The 2
nd debate took place in Chattanooga TN. tonight. As I stated after the last debate. Home field advantage plays a pivotal roll. Your own backyard should be where you shine most. You at least need to have the backing of the hometown crowd. They make the best cheerleaders in the world. In all honesty though, that hasn't been the case for Mr. Ford. He really didn't have a lot to hold up as past accomplishments. His whole political career is that of a congressman. In a job he really didn't earn to begin with. It was passed down to him by his father. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing. It only highlighted the reverberation of what many voters are already saying. He really doesn't have a resume. Compared to his opponent. The family issue didn't help matters either. That's extra baggage Mr. Ford doesn't need. If there was anything positive about his performance.it was the fact that he was taller and came across as being very personable. That may work with the young women voters. But it won't have the impact expected. To the contrary Mr. Corker seemed to be like a fish in water in his hometown of Chattanooga. Where in 2001-2005, he served as Mayor. One little thing I noticed that may or may not make a difference. Mr. Corker kept placing his right hand in his pocket. I consider that a sign of confidence. He seemed prepared and relaxed. The residents seemed at ease with him. With only one debate left. In my opinion the margin is growing wider.
Look at
WREG 3 news coverage of the event.
I saw it on C-span
I saw the debate on C-span also. I know I'm going to be called bias, but I think Bob Corker won. Harold keeps trying to make it about dirty politics. What becomes evident is that the charges are true. He would do better, to leave his family out of it.
Corker is doing just as much campaigning here as Harold Ford.
I see just as many Bob Corker signs.
Harold Ford doesn't have the influence you might think. Some people consider him, the new Barak O'bama. I think that's wishful thinking. Unfortunately there's only one available spot. On a list of 435 housemembers. He ranks #383. Paste this in your browser for the full rankings:
Harold on the Issues
Education: Challenge Tennesee Kids to Be the Best
We need to reform our education system so every child in Tennessee and America has access to the best education in the world.
Affordable Health Care Coverage for All
The problem for many is clear: as rising healthcare costs have outpaced wages, too many Tennesseans cannot afford to keep their families healthy.
Technology is Our Bridge to the Future
The federal government must take steps to foster growth, spur technological innovation, and create high paying jobs here at home.
Securing America's Energy Future
We need to go back to the kind of big ideas and bold thinking that made this country great. We need to create this generation’s moon shot by becoming energy self-sufficient by 2025.
Balancing the Budget
When money runs tight for families in Hamilton, Rutherford and Dyer counties, they make the hard choices necessary to live within their means. People have the right to expect the same of their government.
Making America Competitive Again
From pen and pencil makers in Shelbyville to aluminum makers in Alcoa to package deliverers in Memphis to coffee shop owners in Nashville, health care and energy prices impose downward pressures on their bottom lines.
Protecting Workers' Pensions
The time is now for Congress to strengthen the nation’s pension system.
Standing By Your Pork
The message that challenging times demand smarter choices is not getting through in Washington. Instead of refocusing our priorities on supporting the military and investing in a more competitive economy, Congress is setting records for “pork-barrel” spending.
My Faith as My Guide
We can all do better if we are willing to work together. We must confront the future not with fear or demagoguery, but with courage and unity. Our faith in our God–and in each other–requires nothing less.
Bob on the Issues
Bringing Down the Cost of Healthcare
The rising cost of health care is affecting every Tennessee family. We must keep the federal bureaucracy out of doctors’ offices by making sure patients have control over their health care dollars and decisions. As Tennessee’s next U.S. Senator, I will work to make health care more accessible and more affordable by supporting:
Expansion of the use and capabilities of health information technology to improve quality, promote better efficiency and ultimately reduce administrative costs;
Health Savings Accounts, which give consumers control over their health care dollars and empower them to exercise choice in obtaining more affordable care;
Tax policy changes to allow all individuals to deduct health insurance costs whether they get insurance through their employer or the private market;
A legal system that reforms medical malpractice laws so pregnant mothers don’t have to drive 80 miles to
see an OB-GYN.
Small Business Health Plans and state purchasing pools that allow individuals and business owners to capitalize on their buying power in purchasing insurance.
Strengthening our Children’s Education
When I was Mayor of Chattanooga, I quickly learned that better schools mean better jobs. I believe that the best things that happen in education happen on the local level, by parents and teachers who know their kids and what they need to succeed. Every child can learn, and we must insist on measurable progress for all of our students so that they are truly prepared for the challenges of the 21st century. That’s why I support:
Performance bonuses for teachers, like the ones we put in place while I was mayor of Chattanooga, to encourage them to go the extra mile in raising student achievement.
Better coordination between educators, parents and law enforcement to keep our children safe while they are in school by reforming the Safe and Drug Free Schools and Communities Program. Kids can’t learn and teachers can teach when they aren’t safe.
Charter schools and expansion of innovation in education. Charter schools are the ultimate method of providing for local control – they free teachers, principals and parents from bureaucratic red tape and give them the freedom to succeed.
Measuring results and insisting on progress in our schools, though I recognize the need to make adjustments to No Child Left Behind to ensure the law works effectively for schools and children.
Getting the Job Done in Iraq
We need to fix our strategy in Iraq so we can get the job done and bring our troops home. We should have gone in with more troops. Going forward, I want to ensure we listen more closely to our military commanders on the ground and make sure they have all the tools and support they need to succeed. A successful Iraq strategy should:
Establish security first, focusing on hotspots, like Baghdad;
Weaken and disarm private militias (like the Mahdi Army);
Allow Iraqis to draw their own internal borders, not dictate the map from Washington;
Continue training Iraqi forces to boost their numbers and capacity, so that more than just several thousand at a time are capable of fighting at a level similar to that of U.S. forces.
Creating Jobs and Keeping our Competitive Edge
Tennessee businesses and workers are no longer just competing with others from across the country – we are competing in a global marketplace. Factories in Shanghai compete with those in Murfreesboro. Washington needs more Senators who have first-hand experience with the challenges of building a business, creating jobs, and competing in the marketplace. As someone who has spent all but five-and-a-half years of my life in the private sector, I will bring a business perspective to Washington. To keep our economy competitive and create new, high-paying jobs, we need to increase the domestic supply of energy to bring down energy costs and work on innovative improvements in health care and retirement security. I support research and development tax credits, particularly in alternative energy. I want to support sustainable economic growth by making the tax cuts permanent, finding new markets around the world for Tennessee goods and services, and ensuring America’s competitiveness well into the future through research and development of new technologies and educating our young people in the skills they need for the 21st century.
Securing the Border and Stopping Illegal Immigration
We must effectively secure our border as the first step in dealing with illegal immigration. That will require additional border patrols and more surveillance equipment and physical barriers in those places with high traffic. It is essential to our national security to maintain control of our borders. I do not support amnesty. Illegal immigrants must return home before they can be considered for re-entry as legal workers.
Ending our Reliance on Foreign Oil
We need to become independent of foreign oil. That's why I support environmentally responsible production of oil and natural gas in northern Alaska and the outer continental shelf. We also need to increase efficiency, develop more diverse power sources, including clean coal technology and more research for the next generation of nuclear power, and use alternative fuels, like ethanol and biodiesel.
Keeping Taxes Low
As someone who worked as a construction laborer and then started a business with $8000 in savings, I believe in allowing families to keep more of what they earn. That's why I support making the tax cuts that passed Congress in 2001 and 2003 permanent, including permanent repeal of the death tax and permanent repeal of the marriage penalty. If we don’t make these tax cuts permanent, the average Tennessee family will see their federal tax burden double.
Standing Up for Life and Marriage
I am pro-life, and I’ve been endorsed by National Right to Life. As Senator, I would support the confirmation of judges who will interpret laws, not create them, and I will support parental consent requirements, a ban on partial birth abortion, and a ban on taxpayer funding of abortion. I also support a Constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage.
Protecting our Environment
The air quality in Tennessee cities has ranked among the worst in the country, and the Great Smoky Mountains have the worst level of air pollution of any National Park in the country. We have to turn that around. Clean air doesn’t just mean better visibility, it also means improving our health – reducing the incidence of asthma attacks and bronchitis. As Mayor, I helped establish Outdoor Chattanooga, an initiative designed to help Tennesseans and visitors enjoy and learn to respect our region’s spectacular outdoor environment. As Senator, I would support legislation to dramatically reduce Tennessee emissions of the three most dangerous pollutants: sulfur, nitrogen, and mercury. I also support cleaner energy sources. As Mayor, I helped bring entrepreneurs to Chattanooga to work on hydrogen fuel cell technology, and today, a hydrogen fuel cell test project we recruited to the city is producing power for the city’s power grid. Going forward, we need to use new, cleaner technologies, like clean coal gasification, and use tax incentives and federal research grants to encourage the development, production and distribution of alternative fuels and more fuel-efficient vehicles. That’s the way to reduce pollution and clean our air.
Stopping the Runaway Spending in Washington
We need to stop the runaway spending in Washington. I have had a lot of experience with managing budgets – in the private sector, in city government and in state government. When I took over as the Commissioner of Finance and Administration for Tennessee, we faced an immediate budget shortfall of $250 million. We refused to raise any taxes, found ways to cut spending and balanced that budget. When I became Mayor of Chattanooga, I eliminated 250 positions, and my last budget was less than 1% higher than my first. Because of the fiscally conservative principles we put into action, the property tax rate in Chattanooga is the lowest it has been since the 1950s. I’ll take that same approach as Senator; I support :
passing a Constitutional amendment that would require Congress to balance the budget,
giving the president line-item veto authority, so he can cut pork-barrel projects from spending bills, and
establishing a new bipartisan commission to review all government programs, identify which programs are wasteful or duplicative, and sunset those programs we no longer need.
Protecting our Second Amendment Rights
As Senator, I will protect the Second Amendment’s guarantee of our right to bear arms and reject attempts to limit the freedom of law-abiding gun owners. That’s why I’ve been endorsed by the National Rifle Association. The best way to stop crime is to capture and imprison criminals—not to impose new burdens on law-abiding citizens. During my tenure as Mayor of Chattanooga, we cut violent crime in half by putting repeat criminals behind bars.
I'll give you 4 reasons why I will support HFJ, and why YOU too should support HFJ. I cannot support Jake Ford in his bid for Congress! I recommend that Jake start at a much lower position in public service, then if he chooses to, work himself up! As for HFJ, here are 4 compelling reasons to vote for him:
1. He'll work hard for the middle class, and he'll support middle-class legislation like A MINIMUM WAGE INCREASE, MORE MONIES FOR EDUCATION & NO MORE TAX BREAKS FOR THE RICH!
2. He'll work hard to bring our troops home! He'll support the democratic position of a phased withdrawal! Sen. Levin eloquently delineated the democratic position on Iraq today! HFJ would support this idea!
3. He'll work hard to address healthcare or lack thereof for most Americans!
4. By electing HFJ to the US Senate, that would enhance the Democrats' leverage! This leverage will allow the Dems the control they need to help put this country back on the right track, w/o having to make sinister compromises w/republicans!
5. HFJ would be an excellent role model for young Black Males & White Males in Tn! Thad, whether or not you want to admit it, I bet HFJ has inspired you! You seem to have a love/hate thing for him! Trust me, his position in life is enviable, but remember, ENVY is a deadly sin! He's not perfect, neither is his opponent, and he doesn't always vote the way I would like for him too. But, he's the better candidate in this senatorial race, and his track record as a dem. is compatible to dems like Hillary Clinton & Barack Obama! So, Thad, take off the boxing gloves and support HFJ!You won't regret it! Also, help keep him honest and apprised of the needs of the 9th district! UNITED WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL!
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