
Tuesday, August 01, 2006

He Came, He Spoke, Now What ?

I was just able to see the President's speech to the NAACP, in it's entirety. I didn't want to make a comment, before I seen it for myself. Strangely this long standing complaint, by the Black community. Hasn't received much media attention. With all the finger pointing finally over. You would expect at least a decent news story to put the matter to rest. The usual trouble starters, have been awfully quiet about this. I haven't heard one single speech so far. I guess they're busy frying bigger fish. Like the hairdryer incident, with Mo'nique and Northwest Airlines. Today I've seen a unimpressive local campaign, from the NAACP and some local Black Lawyers. Announcing this Thursday, they will be at the voting polls. Making the claim "to have the voters back". Having the voters back for what? No one's voting rights have been violated in Memphis. Everytime I hear Ms. Johnnie Turner, the local NAACP chapter President. I can't help but wince. She may mean well, but that's not enough. I can't believe the members sit by, and let these things happen. She is not equipped to represent the organization under fire. She always ends up sounding befuddled. That would prove to be a momentous task, for even a skilled debater. Which Ms. Turner definitely isn't.

As for the President's speech. That's exactly what it was. I think it was simply a prepared speech. For a predisposed, unreceptive audience. Most people went with their opinions already formed. What he said that rang true in my spirit. "It's easier to change a law, than it is to change a person's heart". I think that says an awful lot. As a Christian first and foremost. God has provided me, with knowledge of things to come. Many things we struggle with. There is nothing Man can do to alter. They have already been prophesied. Our continuous rebellion, only puts us farther behind. If a person doesn't believe that. I guess that's why they have such distaste for this administration.

Click on the link below to view the speech :


  1. I have to agree with Bishop on this one...with one exception the NAACP is not what it use to be, the organization need to re-build their credibility.

  2. Anonymous12:39 PM

    I think the new leader of the NAACP is a sellout. Just another one of the President's men.I don't trust him. Notice Bush didn't come while we had Mfume.

  3. Bishop,

    I'm just glad first of all that you responded to this blog. I know I'm opinionated, but I love to get to the bottom of things. I don't get that from his speech at all. He didn't say anything we didn't already know. Just because he told us what to do, does that mean we're going to comply?

    Bush is not the White man's President. He is the thinking man's President. Blacks need to be driven by principals and not our emotions. Like many of us are now.

  4. Blinders Off,

    You are right about that. The organization has changed tremendously. The problem is they haven't kept up with the times. The election of new President Bruce Gordon, seems to be a step in the right direction.

  5. Anonymous 12:39,

    He is not a sell-out. He just doesn't buy into that victim mentality.That's a good sign.
