
Tuesday, June 13, 2006

It's The Other Forty-Seven Percent

According to statistics, the homosexual population only make up one percent of the population. Evidently forty-seven percent of the voters, didn't have a problem with same-sex marriage either. At least not to the point, of voting for legislation. In the 2004 presidential election. These were the certified numbers. BUSH 59,459,765 - KERRY 55,949,407 NADER 400,706. For that election, that was the hotbed issue. I think that was pretty close. I'm not saying a vote for Kerry, was a vote for same-sex marriage. What can I say though. Considering that Bush reintroduced the measure. The Senate voted it down. What else can the President do to settle this?

Just like the policemen in this picture. Many people take it for a joke. I don't think the vast majority of people are homosexual. I think for the most part they just don't care. Those who speak out against them, they consider them zealots. When I see the effect of such a small number. I can't help but think. If you don't stand for something. You'll fall for anything.


  1. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Why didn't the "Bro on the Down Lo" respond to this?

  2. Anonymous8:15 PM

    I don't know...maybe he knew a down low Bro like you would respond first????

  3. Cordova TN,

    He was too busy stinking up the place somewhere else.

  4. Anonymous 8:15,

    We could fill up a coliseum with the things you don't know.

  5. Anonymous5:34 AM

    I am sure you could Common...but you would have to get those things through you head first!!!!!

  6. Anonymous6:33 AM

    Cordova tn...

    This is a blog spot. You read the either agree with all that is said or you don't. Everybody is entitled to their own opinions. You don't have to agree and neither do I.

    Now, if you are so passionate with hating homosexuals or bisexuals, you should get out of the safety of your home (since you are so angry) and evangelize on the street corners. Go into the bad neighborhoods and preach repentence to those who you disagree with concerning their ways of living. Isn't that the work of the "saved man of God"?

    You cannot bring conviction or effectively change a person's spiritual route by being lazy and doing cyber-evangelism from a blog spot. You have to get out from in front of the computer.

    Now put views on your blogspot and you shouldn't get upset if a visitor disagrees with something said. You also shouldn't allow for your regulars (who you stand behind so much) to not attack guest of your do want your site to grow dont you?

  7. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Anonymous 6:33,
    You got a lot from one sentence.How did you do that?

  8. Anonymous8:19 AM

    You homophobes are a pathetic group. What frightens you about us who perfer the same sex? Is it, Common that you are one of us who's afraid to step out of your comfort zone? You're not so righteous, you have a "love child". You were married and cheated on your wife to produce your child. What's makes you better than I? Why won't you even discuss the matter>

  9. Anonymous 5:34

    You are without shame, you don't know when to stop.

  10. Anonymous10:25 AM

    What do you mean? Without shame? What remorse do you show when you attack and have little or no information?

    I would love to know where you live, because I would wave a sign in front of your home proclaiming the "hypocrit" you are...

  11. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Common doesn't care whether his site grows or not. Remember what Freud had to say about people who " hide behind" others? That's exactly what Common is saying. Why are you calling yourself " Common" anyway? Whats' your real name ? I know it's Emory or something familiar.

  12. Boy On The DL,

    What does that have to do with you being homosexual? It's not up for debate, whether I marry or not. I'm not upset by you bringing up the past. I used to do a lot of things, but I don't do them anymore. According to you, you're still a hidden homosexual. An ignorant one at that. I don't care what you like, that's your problem. I just don't agree. Don't flatter youself, nobody is afraid of you. I can only tell you what the bible says. I do pray for you, just like I do everybody else. You aren't special like you want to be. I might be guilty of something, but not that. Are you sure you want to discuss it?

  13. Is Anonymous and Brother on the DL the same?

  14. Anonymous10:44 AM


  15. Anonymous10:45 AM

    I'm not the same an anon, and yes, I want to discuss this issue

  16. Boy On The DL,

    Your comments are welcome but no profanity.

  17. Anonymous10:49 AM

    If I could change, I would. I know that this is not the norm. As you posted, only one percent of the population is gay. But why am I? I read in the Bible where there were gay people, was I born this way? As long as I could remember,I was attracted to men. I fought it, I prayed, I even considered an " exorcist". I know this isn't what God wants of me, yet, I'm not changing, the urges are so strong, I go to the park in the evenings, I cruise at night looking for a lover. I have even gone so far as to cruise the Castro distict in San Francisco. I love men, I can't help it..

  18. Anonymous10:50 AM

    forgive me for the profanity

  19. Anonymous10:50 AM

    forgive me for the profanity

  20. Without shame simply means. When you say something stupid that you can't prove. You refuse to let it go.

  21. Why are you calling yourself Brother on the down low? Everybody that needs to know me does. You act like you do, but you won't reveal who you are. As far as whether or not I can have sex. People like you, will never know.

  22. Brother,

    You type faster than me, let's start over. I won't call you stupid, I apologize. I used to use profanity.

  23. Anonymous11:09 AM

    this is rather sensely. Actually, I check out various websites, but article dealing with homosexuality caught my interest. Thanks

  24. Brother,

    I used to do everything, I thought I could get away with. I never had your problem, but I liked the ladies and money. God made a difference in my life, I'm happy to say. I'm sorry if I come across, as being antagonistic. I love everybody, regardless of their sins. I can only tell you, what God said. That way I always know I'm right. I don't claim to be sinless, I just sin less. Thank God for the wisdom, to know the difference.

  25. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Respond to Hate with Love.

    Respond to Fear with Boldness.

    Respond to Darkness with Light.

    God Bless

  26. Brother,

    I think there was a crack in that last post. I think what you meant to say was senseless. That's what I meant by "without shame". Come again brother, I enjoyed the conversation.

  27. Witness,

    God Bless You. Thanks for the post.

  28. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Anonymous 6:33 what are you talking about?I asked a question,to which he hasn't responded.I'm not an evangelist, and neither are you. I'm bringing conviction to people like you.The people reading this blog.

  29. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Anyway Anonymous, you came after me first.I think you're trying to avoid Common.I'm not the one either.

  30. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Well said Common

  31. Anonymous3:41 PM


    All I can say is no matter what the sin, no sin is greater than another---it is all equal in the eyesight of God. Now Jesus commanded the Pharisee and the Saduccees (when they wanted to stone the woman who committed fornication) "that he who is without sin cast the first stone".
    And they crowd scattered, not one left because nobody is without MAN, and that is Jesus Christ, is the only Being I know of without sin.

    Now say you have been changed. You say the things you used to do, you don't do anymore quote " I don't claim to be sinless, I just sin less.", you still sin, however less it may be. You are not perfect. So therefore you have no Heaven or Hell to put anybody shame on you.

    These so called "Christians" today are not even ready for the Kingdom of Heaven. They are so busy warring over situations that only the Divine power of God can heal --if the situation is damamged.

    So..if you are a real Christian and you are evangelizing to other's that they may come to know Jesus/Jehovah God intimately...then you need to ask the God of the Universe to fill your heart, not only with courage, but with pure and real love. Not the love of Satan which is revealed in Christians today, disguised as HATE.

    Now that is a shame, Common.

  32. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Cordova TN...

    I have no reason to hate you. I have no reason to address whether or not I am hetero- or homo- sexual to you, because you are just a human man.

    If you go back and read the post about the threesome couple on this would see that it was you who attacked me for my views. You simply didn't have to address my statement in your comments.

    But you did. So I say to you, get out of the suburbs of Memphis. Get out of your upscale community and get with people in your Church. And go and witness in love to people in not so upscale "picketted-fenced communities" about your beliefs in the Scriptures. And when you do it in love...and not hate.

    You don't even know me and you hate me -- a stranger, you only have ASSUMPTIONS about.

    Don't worry about me -- I know Jesus Christ and have a very close, good relationship with Him. Worry about your own relationship with Christ... Witness, Commom, and Cordova Tn.

  33. Anonymous 3:41,

    Since you and the brother are not the same. I'll address you separately. If this is all you had to say. It doesn't hold water.You are wrong, there is a difference. Homosexuality is an abomination. The fact that no one is without sin. Is no excuse for doing what you want. This attitude is a sign of an immature Christian. That's even if you are a Christian, to begin with. Some people mean well, but they don't have a clue. That's why we need to be quick to listen, and slow to speak. It is apparent that you spend more time trying to correct others. Than you do, trying to check yourself. You can't speak for anybody else. You can't even speak for yourself. That, Anonymous is a shame. If I haven't already told you, I'll tell you again. If you want to run something. Create your own blog. You can only post here. And that's at my discretion. If this drives away, or doesn't attract certain people. I say good riddance. It's to their advantage to be here, not mine. They might learn something.

  34. Anonymous 4:13,

    We're not worried about it, we're talking about it. Since you brought it up, to begin with. You seem to have a problem with whoever agrees with the host. I suggest you get over it, or go elsewhere. Witness didn't dignify your response, one way or the other. Don't start something you can't finish. You don't hold a candle. You're out of your class. If you had such a good relationship with God, it would show. It doesn't come across on this board.

  35. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Brother on the down low. If you want to know what stupid is,read the Anonymous comments.Anybody that thinks like that.Is a prime example. Personally I think it's you,or your sibling. Another panty waste.

  36. These people that come and try and start something are so predictable. When the going gets hot, they get going. They should know by now, this won't be a walk in the park.

  37. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Like I said...I have no Heaven or Hell to put anyone into because I am only human.

    When I join your church...Common...then you can explain to me your interpretation of the Scriptures and you can impose your guidelines for membership on me.

    And for those who are rushing to your defense...there is no need. I don't attack anybody, I just love.

    This is why there is so much killing, racial hatred and discrimination, inner-racial hate and discrimination, robberies, disobedient children, prostitution, theft, the spreading of disease...and on and on.

    Because of hatred in some form or another from people who have disregard for what other's are feeling and experiencing.

    And as the Salt of the Earth, Christians have lost their flavor. Most Christians (like yourselves) no longer care about which Jesus Christ the Master is moved.

    It doesn't matter the person's sin because only the Blood of Jesus Christ can wash it away.

    I think about how the angry mob that stood roundabout Jesus...mocking him until he died. It gives me inspiration to know that I am being persecuted for His name sake!!!! I am so happy!!!!

    I am a true Christian. I am not part of a hate group. I love God with all my heart, mind, body and soul. I don't want to do anybody any wrong. So, I love my neighbor as myself. I don't hate my neighbor.

    Common and Company...I am your neighbor. And look at the hatred you spew towards me.

    Now, if you don't want me to respond on your site...that is okay because I havent lost any sleep over this site, nor will I lose any sleep over this site. But it is my prayer that my fellow Christians stop the hate and love everybody and look beyond the next person's fault -- be loving about encouraging every new convert and the brethren to CORRECT behavior and stop the brick bashing.

    Christians need to stop trying to take over Jehovah God's thrown (judgement) and truly start to walk as Jesus Christ walks!!!!

    After all, none of us have made it through the pearly gates yet, have we?????

    Peace be unto you, all who read and interact to this site...

  38. Anonymous2:11 PM

    And another thing...

    If I don't respond is definitely not because of fear. Even though I dont always respond to every article or comment, doesn't mean that something anyone has said has "run me off".

    I read. I understand. I don't have to agree...same as you Common. I could give my name. But why would I want to introduce myself to Christians who act like Satan's children. Ya'll take care.

  39. Anonymous 2:02,

    You are a sheep and you need a new Sheperd. You don't know your head, from a whole in the ground. And here you are trying to challenge men.

  40. Anonymous 2:11,

    You don't say anything because you have nothing worthwhile to say.

  41. Anonymous6:20 PM

    Common... do you pastor? It sounds like from reading your responses that you have no preaching license, ordination, or seminary sound like you are just a radical activist against social ills. What is the name of your church...the Church of the Poison Mind for troubled reformed Black criminals?

    I don't see Jesus in none of your messages. All I see is an infadel...a Black man who wants a talk show audience but cant even hit the airwaves...when you get your ordination and seminary degress..I will join your church.

    Other than that, you are talking doo doo. Peace!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  42. Anonymous 6:22,

    Do you read these posts. If you don't , just be quiet. Everytime you open your mouth, it gets clearer. You are obviously outclassed here. You're just a flyweight at best. If you want challenge me. You have to pick up some weight. While you're trying to make snide comments. Pick up a dictionary. You can't even spell half the things you say.

  43. Anonymous9:33 PM

    When I read you post...I wonder if you have a dictionary.

  44. Anonymous 9:33,

    Since you've been trying to preach. Try to answer this. Where are gay people in the bible? I don't know that. At least where God condoned the act.

  45. Anonymous4:22 AM

    A monkey can be trained. One thing they can't do is talk. When people say things they can't explain. It just shows they're repeating what they heard.

  46. Anonymous7:12 AM

    I would love to TYPE Scripture passages in this Blog, but as with everything else I TYPE, even the Scripture passages would be twisted.

    Common...Go off into the Scriptures...pull up all the Scriptures against homosexuality (esp. from the Pentateuch) and then show me in the Gospels where Jesus Christ specifically condemned homosexuality.

    Then, I want you to look at the people, the places and the time set in which the Scriptures were written. Notice how those people were Jehovah God's chosen people.
    If those people, the Hebrew slaves (later named Israel) had been obedient to God, people like all of us blogging would not be acceptable as God's chosen people.

    Since God's chosen people rejected the Son of God, then a relationship with God among all people became possible because of Jesus Christ's LOVE.

    Now, if the Bible is only about the hatred of Homosexuality, then there are definitely false teachers and preachers working the crowds of society in order to get public approval (Common). The Public will turn on the very man they elected if they don't agree with what he chooses to do.

    Homosexuality isn't the only abomination in the Bible. Go back and read. Hatred in the heart of mankind is another one (various text, specifically Cain and Abel). Children born out of wedlock is another (Common... the love child?).

    Then take a look at blasphemy and which a lot of your supporters have in their hearts. Murderous minds, hearts, and hands...just look at yourselves before you try to pick out any sin in anybody in order to stone them(speaking badly about and physically assaulting)!!!!!

    And let's not forget the Ten Commandments inwhich the greatest two you all constantly keep breaking with hatred.

    Religion and spirituality isn't supposed to be generated in hatred people; I guess
    that is why the world is tearing away at the seams because of closed-circuit minded Christians who think they hone (have all the rights to) all of God's perspectives and thoughts.

    The Gospel of Jesus Christ saved me and none of ya'll so called Christians can't make me doubt Him. It wasn't Moses, nor Abraham, it wasn't David nor was it Peter or was Jesus.

    I am led and governed by the Holy Ghost...not by the laws and opinions of men because men can lie (Common you have shown me that one). The Holy Ghost cannot lie.

    The Holy Trinity is not common...Common.

  47. Anonymous 7:12,

    In your long and arduos post you still didn't answer the question. If anything you created more. For yourself that is, I already know. You sound like a jackleg preacher, that knows just enough to mislead the gullible listener. At least you only tell, part of the story. I'm not a Sheepherder, I'm a Sheepdog. I know the word at least as well as you, if not better. Don't dare try and use the bible, to condone something that is wrong. Nothing you say is twisted here. It's exactly what you wrote. I'm just like Alonzo Mourning was last night. I slap that weak stuff outta here. Like I'm about to do this.

    The Pentateuch are the first five books of the bible, written by Moses. The law for the Jews, as given to Moses. This is what it says about man laying with man.You won't find the word homosexuality. These verses are self explanatory.

    Leviticus 18:22
    Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

    Leviticus 20:13
    If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

    Let's deal with those two verses. I think it's very clear, what the law is saying here. Homosexuality isn't the only thing considered an abomination. But it is the only thing singled out though. Let's get a better understanding of the word abomination. Abomination is whatever you vow to do continuously, against the will of God. Nobody is confessing to their lies or murders. Unless they get caught. They still try to tell a lie then. When is the last time that someone told you about a robbery, where they took part. They deny their pictures taken with a camera. It simply won't happen. They know there actions are wrong, and against the law. They've decided to accept the consequences, of their actions. If they get caught. In most cases they aren't concerned with God. They just don't want to go to jail. They'll deal with the lord when they see him. They'll deal with the judge now. Like you've obviously decided as well. They're dealing with the flesh.

    Don't get caught up, with this Kitchensink Christianity. Trying to bring up everything else. To cover up our own. The long part about the people of Israel, is irrelevant. The gospel of Jesus, isn't race specific. If you hadn't eaten lately, you'd be hungry now. Love requires discipline and obedience, on our part. Just admitting you're screwed up, is not enough. Your defense is trying to point out, all the wrong of others. They still have the ups on you. Do you hear anyone else using homosexuality, to justify their shortcomings. God is not only graceful, he is one of laws. If you love other men so much, you're willing to die for them. That's your own choice. God has nothing to do with that. You have freewill.

    I love you enough to tell you the truth. That's what Jesus was about. Not telling a sick world what they wanted to hear. If he wanted to be popular, he could have told you homosexuality was alright. That's what would make you happy now. You keep trying to discredit what I'm saying, by bringing up my son. A low life like you, can't correct a real man like myself. For lack of a better term, that's the way the cookie crumbles. Other than to evangelize, I have no use for you. That's why I'm Common, and you're Anonymous. I am in good company though, what about you. Abraham, Solomon, and most of the kings, had the same weakness I did. Not condoning what I did, but not apologizing either. It's natural and ordained by God. For a man to desire a woman,and vise versa.That's not the issue here anyway. You wanting to marry another man is though. You need to stick to the subject. What great man in the bible, had a weakness for other men? Nothing good has ever resulted from one man laying with another man.

    I think this is the scripture on which you're basing your argument.

    Passage Proverbs 6:16-19:

    16These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:

    17A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,

    18An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,

    19A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.

    All of these things indicate a lifestyle. If you prescribe to any of these things above, you're in the same boat. Nobody I've heard is proclaiming any of those things. Homosexuals are though. They're having rallies and parades. I never heard of a Lying, Murders, Pride parade. Maybe I missed the newsflash.I won't leave out what Jesus said. That's the final say, until the end. That seals the deal. Thank God for Jesus.

    Romans 8:3
    For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh:
    These are his words exactly:

    17Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.

    18For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

    19Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

    The Holy Trinity is not common, especially in the area of understanding. That's nothing new though, just add it to the list. You are lead by your own confusion, and lust. You are lead by a spirit, but it's not holy. I pray that God delivers you.
