Friday, July 28, 2006

Be Careful What You Ask For

The Charter Commission has blown up, in the Black community's face. What started out as a protest against Mayor Herenton, has snowballed out of control. Now they're filing lawsuits, to try and limit the damage. If you ask me, it's too little too late. That's the thing about starting a brushfire. You can't control the wind. This whole thing was a bad idea, from the start. I have consistently said that. I have been against the Charter Commission from the very beginning. I expected something like this to happen. It's too late to change it though. There will be one, whether we want it or not. The uninformed citizens voted for the change.

The first flag should have been, the organizer John Lunt. He is not even a Memphis resident. He lives in the city of Germantown. He used those with sour grapes and political aspirations, to sale his idea to Memphis people. They were able to gather thirty thousand protest signatures. I bet you probably half of those people, don't even know what the charter is about. I spoke with one of the candidates in the race. He told me, the Commercial Appeal reporter assigned to the story. Said of those she interviewed, he was the only one even knowledgeable. About what the Charter was really about. With forty-three people running. That's not a very good sign.

I don't think this was planned. It just worked out that way. The Mayor's recall petition was a bust, but it gathered enough signatures for this. I would imagine if you cross-referenced the signatures. There would be an undeniable ratio. While we were focused on the recall. Which none of us expected to really happen. This slipped in the back door. I know they didn't expect the overwhelming early voter turnout. We have had so far. Giving voters the opportunity, to vote for positions all over the city. I think the members will be decided, in the early voting. I don't expect an offset on August 3rd, that's just one day.The Rainbow Coalition has filed a lawsuit trying to change the ballot. They now want it to be a district by district vote. They have a valid argument, only to late. Now this thing isn't turning out the way some people planned. They want to change the rules. You have to be careful what you ask for, you just might get your wish.


Blogger Common said...

Hello Anti-T,

Good to hear from you. I was thinking about you. I don't even have to ask about your vacation. I know you had a good time.

8:45 AM  
Blogger Common said...

This is what I said in the beginning. Eight months ago to be exact.

9:44 AM  
Blogger Common said...


I won't say who I supported, until after the election. Largely because, I don't think this race will be won by the best candidate. The 9th congressional district is too racially divided,as well as being party loyalist. To conduct a fair election. I will say this though. I won't vote for anyone who promises to stand up to President Bush. That's just fluff, political talking points. I don't support legalized gambling, and same sex marriage. Since there are so many people running. I developed that as sort of a litmus test. If they failed this, I didn't vote for them.

6:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree they might not have expected this. I think some of them meant well.

8:49 PM  
Blogger Common said...

These are the current picks.

In the lead with 231 of 235 precincts reporting, were Willie Brooks in Pos. 1, Sylvia Cox in Pos. 2, Marsha R. Campbell in Pos. 3, Janis Fullilove in Pos. 4, George Brown, Jr. in Pos. 5, Sharon Webb in Pos. 6 and Myron Lowery in Pos. 7.

8:32 PM  
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9:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

كيفية تداول برنت نفط

3:38 PM  

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