
Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Sunday School Gets Media Shot

As a Sunday School teacher myself, I have a particular interest in this story. It amazes me to no end. How people that have probably never even been, to a Sunday School class. Probably don't even go to church at all. Are weighing in, on this issue. Some people take any opportunity they can, to speak out against the church. This teacher who had been a member of this church, for sixty years and taught for fifty-four. Is probably throwing her weight around. With other older members like herself. Some of them were presiding members, before the pastor was even born. I would like to issue a challenge to everyone that had something to say, about this issue. Attend the class at your church this Sunday, see if you feel the same way. Some Sunday Schools are due for a major overhaul. Maybe that was the case here. This is not an issue of gender as it has been portrayed. From an outsiders point of view. I must assume it's about decency and order. Based on the information provided so far. That's the only logical conclusion. Read the story below to get a