
Saturday, October 07, 2006

Corker Came Out Ahead

Tonight we witnessed the long awaited debate between the two Senatorial candidates. This has turned out to be one of the most hotly contested races countrywide. Gaining media attention all over the United States. With the Democrats hoping for the majority in the house. Every seat could be just the one needed. In this race a lot is at stake. The direction of the debates depends on what happens tonight. Up until this point Harold Ford Jr. has tried to claim. Mr. Corker is playing dirty politics. After listening to the debate tonight. It appears to be Mr. Ford throwing all the rocks. I think what this debate showed is personal attacks and insults won't suffice. Both candidates have to focus on what they're about. The voters won't be impressed with the gunslinger act. It's not about how much dirt you can uncover on your opponent. It's about how you've cleaned up behind yourself. All things considered I think Bob Corker won.


  1. Anonymous12:33 AM

    I'll give you 4 reasons why I will support HFJ, and why YOU too should support HFJ. I cannot support Jake Ford in his bid for Congress! I recommend that Jake start at a much lower position in public service, then if he chooses to, work himself up! As for HFJ, here are 4 compelling reasons to vote for him:

    1. He'll work hard for the middle class, and he'll support middle-class legislation like A MINIMUM WAGE INCREASE, MORE MONIES FOR EDUCATION & NO MORE TAX BREAKS FOR THE RICH!

    2. He'll work hard to bring our troops home! He'll support the democratic position of a phased withdrawal! Sen. Levin eloquently delineated the democratic position on Iraq today! HFJ would support this idea!

    3. He'll work hard to address healthcare or lack thereof for most Americans!

    4. By electing HFJ to the US Senate, that would enhance the Democrats' leverage! This leverage will allow the Dems the control they need to help put this country back on the right track, w/o having to make sinister compromises w/republicans!

    5. HFJ would be an excellent role model for young Black Males & White Males in Tn! Thad, whether or not you want to admit it, I bet HFJ has inspired you! You seem to have a love/hate thing for him! Trust me, his position in life is enviable, but remember, ENVY is a deadly sin! He's not perfect, neither is his opponent, and he doesn't always vote the way I would like for him too. But, he's the better candidate in this senatorial race, and his track record as a dem. is compatible to dems like Hillary Clinton & Barack Obama! So, Thad, take off the boxing gloves and support HFJ!You won't regret it! Also, help keep him honest and apprised of the needs of the 9th district! UNITED WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL!

  2. That's what he says he'll do, but what has he already done? He voted for the Bush tax cuts, he voted for the Paris Hilton tax cut, he voted to send the troops to war in the first place, he voted to make it harder on working stiffs to get out from under debt.

    No one forced him to run for Senate. He had the safest of safe seats in the 9th District and he should have been doing all of those things already. If he really wanted to make a difference, he should have stayed in Memphis, which is nominally his home, and fought for what matters most to our lives.

    Divided we fall, indeed. Junior has allowed his father's greed to divide the Democratic Party by running an unqualified candidate who just happens to be his little brother. It should be clear why the lobbyist, Harold Sr., wants both his sons in both Houses of Congress. If he does so, he instantly becomes one of the most powerful lobbyists in Washington. Junior could have put a stop to that any time he wanted.

    As a black man running to represent whites, he should be campaigning alongside the white man who is running to represent blacks. Ford and Cohen would make a dynamic duo if they were campaigning together, and could have united the entire state under the banner of racial equality.

    I wish we could have seen that campaign. Being a part of something like that would have been worth putting aside my misgivings about Ford and his family loyalties.

  3. I think they both appealed to their respective audiences. All things considered. I think that played into the hands, of Bob Corker. Tenessee is already a Republican state. Harold Jr. is the one with the uphill battle. He has to convince Republicans to vote for a Democrat. Not the other way around.

    The biggest blow to me was when. Norm Brewer, one of the people asking the questions. Pointed out that Harold Ford Jr.'s voting record. Sided with President George Bush, on every major issue. I have often said "Jr. is a closet Republican". He could never admit his preference, to the voters. It would amount to political suicide. Last night I thought he was going to call himself an Independent.

    Let's not forget this debate took place, in Harold's backyard. That should provide some advantage. In this case it didn't. Bob Corker came off looking like a smooth operator. Harold Ford Jr., ended up looking like a hothead.

  4. Autoegocrat,

    I agree with most of what you said.

  5. I was listening to a local radio broadcast. Andrew,took the words right out of my mouth. The alleged illegal hiring by Bob Corker. It happened back in 1988. Almost twenty years ago. Public opinion has changed considerably since then. Let's be for real.

  6. Common,

    You hit this on the hit, Corker in my opinion won the debate.

    Harold Ford knock out punch was when he said, “A vote for Corker is a rubber stamp for Bush". Then right after that Norm Brewer delivered the knock out punch…reminding Harold Ford he rubber-stamped 15 times for Bush.

    He also did not hide his anger well, his veins where showing each time he said, “Because I have Joy in my heart.”

    I was not impressed with either candidate. I understand where Charles is coming from, but many voters are not going to be able to do that. As Autoegate said in his comment, a Ford and Cohen united Democratic ticket would have been in Ford’s favor. Too bad his brother entered the race to spoil it for him.

  7. Blinders Off,

    We agree on this. Harold Jr. tried to make it about smear tactics. He was the only one bringing it up. Bob Corker stuck with the facts. Harold needs to make up his mind. Whether he wants to be a politician or a preacher.

  8. Bishop,

    You keep talking about these mysterious Republicans. That you always consult with. Who are they anyway? I don't doubt what you're saying. I've met some of those jellyfish too. I'd love an opportunity to talk with them myself. If they always agree with you. They're RINO's at best. The only people you've probably talked to, are Harold Ford fans.

  9. Bishop,

    The only thing Harold Jr. talked about was the war in Iraq. Which by the way he voted for. You want me to give you examples, okay I will.

    1. Corker is a multi-millionaire from a business he started. He has met a payroll, and provided jobs.Can you blame him for that?

    2.Violent crime was reduced in Chatanooga by 30-50%, depending on where you get your numbers. I would accept either one. What has Mr. Ford done about the crime in district 9?

    3.Property taxes in Chatanooga, are the lowest of anywhere in Tennessee. They have all the public services we have. As a property owner, I'm definitely interested in that. Mr. Ford is proposing to give all babies $500. That's another form of welfare.

    4. On all the moral issues the two candidates agreed. At least Harold said he did. Bob Corker didn't have to say anything. He had the cover of his party. I noticed when Jake introduced the idea of an Independent Democrat, everybody started screaming. Nobody said anything about that. When Harold did the same thing. Just the night before. Nobody said a thing.

    5.I noticed a lot of Harold Ford's arguments. Revolved around his disagreement with George Bush. And the war in Iraq. That might work in Memphis, but not the rest of the state. I disagree with his position on the war. So it just goes on from there.

    I just listed five examples. Since the other person did. I could go on and on, but we'll start there.

  10. Bishop,

    I have handled you with kid gloves long enough. Everytime we have a difference of opinion. You keep bringing up the fact. That I'm trying to insult you. If that was my intent. Believe me you would know. If you consider those insults, I'm just sorry. You want someone to look the other way, or don't say anything. If they disagree with you. This is not the place. Here you get called out. I have never belittled your opinion. Just because you don't agree. As a matter of fact, I love the challenge. I welcome the oppurtunity to debate. It allows me a chance to prove you wrong. If I happen to be right. If you don't agree. The floor is open.

    I didn't quote you. I simply made a statement. I called those people mysterious. I didn't say you did. Since it doesn't matter what I think. I don't believe they exist. If they do, and they think like you say. I say they are weak.

    Don't compare me to Thaddeus. That assumption is without grounds. He doesn't hold a candle. Now, that I consider an insult. The only thing we have in common. Is we both have a blog. I hope you just said that. Because you couldn't think of anything else to say. If the truth makes you a Republican. I'll just wear that brand.

  11. Anonymous6:32 PM

    Bishop it would go a long way toward making your case.If you just answered a question.Common gave you five to pick from.You didn't answer either one.You did just like Harold Ford.LOL

  12. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Bishop if you would like to put a name on this whupping,call me referee.I noticed when you don't have an answer.You try to change the subject.Don't feel bad.Just get up and dust yourself off.As someone who reads this website regularly.Most of us already know what's up with you.You're a crybaby.
