Economics For The Uninformed
Despite what you see on television, or hear on the radio. These are some of the facts that are seldom, if ever mentioned.
Under the present administration. The deficit has been cut in half, to $8.6 trillion. Three years ahead of time. In spite of us only hearing. About record government spending.
The unemployment rate at 4.6%, is the lowest it's been since 2001. 6.6 million jobs have been created since 2003.
The stock market is performing at record levels. On September 19, the stock market closed over 12000. For the first time in history.
Gasoline prices have fallen .82 over the summer. How soon, people seem to forget. It wasn't very long ago. We were paying over $3 a gallon, for regular unleaded.
Two things I thought I'd mention in regards to the average citizen. It is said our elected officials are a representative, of the voters. Maybe that explains our dilemma.
The average household has a credit card debt of $9000. We have debt, but we have possessions. Like the American people, the American government has adapted the attitude. Get it now, pay for it later.
Its predicted that 26%, of all home loans closed this year. Will be interest only loans. A quarter of the mortgages extended. Will be for houses, the buyers can't even afford. We won't hold our politicians acountable. Citizens aren't good stewards themselves.
What about the WMDs ?
I'm sure glad gas, has went down. It was killing me. All my trips were necessary. I couldn't cut back.
Anonymous 5:19,
What does that have to do with the economy?
The gas prices have started to creep back up again.
A House or Senate controlled by Democrats will try to accomplish what the liberals have been striving for since Al Gore failed to reverse the 2000 presidential election — bring down the Bush administration by blocking everything it proposes and reversing its accomplishments, regardless of the negative and often dangerous consequences:
Withdraw U.S. forces from Iraq and Afghanistan, surrendering to the terrorists.
Abandon the fledgling Iraqi government, permitting an Iranian-backed insurgent to take over.
Launch impeachment charges against President Bush for “lying the United States into war.”
Abandon the Afghanistan government, allowing a Taliban resurgence.
Stop all CIA and National Security Agency monitoring programs used to help prevent terrorist attacks.
Grant citizen civil rights to Guantanamo Bay detainees. This would include providing lawyers for civil criminal trials.
Stop fencing the border, allowing more than a million illegal immigrants per year to enter the nation.
Provide five-year amnesty for illegal immigrants, including up to 66 million family members.
Grant driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants.
Cancel Bush’s tax cuts, increasing average taxes by 15 percent to 20 percent.
Continue the federal estate tax, returning to former confiscatory rates and exclusion.
Increase the federal tax on gasoline 50 or more cents per gallon.
Block appointments of strict constitutionalist judges.
Extend prohibitions on increasing domestic recovery of petroleum.
Approve same-sex marriages.
Continue to refuse to make English the official national language.
Seek United Nations and European Union approval for U.S. foreign policy.
Cede U.S. trade policy to control by the World Trade Organization.
Subvert the Constitution by participating in organizations like the World Court.
Participate in military efforts only as part of United Nations forces.
Add more entitlement programs, like socialized health care.
Increase environmental regulations and restrictions.
Sign the Kyoto Treaty despite widespread signatory noncompliance.
Further empower trial lawyers by removing all limits on awards.
Continue to block picture identification to impede voter fraud.
Continue the idiotic prohibition on racial profiling at airports.
Refuse to simplify the tax system and improve Social Security.
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