
Tuesday, September 12, 2006

No Jewels At Pearly Gates

A meeting was held this past Saturday to rally support for Independent candidate Jake Ford. I don't think it was very successful. If it was, those who attended aren't telling anyone. Just like the "Millions More Movement" meeting held last week. Getting someone to give you an update, of what was said. Is like pulling wisdom teeth. The same people seem to support both causes. That's why I mentioned the latter. I must admit I was shocked, there wasn't more people interested in this. Could it be they aren't concerned about issues? Some people will or won't vote for him regardless. From what I've been told, only about 25 people showed. A candidate received the Democratic nomination, on the Ford name alone. In all honesty though. I think it has more to do with the organizers, than the candidate himself. In the future Mr. Ford may find some people hurt you more, than they help. You may gain 100 votes, but lose 1000.


  1. Anonymous7:25 PM

    The organizers of the rally. At least those we know about.Are not very influential, in the black community. The only person taking credit thus far. Are activist Jennings Bernard and pastor Ernest Gillespie. The ministers main involvenent being, him providing the meeting place. He'll put his stamp of acceptance on anything. He's trying to keep the building. We already know Mr. Bernard is a uninformrd racist. I think he means well, just midirected. I think he is doing his best singlehandedly. To keep the local civil rughts movement alive. It's not working though. He doesn't have the charisma.

  2. Anonymous 7:35,

    I agree with everything you said. I finally heard somone talk about the meeting today. They said there was a small turnout. From what I heard less than twenty-five. I heard they're going to try and do it again. At another fish plate selling church, Central Baptist. They're just trying to kiss up to the Fords. Norman Redwing is one of the associate ministers. I don't trust him.
