
Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Six Hundred (6) Threescore (6) And Six (6)

I wrote this article several months ago, and posted it on my Touchy blog. It was March 16 2006,to be exact. This is the only time in my life. This will be the date, 6/6/6. I know I'm not the first to discover this, though no one has discussed it around me. There has been plenty of opportunities, and today is one. I once had a auto license plate, that had those numbers. It created a whole lot of discussion. First of all, it was a very eyecatching car. It was really sharp. In those days sharp cars, weren't so commonplace. Now that I look back, it never got a positive response though. Whether it was for lack of understanding, or sinister reasons. It never rendered a positive response. It never evoked the proper interpretation. This is a prime opportunity to expound on how the powerful word of God, can be manipulated and twisted. The three sixes are totally taken out of context, by the average individual. Since the Three 6 Mafia won the Oscar, the symbol has gained an added notoriety. Once again I think we're missing a valuable opportunity here.

In every rumor there is at least a grain of truth. Since we cannot call this scripture, it must be a rumor. I can see where the grain came from. People base these assumptions, on revelations given by the bible. This particular revelation is one of John, while on the island of Patmos. It doesn't say anything about it being the mark of the beast. As many proclaim vehemently. The number six itself, is the symbol of man. The verse in question, for one to understand. You must have an overall knowledge of the word of God. Some things are revealed to us in the beginning. Some things in the middle, some in the end. I think the three sixes are significant to illustrate the intercession of God, on man's behalf. This is the scripture the fable came from:

Revelation 13:18
Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

On the sixth day man was created, to have dominion over the earth. In the midst of paradise, and even after a total flood. Man still wouldn't do right. We had to have a man come among men, in the form of Jesus Christ. To save us from our sins. In other words ourselves. When you look around at today's society. We're quickly approaching the point of intercession again. As man replaces the wisdom of God with his own. The creator of all has to intervene. The group "Three Six Mafia", is no more satanic than the "Blackeyed Peas". They both promote something contrary to what is good. What is devilish is that we accept one, and speak out against the other. They both represent the same thing, in different ways. What we should do is put on the whole armour of God, to protect us from the enemy. Which will be needed in the end of times.


  1. I have always associated the number 666 representing evil . Your post put it in a different and better perspective and worthy to seek the truth about 666.

  2. Blinders-Off,

    I had too, before I read the bible for myself. I always just listened to what other people said. The average understanding, is about as deep as the movie "Omen".

  3. Anonymous10:16 PM

    I always thought it was the mark of the devil. I don't know about the devil. But I know it's evil. The bible was written by the white men in England.

  4. Blinders-Off,

    Read the blog about Cord Blood, and go to the link. I think you'll find it interesting.

  5. Anonymous 10:16,

    The bible is the word of God. The bible wasn't written by a white man. What you mean is, it was translated by Whites. What language do you speak? I don't know how you talk, but at least you write in english. 666 is not the mark of the devil.

  6. Anonymous12:48 AM

    Thanks for straightening that out.
