
Monday, July 31, 2006

Where Is Mr. Tinker ?

I know some are going to say this doesn't matter. I guess depending on your reason for asking, maybe it doesn't. In my opinion, I think your personal life influences your political decisions. I don't think you can separate the two. I know I'm not the first one who has wondered about this. I find it interesting that, this was never mentioned. Could it be because some of the other candidates, share this somewhat odd distinction as well. She has obviously paid attention, to the fund raising techniques of the former Congressman. She has raised over 1/2 million dollars. She was campaign manager for Harold Ford Jr., in his last election. She has collected more that both her closest competitors put together. She has raised as of July 14th $527,916. It has been said the winner of this race. Will boil down to whoever campaigns the most agressively this week. She is hard at it, I got a call from one of her workers today.


  1. Anonymous10:25 AM

    I think you are making reference to her sexuality.That has nothing to do with her job.She's not the only one.

  2. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Anon 10:25 is right you are making reference to her sexuality. No you did not come out and say it but it do not take a rocket scientist to put two and two together. The King of the Blog (Common) question was "Where is Mr. Tinker" not about her sexual preference. You say on an earlier post on this blog about Oprah and Gayle that it don't matter if they are cat-lickers but you wonder if Nikki is a cat-licker. Bishop please do not be a hyprocrite as one has called you out on this blog before.

  3. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Bishop I didn't mean to put words in your mouth.That's what you were talking about just admit it.

  4. Anonymous10:45 AM

    I saw her campaign spot on TV last night.

    I about fell off my chair !! I actually thought it was a Saturday Night Live spoof !!

    "Waiting on the porch for the check" !!

    Unbelievable !!!

    BTW, once again, where were the Momma and Daddy ? Why was Darling Nikki the one waitin' on the porch ??

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