
Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Should They Really

If you have to coerce them to take advantage of the priviledge. Do you really need them casting votes? I don't think they should. If they don't know what they're voting for. All in all, if you ask my opinion. I think we would be better off without them. I like the campaign being staged by the people of Arkansas. They are asking that you don't vote. If you don't know what you're voting for. I think that's a message that should ring true everywhere. Unfortunately it doesn't work that way. Everyone that's a legal citizen over eighteen years of age, that's not a convicted felon. After registration has the right to legally vote. That's where the problem lies. In the illegal votes being cast. If you ask me, there's a whole party. Depending on just that. There has been a suggestion floating around. To institute picture voter identifications. Community Activist "Al Sharpton", states Blacks don't have time to apply. He claims it would farther disenfranchise them. What exactly are they doing? The people they're after are very impressionable. Anyone who pays $30 for a $5 t-shirt. To tell them to do something, they should already be doing. I would say is gullible. People that have this mindset, are the target of these campaigns. I know they have the right to vote, but should they really?


  1. I am glad you went there with this post. I happen to agree with you.

    The blacks Al Sharpton is referring to are the blacks who are not concerned, do not give a damn and do not realize the power of their vote. It piss me off (sorry for the language, but its how I feel) every time I think about how difficult the struggle was for us to have this privilege.

  2. Anonymous2:13 PM

    No they shouldn't, but they can.

  3. Anonymous7:26 PM

    I think we need to awake the sleeping giant. Look at the present state of politics. It's evident we need some new blood.

  4. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Diddy for President.
