Friday, August 18, 2006

Are They Opening A Can Of Worms?

Four of the losers in the August 3rd election have filed a lawsuit challenging the election results. Sondra Becton (Probate Court Clerk), Otis Jackson (City Court Clerk), Vernon Johnson (Criminal Court Clerk) and Shep Wilbun (Juvenile Court Clerk). Have received an injunction, holding up the campaign results until a further ruling. If the truth is known. There is likely to be more voter fraud at the Democratic precints. Than it's Republican counterparts. Like I said earlier. The races would be decided in the early voting. They were the first results to be reported. The incumbents were soundly ahead at that point. Then the inner city precincts reported. That provided a temporary groundswell for the challengers. Obviously the loosers bought it, at least one of them did. Shep Wilbun had already gave his acceptance speech.

This is really getting to be ridiculous. Everytime somebody looses, are they going to challenge the results? I think the election commission did all they could to provide a fair election. How can only these four races be in question? What about the other seventy-four? These supposed illegal voters cast votes in those races too. Lately the county is spending an awful lot of time and money. Investigating alleged voter fraud. If this accusation is true. The last investigation didn't change anything, it was all for nothing. It has gotten presumably worse. We have gone from 13 votes in question, to over 200. That's not the way it's supposed to turn out. It's supposed to have the opposite effect. I wonder if there would be so much contesting of results if the plaintiffs had to foot the bill, if they loss the case? I bet we would reduce this this trend by 75 percent. If not all together. When this is all said and done. This will be a can of worms that shouldn't have been opened.


Blogger Common said...

I haven't heard anything about Sondra Becton's outcome last Friday.

10:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Election commissioners hear about machine woes

At last week's special meeting of the Shelby County Election Commission, Memphis city attorney Elbert Jefferson referred to commission member Shep Wilbun several times over the course of a 20-minute presentation that focused on what he said were irregularities reported by voters using the Diebold touchscreen machines in early voting.

Following the 2006 Shelby County elections, Wilbun and three other candidates for clerks filed a lawsuit that was dismissed when Special Judge Donald P. Harris ruled that allegations of illegal voting and other irregularities were not proven. Wilbun, a former member of the City Council and County Commission, was later appointed by the state to the County Election Commission.

"One of the benefits I hope I see on this commission is that (Wilbun) is on the board and that he doesn't forget about those persons that may similarly be in his position today," Jefferson said.

When Jefferson yielded the floor -- 17minutes later -- Wilbun did not exactly embrace Jefferson's "unbiased" position. In political terms, it sounded very much like a rebuke.

"At that time," he said, "that information was made public and, Mr. Jefferson, I certainly would have appreciated and would have wanted those who were aware that upcoming elections were happening could join me in trying to move that effort forward to get more data and research on that circumstance.

"However, at the time it appeared to be a singular issue and those of us raising that issue were not able to get the support of those others that might have benefited in the future."

Wilbun acknowledged that there could be problems with the machines, but defended the integrity of the process and the steps the commission has been taking.

4:20 PM  
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11:05 AM  

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