
Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Why Are We Surprised ?

"Mo'nique" famed comedienne has had a run in with United Airlines. A dispute with an attendant arose this past Saturday. After one of her entourage refused to follow direct orders, pertaining to a hairdryer. Obviously there were rules were being broken. She was removed from the plane. I can imagine she has surrounded herself, with people just like her. Loud and obnoxious, talking instead of listening. That would explain the clash of personalities. It's needless to say, she's outspoken to say the least. She has proclaimed that an apology, from the airlines won't be enough. The way this thing is unfolding so far. She might not even get that. I hope this doesn't happen, but I'm not ruling it out. She just might discover, that she's not as liked, as she thought. Her being a "Big Girl" as she calls herself. There are people waiting for her to slip. They don't like her anyway. As evidenced by some of the comments I've heard. This might be what they've been waiting for.

I'm disappointed that again Blacks are being put in the spotlight, for something so foolish. This reminds me of the Cynthia McKinney fiasco. Which turns out that she, is the one who should have been arrested. Mo'nique is barking up the wrong tree this time. Black women everywhere need to undestand. Your hair is only a big deal to you. Logical thinking people, are more concerned with what's underneath. She won't get the communities backing, when it comes to this. She has already tried to make this a racial issue. By claiming she has a voice in the community. And asking Blacks not to use United. Her voice is one in comedy, not social issues. I hope someone in her camp has the influence on her. To advise her to leave this one alone. Since the 9/11 tradgedy, airport security has carte blanche. I'm not surprised that something like this would happen. Considering the source. Look at her stage act. She was the same Mo'nique last week, that she is today. We'll see how this turns out.