mother. Unless you have an older sister. I don't play with other folks children. So I wouldn't know you.

    You aren't going to show anybody anything. Except maybe you start showing, that you're maturing. If you do that you'll be cutting a 100. As far as talking all that smack, this isn't the place. Nobody here is afraid of you, for being stupid. Because you're over eighteen, and screwing. Only makes you grown in age. If I continue to let intelligent people read your post, consider yourself lucky.

    I know far to many, fine young ladies. Some younger than you. To be concerned with what you think. None of them, talk like you. They probably don't look like you either. They understand decency and order. It's evident in their lives. So being young is no excuse, for being stupid. Your big mouth is a reason though. You need to be slower to speak, and quicker to listen.

    I think you and Ladybug are the same. And my opinion is what matters most here. From now on everything I say to you, applies to her as well. Why don't you post this garbage on her blogg. I'm sure she needs, and would love to see you. I don't need, neither do I want. Better yet start your own. Then you will control something. If your husband is as stupid as you.I hope you don't have any children. If you do, I hope he isn't like you. I pray your husband off sets you. I guess he'll respond next. I'll train him too,unless he's older. If that's the case, he should better train you.

  53. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Ladybug save the drama for your mama. We know it's you.

  54. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Ladybug you made it, all the readers business. When you say something that don't make sense, and someone calls you on the carpet. You can't get mad.Whether it's about popularity or whatever. You have lost miserably. Lick your wounds and move along.

  55. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Pissed Off, When I want your opinion. I'll ask ladybug. It's better to be pissed off, than pissed on. You ought to be happy that you don't get what you deserve.You would be wet right now.

  56. Anonymous11:22 PM

    I agree with you ladybug. Common, Paul, and that stinky CAT Cordova are the same. I figured it out Common. YOU ARE A HERMAPHRODITE! Which role do you play in bed with your wife Common, Paul and Cordova the woman or the man?

    No SWEETIE my mother is not over 60 so you don't know her or my aunt. Try my grandfather or grandmother. I refuse to RESPECT and OLD ASS senile BUZZARD like you. No, you can not teach me anything with that screwed up thinking of yours. I would rather be taught by a retarded monkey than to be taught by you. I'm not going anywhere so get use to me you OLD ASS CROW. You keep this up and it's going to be TROUBLE, TROUBLE. You got that OLD MAN!

  57. Ladybug,

    This is my last post to you concerning this matter. Take it like you want too. My other readers as well as myself. Are being turned off, by your pointless disputes. You offend people who I would rather they stay than you. Those who like that kind of stuff can go with you.This isn't that kind of party. Obviously you like reading my blog, you stay on here more than I do. Nobody over here, bothers you, if you don't go after them. Otherwise they don't pay you any mind. You and this idiot P.O.R. are the same. If not you two agree. It's the same mindset. So you are the same to me. You don't know me, and if you did. You would go on, about your business. If I wanted to go that way. I haven't begun to talk about your family. You don't give any options here. I talk about what I want too. If you didn't start it, there would be no need. You won't get no concessions here. As if you've been right about something. Nobody cares about your opinion. They have their own. If they agree with you fine, fine if they don't.See that's your problem. You're worried about my impact. You need to focus on yourself. Stop trying to prove something to me. That's why you have a blog . So those who think like you, can agree.You're just someone who posts here. That's all the respect you're goimg to get. If that's not enough, you need to leave.Otherwise just enjoy being a participant.

  58. Well if you want to say your grandparents were running the streets, in their grown-up years. That explains why their grandaughter is silly. How ever old your mother is, she wasn't home with you. You don't know where they were. You just know you didn't see them. Seems like you raised yourself.

  59. Hey Anti-T,

    You are a breath of fresh air, I miss you, something awful. I don't care what they say, I said it. I hope you are enjoying your vacation. Be glad when you come back. I'll be leaving then. Not as long as you though.I don't know how I missed your post.

  60. Nobody misses you here. If they did, they know where to find her.Stop trying to get free exposure. Strange there isn't an address, attached to your name. You do that. Then we'll all know who you are, without a doubt. Post what you talk about with your counselor. That might be educational. At least you'll get something for your money.

  61. I enjoyed the entertainment s\common,see how many posts you get from just calling my name.

  62. Thaddeus,

    Only you would consider this exposure as positive. Everybody that talked about you, had a negative report. What little was said about you, was summed up in the first few post. Nobody trusts you, as far as they can throw you. And most of us aren't power lifters. We can't even pick you up off the ground. You're an idiot, and a liar. By the way, one who's welcome here. I think it's safe to say. In the minds of most of the people, you're a loser. Glad you enjoyed yourself. This is one of my less informative posts. Read something else.

  63. The truth always eventually comes out. It took months for this to come out, but this is admission of what I always said.

    For several years I have called in regularly to Andrew Clarksenior's program on WREC,and never had a problem getting on his show,in fact during the recall I was given the hot line number (433-3214) to insure that I was able to by pass other callers to be able to have my comments heard on air.

    But since I have not been on the attack against Willie Herenton and have declared that I will not support power brokers in their attempt to oust Herenton, I am no longer allowed to voice comments on WREC. On yesterday a caller(Kathy) eluded to me in her comments which i could tell had come from her listening to my show,so I decided to call in using the hotline number. I was told by Ms. Hardeman that a memo had went out by the program director stating that I was no longer allowed to voice comments on WREC. in fact no host is even allowed to call my name.
