
Monday, October 09, 2006

Have Minds Really Changed

I was surprised when a local journalist (Wendi Thomas), touched on this subject. We see it's effects on a daily basis. We just don't talk about certain things. It's taboo and uncomfortable, but it's very real. Even as we speak, in the year 2006. Each and every one of us, can point out an incidence. Where this exact practice is taking place.

I have a different twist, on why things are as they are. My opinion is spiritually based. Even though Blacks won't admit. Our station in life was preordained. Whenever we're on the wrong side of God. We are subject to all the shortcomings of sin. One of them being jealousy. That would be another post in itself. So as not to change the subject. To get my views read: . I think this has very little to do with the effects of slavery. It has more to do, with just the way we are. It's our nature to be jealous of others, for simple things like skin tone.

That reference to the city of Memphis, being exactly the opposite of national trends. Is not necessarily something to brag about. The fact that only dark men are in leadership positions. Is also a result of backward thinking in itself. Often people just don't want to hear. What a person of a different skin tone has to say. Whether they're right or not. If we're guilty of this among ourselves. How can we question others? I don't think we honestly can. Have minds really changed? I don't think they have.

Read the Wendi Thomas article:,2845,MCA_25340_5043105,00.html


  1. After we fully mix the races, colorism will be the new "black." Double entendre not intended.

  2. Anonymous12:18 PM

    That will never happen. The population is already distinctly divided. Even with interracial marriage and dating. The color line isn't close to being erased.
